Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1259 Clues

The obelisk is very important to Yunzhong City, and the forces that seize the obelisk make Michael feel a deep sense of crisis.

Before today, Michael believed that only Cloud City and Hell Furnace City were aware of the role of the obelisk in the entire world. However, after the obelisk in the Kingdom of Death was taken away, it meant that a third party also knew about the obelisk and the furnace of hell. The relationship with the God Plane means that forces other than Yunzhong City and Hell have also found the crystal wall of the God Plane, bringing the research on the God Plane to the same level as Cloud City and Furnace City.

Uriel could understand Michael's concern. The obelisk tower was a special prop that could not be destroyed by forces who did not know the crystal wall of the God's plane. It cannot be separated from this plane, and no matter where it is, it will not affect the density of the energy it spreads. Therefore, the obelisk tower only has symbolic meaning for those planes, and will not deliberately fight for or study it.

Only those who have seen the crystal wall of the God Plane can guess the relationship between the obelisk tower and the God Plane, and then they can grab the obelisk tower.

Faced with Michael's inquiry, Uriel replied: "The people who participated in the ambush on me were mainly undead creatures, including a large number of ghost dragons, terrifying knights, undead dragons, and special 15th-level creatures with a taste of hell. But , the 16th-level hero I fought with was a warlock from the academy. She already had the body of thunder and had the power to control thunder. Based on the strength she showed, she should be a hero who has recently been promoted to level 16... …

In addition, the attackers also have a very special aerial battleship, which I think is a heroic-level construct. She has the attack and defense power of a first-class aerospace battleship, and her agility and speed far exceed all battleships. Although I have sent angels to search for this battleship, I don’t think they can catch up even if they find the direction in which the battleship left.

Another point is... there may be a second level 16 hero among this attacker. I feel that there is law-level fire magic on the battlefield. Two holy angels died in this magical attack... It was also because of the action of this hidden level 16 hero that I finally lost the obelisk tower.

This is not to excuse my dereliction of duty. All the angels who participated in the battle can prove that the holy angels have no ability to resist such an attack.

As for which force they belong to...

Without any clues, I can't make a guess in the right direction. "

After listening to Uriel's description of the battle, Michael couldn't help but fall into deep thinking. After a while, she said: "The Kingdom of Death has recently promoted a new level 16 hero - the Desolate Monarch; the Angel has newly promoted a level 16 hero. Level hero - Bella; I heard that the Black Elf of the Endless Labyrinth also has a 16th level Black Elf Mistress; the two Hell Lord Kings added to Hell, I don’t know if they have the strength of the 16th level.

There are also more or less new level 16 heroes appearing in other planes.

Now you have met two level 16 heroes again...

The number of heroes who have been promoted to level 16 during this period is more than during the ten thousand years of peace... It seems that we are really about to experience a catastrophe that we have never experienced before. "

Michael sighed...

When plane wars broke out in the past, new level 16 heroes appeared, and there were also level 16 heroes who were sealed and secluded from the world, but the number was really very small. Depending on the scale of the war, there would be one or two, and no more than Three new level 16 heroes have been promoted.

But now... the plane war has just begun, and there are already so many new level 16 heroes appearing.

Michael couldn't help but worry about the future war situation. This may indicate that after the divine plane is opened, the plane war will transform into a divine war.

A terrible future, a future that cannot be prevented.

The participation of a Crucible City in the God Plane Research Competition has already given Yunzhong City a headache. Now... a new competitor has surfaced, and Yunzhong City still doesn't know who this competitor is?

"An army of the undead; a 16th-level alchemist; a creature constructed from the pinnacle of alchemy, a hero-level aerial battleship; an unknown law-level fire magic hero..." Michael recounted the composition of the attackers, thinking It is necessary to find out their origins, but it is impossible to match these key points from the public forces in all dimensions. But Michael still made his own analysis: "First of all, I think it was not the Death Monarch of the Kingdom of Death who took away the obelisk. They would not do it secretly if they wanted to steal their own obelisk: nor were they the warlocks of the World Factory. Yes, they don't have that much energy in the Kingdom of Death, and they don't have the support of so many high-level undead heroes and undead creatures.

It's not hell, if Lucifer got the obelisk, he would have come out to show off to me.

This is a new secret group composed of a mixture of warlocks, undead, and hell creatures. They have a strong power in the Kingdom of Death. At least they can place spies on the battlefield of Eternal Night Cathedral and know when the obelisk left Eternal Night Cathedral.

To have a stronghold for studying the divine plane, there is a research team composed of a group of alchemist masters.

The only ones in the Kingdom of Death that have been researching the God Plane are the Wizards Guild... Although their research progress on the God Plane is higher than that of other planes, they do not have the ability to open the crystal wall passage to the God Plane.

The undead attacking the Eternal Night Cathedral this time are the cyan coalition forces. If the Wizards Guild really found the crystal wall of the God's Plane, it would be impossible to ignore the obelisk tower in the war. "

Michael's analysis seems to have hit a dead end.

Uriel, who had been listening attentively, said: "The Wizards Guild is a very loose organization. Under the pressure of the Unsullied Holy See, each wizard branch used to study the divine plane independently. Even Lucas didn't know about each branch. research progress.

Is it possible that... a certain branch found the crystal wall of the God Plane, but did not inform Lucas, but privately established another organization to conduct more in-depth research? "

Uriel’s words gave Michael a major reminder.

There were so many undead in the team that took away the obelisk, and it was almost certain that the main body of this organization was in the Kingdom of Death. Under the rule of the Unsullied Holy See, only the Wizards Guild was secretly studying the path to becoming a god.

In addition to the correct method, luck also plays a very important role in finding the God Plane Crystal Wall. It is not ruled out that a certain branch of the Wizards Guild, after accidentally finding the crystal wall of the God Plane, started anew and secretly established an organization that broke away from the Wizards Guild.

Michael said: "You are very right. The one who took away the obelisk tower should be a branch of a wizard guild. And those small branches do not have the ability to open the crystal wall passage on the plane of God. Only large branches can. This strength.

The seven branches of the Wizards Guild are the key suspects.

Urie... Since the obelisk was lost from your hands, you are responsible for finding it. First, go to the Kingdom of Death to secretly investigate the seven branches of the Wizards Guild to see if you find anything. "

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