Start with an Archangel

Chapter 128 Choose one of the two

However, Shi Fei does not recommend that the lords go to their clan's base camp in an independent plane prematurely, because the territory construction tasks received at the base camp are all related to the war. If they are not strong enough, they may lose all their hard work in one battle. The army that was saved died completely.

Da Liang has seen Metatron in Yunzhong City, and he can also deeply understand the terror of the power of the human race, Yunzhong City. As a kingdom of death that is as famous as Yunzhong City, the base camp of the undead must also be Longtan Tiger Lair. Level 14 soldiers You can't run rampant in the main world, and you have to keep your tail between your legs in the base camp.

Therefore, Daliang does not plan to go to the Kingdom of Death to do the task of obtaining the Undead Armory for the time being, because he has a second-level free territory building.

But where should the Undead Armory be built?

Made in the sea? In case the armory needs fire, the front building is a blacksmith shop after all.

Just in case, let's build it on the island. As for the will always be crowded.

And just when Daliang circled the island three times and really found a location for the Undead Armory, he suddenly received a feedback message from the territory.

"Attention! Someone is using the evil prison..."

Upon hearing the news, Da Liang felt as if his heart suddenly stopped. In the setting of his territory, only he and Julian could freely enter the meeting hall of the Black Fire Territory. Now that he was on the island, beside him... Julian was not around at all.

Then she must be in the chamber!

If someone uses the evil prison, it means that a creature has entered the prison. It is absolutely impossible for Julian to move into the evil prison without his own orders, so only Juliet is left... I haven't seen her for a few days, and she actually forgot about this time bomb.

Juliet is an incomplete Hell's Angel. She has been controlled by Daliang because she still cannot control Julian's body, and she must get Julian's consent if she wants to come out. Daliang relied on this to control Juliet, making her behave well even though she was not very obedient.

Da Liang vaguely felt that if she wanted to become a complete Hell's Angel, it had a lot to do with the evil prison where Ergus once stayed. Because Juliet was born from Julian under the influence of Ergos's evil aura, the energy in the evil prison is of the same source as Juliet. Perhaps this prison is the promotion building that allows Juliet to become a complete Hell's Angel.

Now Daliang accidentally forgot to change the conditions for entering the meeting hall. If Juliet really enters the evil prison and advances to the Hell's Angels, nothing will be able to restrain her. A level 15 hostile creature will destroy the entire Blackfire Territory.

Careless, careless.

Daliang, who blamed himself, quickly returned to the meeting hall.

Entering the meeting hall, the scene in front of him made Daliang confirm his judgment and he breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

Julian did become Juliet, and Juliet was not in the prison of evil. But when Daliang saw clearly what Juliet was doing, his heart started to bleed again.

Because Juliet was holding a unicorn and walked to the door of the evil prison.

At this time, there was already a unicorn wailing inside the evil prison. The evil flames cut its skin like a sharp blade, and the blood flowed out and burned, spreading into the unicorn's body. The unicorn couldn't bear the pain of this burning and knelt on the ground. Its voice was miserable and gradually weakened until it was burned to ashes.

Entering the meeting hall, the information about the evil prison is fed back to Daliang's information column.

"Because the creatures you put into the evil prison cannot withstand the erosion of evil, they are automatically converted into sacrifices. The sacrifice at level 11 is 60%."

"Juliet, what do you want to do? Let the unicorn go."

Hearing Daliang's question, Juliet looked back and smiled: "Didn't you see what I want to do? These poor guys are too weak. I just want to help you make a more powerful creature. You don't have to Thank me, this is what I should do as a subordinate."

While Juliet was speaking, the unicorn caught by her felt the fear from the evil prison. He struggled desperately, trying to attack Juliet with his unicorn.

However, there is too much level difference between level 11 creatures and level 15 creatures. Juliet grabbed the unicorn by its mane and pressed its head to the ground, and then threw the unicorn into the evil prison before Da Liang could stop it again.

At this time, there was the last unicorn left in the chamber, hiding in the corner, trembling under Juliet's pressure and fear of the evil prison.

Da Liang raised his hand and put the surviving unicorn into the weapon card, then walked to the door of the evil prison and stood side by side with Juliet.

"Don't think that I don't know what you want to do? This evil prison should be a promotion building that allows you to become a complete Hell's Angel, right? And these unicorns are just your test subjects, because you don't know that after you enter the evil prison, Whether you are promoted successfully or become a sacrifice. Unicorns are level 11 creatures, which are 4 levels different from you. You want to use their conversion rate to infer your own conversion rate. But for now, it seems that level 11 creatures are in the evil prison. The basic conversion rate is 20%, and each failure increases the success rate by 20%. Based on this calculation, the maximum basic conversion rate of creatures at level 15 is 50%, half of which are life and death. After this transformation is completed, if you want to enter evil I won’t stop you in jail.”

Daliang's words made Juliet, who was still smiling, look ugly. She concealed it: "I can't understand what you are saying. I am helping you cultivate advanced creatures. If you don't appreciate it, then I will leave. "

"If you dare to leave, I will let Julian lock you up forever."

"Hey, don't force me." When she heard that Daliang planned to let Julian imprison her permanently, Juliet said sternly: "If you annoy me, I will go to the evil prison immediately. Death, I will die with Julian, life... will happen What, you should know.”

"You are challenging the bottom line of my patience." Daliang ignored Juliet's threat. He stepped forward and looked into Juliet's eyes, and said fiercely: "You always want to become a Hell's Angel, and then put me and my Kill the territory clean. Now that you have put your ideas into action and have found a way to become a Hells Angel, it would be better for me to take a chance now than to wait until you find a more reliable way later. I give it to you Two options, first: you enter the evil prison now and bet your luck, second: promise me that you are not allowed to approach or enter the evil prison without my permission. If you don't make a choice, this is what you will do in the outside world. It’s the last hour.”

Da Liang has already shown off his cards to Juliet. The instability of this Hell's Angel is too great. It is better to wait for the territory to develop before fighting a level 15 creature. It's better to force her to make a decision now. Even if she does succeed, the loss will be smaller.

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