Start with an Archangel

Chapter 125 Who hit you (Subscribe)

The sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen was as dense as raindrops. The spacing between the knives was smooth and the force was even, showing the master's skill in knife skills.

I'm chopping carrots again. I really treat my brother like a rabbit. After I finish my business today, I must go out for a big meal. Let's start with a big elbow to satisfy my craving.

Daliang walked into the bathroom thinking about today's lunch menu.

Hmm... The smell of women's body fragrance and shampoo is in the air, and the slightly humid air makes people have endless reveries. This girl Shu Xiao must have just taken a shower here after her morning exercise. It's all my fault that I'm addicted to games and can't help myself. Otherwise, if I come out early every day, I might have a chance encounter here.

Hahaha... I earned a beating.

The infinitely lustful Da Liang picked up his toothbrush, squeezed some toothpaste on it and put it into his mouth. After brushing twice, he felt something strange in the bathtub behind him. He turned around and saw that the curtain of the bath had been drawn so that he could not see anything inside, but just from the sound just now, Da Liang was sure that there must be someone inside.

Shu Xiao was cooking. Could it be that a thief came in?

What a courage!

Da Liang opened the curtain and saw a shower head in front of him spraying a stream of water into his eyes. He vaguely saw a woman wrapped vaguely in a bath towel.

who is it?

I was just thinking about it, but I didn't expect that such a good thing would actually happen... Da Liang tried his best to open his eyes, trying to see clearly which beauty he bumped into, but the water rushed into his eyes. He couldn't get away, and then he felt a pink fist hit his face, and then he fell to the ground with his eyes darkened.

In the haziness, he saw a woman looking at him with a bath towel that seemed to fall off at any time.

"Don't be dizzy, don't be dizzy, I haven't seen it clearly yet, I haven't seen it clearly... yet."


After an unknown amount of time, Da Liang woke up from his coma.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

The toothpaste in his mouth made him feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, a water glass was handed to him, and he quickly took it and took a big gulp to spit out the remaining foam in his mouth.

Then Da Liang found himself lying on the sofa, with two girls sitting next to him.

One is Shu Xiao, and the other is Gu Tao. Each has its own charm and beauty.

Daliang looked at Gu Tao and asked, "Why are you here?"

Gu Tao looked coy and said hesitantly: "Today is Sunday. I came here specially to learn self-defense skills from Sister Shu Xiao."

Daliang asked again: "Who hit me just now?"

Shu Xiao said: "No one hit you. It was you who fell down in the bathroom. You must have been playing games for a long time and suddenly fainted due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. Please exercise more in the future. You are so heavy. I and I Tao'er took a lot of effort to lift you out."

Gu Tao also nodded and said, "Yes... you fainted on your own."

It was obviously a collusion...

Da Liang looked at the hair of the two girls, they all had signs of washing; smelled the fragrance, a brand of bath soap; looked at their expressions, neither of them dared to look directly into his serious eyes.

Who is it? I didn't see anything clearly, so I got punched in vain, which was a bit of a loss.

"Probably, maybe, I really fainted on my own."

Since he couldn't guess who it was, Daliang could only admit that he was unlucky and simply admitted that he had fainted, which would save the two girls from embarrassment.

Sure enough, Gu Tao and Shu Xiao breathed out at the same time.

Shu Xiao said: "Eat, eat. After eating, I will make an exercise plan for the two of you to ensure that each Tao'er can hit ten, and the master will no longer be dizzy, his eyesight will not be dazzled, and his legs and feet will be nimble."

Daliang first took an egg and ate it, and said: "I won't be exercising today. I want to go back to school to sign a contract with Xu Man..."

"What contract?" the two women asked at the same time.

"The college alliance is planning to create a professional team of thugs. From now on, we will beat anyone we don't like. I am your senior brother, master and ancestor. I am the double bonus of the college league. Of course, I must be the captain of the thug team. After signing this time After signing the contract, I will officially take office. If any of you are bullied in the game from now on, just attack me and I will lead my troops to kill immediately."

When he heard about the fight, Shu Xiao quickly said: "Count me in, I also want to join the thug team."


Gu Tao also said: "Can I join?"

"It's all okay... By the way, junior sister, the gryphon promised to you has never been fulfilled. I'm really sorry. This time I got a group of very good soldiers and gave you one as a mount. I guarantee it will match your temperament. , blinded the eyes of a bunch of dogs."

Gu Tao asked hurriedly: "What kind of mount is it?"

Daliang said mysteriously: "It will be kept secret for now. Shu Xiao, please don't talk nonsense, otherwise your mount will say goodbye to you."

Shu Xiao, who looked at Gu Taoshi there, immediately promised: "Master, I won't say anything."

After a simple breakfast, Daliang was going to sign a contract. As a full-time bodyguard, Shu Xiao would definitely follow him. Gu Tao had no interest in being here, so he went back to school with him.

Before leaving the house, Shu Xiao handed Daliang a pair of sunglasses.

Daliang refused: "Wearing sunglasses? Does it make me look too high-profile?"

Shu Xiao suppressed a smile and said, "I think Master should bring it with him."

Gu Tao also suppressed a smile: "Better bring it with you."

"Just put it on! You two laugh so weirdly."

Yesterday, Daliang's battle with Lieyan Kuangteng really boosted the prestige of Xu Man's team in the college league. Lieyan Kuangteng's subordinates were suppressed and could not lift their heads. Even Lieyan Kuangteng himself was not online all night. Xu Man and her supporters marched on high, pushing the alliance to pass a series of rules and regulations when no one objected.

The first and most important thing is that the university alliance no longer restricts members to be college students. As long as the current graduates do not voluntarily leave the alliance, they will still be a member of the alliance and enjoy all rights and obligations.

After this decision was passed, Xu Man, a group of college students who were about to graduate, were able to stay in the university alliance, and her status was once again consolidated.

Another important news is that the headquarters of the University Alliance has begun to select a location. The alliance will gradually become professional and entrepreneurial. Some outstanding members will work for the alliance with a salary, and the originally decentralized alliance will gradually complete the centralization of power. This change forced by external pressure is also a necessary step to adapt to the increasingly complex environment in the game.

Compared with the above two changes that have great impact but have little bearing on the lower-level members, the establishment of the "Judgment" quick reaction force can actually arouse the passion of the alliance members.

As the military commander of the "Judgment" quick reaction force nominated by Xu Man, Daliang successfully obtained the command of this force without any competitors by virtue of his fame and demonstrated strength.

A new section has appeared in the University Alliance Forum. The Alliance's dedicated offensive army, "Judgment," begins its preparation phase. The chief officer has been appointed, and Daliang is at the peak of his fame. The "Judgment" rapid reaction force has just started the registration process, and received 10,000 registration forms in just one hour.

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