Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1253 The Black Pearl attacks

Just when the apostles were commanding the teleported subordinate heroes to prepare to resist possible attacks from the undead monsters around them, the black pearl smashed through the undead monsters blocking the way like a cannonball and swooped down.


The apostles issued a warning and prepared to rescue Black Pearl. Suddenly, a huge black aerial battleship appeared across the sky not far from the airspace below them.

The black skull and crossbones flag on the top of the main mast passed under the feet of the apostles.

The apostles were stunned on the spot. They had never seen such an aerial battleship before. The structure of the three-masted battleship belongs to the fifth-level aerospace battleship in size and shape. Every part of the black hull has a metallic color, which means that the entire shell of this battleship is made of alchemical metal.

Looking from top to bottom, there is not a single active sailor on the deck of the black aerial battleship, and all operations on the hull are driven by alchemy and mechanical means.

The sails that automatically lift and adjust, the alchemy cannon that loads and fires automatically... The all-round use of alchemy technology saves a lot of space on the battleship's deck, so much so that there is enough space on the deck behind the bow. The space and load placed a heavy magic cannon.

So, the first impression the apostles had when they saw this aerial battleship could such a heavy battleship fly? did such a large aerial battleship appear?

While the apostles were stunned, huge figures passed by them one by one, and then the voice of No. 0 sounded from the dedicated channel of the shadow of death: "Black Pearl has charged, everyone should follow...ignore the undead monsters around you. , make an all-out assault to assist Black Pearl in snatching the obelisk tower."

The huge figures are all frost dragons!

The apostles are familiar with this mutated undead dragon, which made its first public appearance in Shangjiang City in the Chinese Game Zone. The Judgment Legion under the College Alliance had a giant frost dragon. Its power far surpassed that of the ghost dragon, which left a very deep impression on the players at the time. You must know that in the early days of the game when level 14 creatures were very rare, the violent frost dragon was a hot topic among players all over the world.

The commander of the Judgment Legion is the world-famous Daliang.

It's just that the frost dragon of the Judgment Legion disappeared later. When the Judgment Legion began to have more archangels and angels, the frost dragon never appeared.

Did he die in battle? Or was it lost accidentally?

As the first level 14 creature obtained by players, the ending of the frost dragon has always been a mystery in the game.

Now...the apostles finally know the whereabouts of the frost dragon.

The apostles knew from the beginning that No. 0, that is, Destruction, had a very close relationship with Daliang in the Chinese game area. When Deshi was attacking a city of the undead, Daliang lent Archangel Julian to help in the battle. Now it seems that the frost dragon should be subordinate to Mie Shi. It is not surprising that he borrowed a frost dragon to support Da Liang.

After the Judgment Legion recruits enough archangels, the frost dragon will naturally be returned to the world by Da Liang.

Looking at the frost dragons swooping down one after another, the apostles couldn't help but sigh that the strength possessed by Mie Shi was worthy of being a man who could be named the Lord King of Hell by Lucifer.

The apostles looked at the frost dragon rushing past with envy, and once again focused their attention on the black sky battleship leading the charge, and the words of Da Liang echoed in their ears.

"Black Pearl has already charged, everyone should follow...ignore the undead monsters around and attack with all your strength to assist Black Pearl in snatching the obelisk tower."

"Once the purpose is determined, Black Pearl will be responsible for the charge, and other personnel will follow up."

Recalling the scene where the little girl Black Pearl swooped down just after he teleported over, and the process of the black aerial battleship appearing.

The apostles spoke together with one voice in their hearts.

"Kannis girl... cool!"


Black Pearl turns out to be a special constructed creature!

Her body is an aerial battleship that is the aggregation of peak alchemy technology...

The sudden realization once again refreshed the apostles' understanding of the game's worldview. They discovered...the more they understood the power of Destruction, the more they felt that they had only scratched the surface of the world by playing games. There were too many things in this world that they needed to develop and understand.

Now Black Pearl has charged, and Zero leads his group of frost dragons to follow. The apostles, who were slightly slower than before, immediately led their heroes and followed the last frost dragon to dive downwards.

The Black Pearl, which returned to its battleship form, firmly remembered the mission assigned to her by Da Liang, and its hard hull knocked away all the undead monsters blocking the front. The magic amplification device located on the stern of the ship opened the magic eye at the top, and layers of defensive magic were released on the hull...

The force shield opens.

The magic shield opens

The crackling current whipped towards the angels trying to stop the Black Pearl like a whip, and the magic cannon located at the bow of the ship began to gather energy.

The round and solid cannon emits the red glow of cast iron, and the magic runes on it shine brighter and brighter. They rotate in an orderly manner, transmitting the generated magic energy to the muzzle of the cannon. The magical energy in the muzzle quickly turned from white to bright, and soon formed a blazing white ball of light.

Then magic arrays appeared in front of the muzzle...

The magic cannon hasn't been fired yet, but its power has already enveloped the Angel Sky Battleship that appeared below.

The two holy guarding angels around Urie felt the threat from the Black Pearl. They could see that the Black Pearl had the ability to easily destroy their own level five aerial battleships. Once the magic cannon hit the battleship below, they would Lose the vehicle transporting the obelisk.

The two holy angels immediately attacked. They flew towards the Black Pearl, hoping to destroy the magic cannon that was gathering energy before the fatal attack was launched.

The flying Holy Angel changed into a large form, with a height of seven meters and a wingspan of ten meters. Its height was almost the same as that of the Black Pearl. The white golden light formed a trail behind them, and the sacred energy gathered on the angel swords in their hands.

The two holy angels waved their angel swords at the same time, and each slashed out a crescent-shaped combat technique at the bow of the Black Pearl ahead.

The two sword arcs formed a cross in tandem and were about to hit the Black Pearl in an instant.

At this time, from both sides of the Black Pearl, Da Liang and Ye Xie, riding the frost dragon Astro, rushed out.

Ye Xie used "Time Reverse Flow" to return the two sword skills to their firing state. When the sword skill came again, Da Liang threw the blazing spear forward, and Astro summoned a defensive bone wall after spitting out a blow of death dragon breath.

The collision of skills caused a huge explosion to sound in the air, and the bone wall was smashed into pieces by the residual power of the sword skills.

The Black Pearl rushed out of the white bone dust. At this time, her bow magic cannon had completed gathering energy, and the magic energy beam was launched. After being blessed and given attributes by the magic arrays in front, it pulled out a string in the air. The trajectory disturbed by the magic energy bombarded the angel's aerial battleship.

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