Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1281 The Dilemma of the Black Elf

A race without a level 16 hero will definitely not be able to become a great race.

This is an iron law in the world of heroes.

When the Black Elves first invaded the core area ruled by the Seven Kingdoms, they never thought of establishing a foothold in this rich land. They just came here to rob, taking advantage of the invasion of World Factory, to rob as many things as they could within the territory of the seven dungeon kingdoms.

If you can capture a captured city, capture it; if you cannot capture it, be prepared to retreat to the barbaric area at any time.

Because the black elves do not have the support of level 16 heroes, once the seven level 16 dungeon kings join the battle, they will not have the power to deal with it.

But after Feigmina was promoted to a level 16 hero, for the black elf... everything was different.

They have a spiritual leader and suddenly have a direction to fight for. They want to take advantage of this plane war to build their own country. Therefore, a large number of black elf tribes took the initiative to belong to Feigmina's command, and the Golden Cave Black Elf Tribe was formed around the Golden Cave City she occupied.

Golden Cave City was named after it was built in a gold mine cave. This underground cave filled with gold mines is an important source of gold coins for the Darkwing Kingdom. In order to guard this golden cave near the border, the Darkwing King Scripps built a level 13 city here to guard the gold mines here.

However, this fortified city was still captured by the army of the Black Elf Matron Fergmina.

In this battle, Feigmina not only gained an important source of gold coins, but also promoted herself to a level 16 hero. The surrounding black elf tribes flocked to invest, and sufficient funds allowed the golden cave black elf tribe to continue to expand.

The territory is getting bigger and bigger...

The appearance of Fegmina is what makes the dungeon kings worry about the black elves. They knew that only by driving the black elves out of their own country as soon as possible could they prevent more level 16 black elves from appearing.

When the Dungeon Kings began to exterminate the invading Black Elf tribe, Feigmina was also worried about the future of the Black Elf.

Even with a level 16 hero, the Black Elves do not have the strength to compete with the seven dungeon kingdoms. Although the core area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth is rich, it is also suitable for black elves to attack. But she also knew that in order to build a country, the black elves must have the ability to defend the country.

If you want to defend the country, you can't always engage in raids on the battlefield. At some important strategic points, the black elf warriors must fight against the dungeon king's army in positional battles that they are not good at.

Even if she faces multiple dungeon kings, she, Feigmina, has to stand up to them.

But the reason why the black elves are not good at fighting positional warfare is that in addition to the black elves themselves having high offense and weak defense, the lack of experience and weapons in positional warfare is the main reason why the black elves can only fight in raiding warfare.

Just like the elves, the mortal enemies of the black elves, the elves are also a race with high offense and weak defense. However, the elves have complete alchemy research and production capabilities, and have the best war equipment in the world. Therefore... although the elves do not perform well on the defensive end, they can show good defensive capabilities with their sophisticated weapons and cooperation with some high-defense affiliated races.

The black elves have been out of touch with civilized society for too long. Except for some witchcraft and medicine, their research and development and production capabilities for war materials are almost zero. You cannot defend your country with just a lance and an underground lizard.

If the black elves want to build a country, they must have their own industry, and it will take time to build their own industry, but the dungeon king's army has already attacked.

Fei and Mina saw the beaten black elf army retreating steadily, and knew that it would be a dead end for the black elf forces to fight against the dungeon king's army alone. If you want to turn around, you must contact foreign aid who is willing to support you.

Especially when multiple level 16 dungeon kings attack you, you must have level 16 heroes of equal combat power to help you.

But at this time...the only one who has this ability and reason to help the black elves is World Factory.

The World Factory is a hostile plane in the Endless Labyrinth. Those warlocks have laid down many war strongholds in the Endless Labyrinth, directly threatening the hinterland of the Dungeon Kingdom, containing the largest army of the seven kingdoms, and making the seven 16th-level dungeon kings unable to Dare to leave your city easily.

This is also the reason why the black elves are active, and why Fegmina has not been attacked by the 16th-level dungeon king so far.

Black elves are also enemies of the seven dungeon kings.

Based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, Feigmina directed the alliance to the World Factory. She wants to join forces with the warlocks of the World Factory to launch an attack on the seven dungeon kingdoms, and work together internally and externally to complete the occupation of the endless labyrinth.

But Fegmina winked at the World Factory and was mercilessly ignored. The envoy she sent was rejected by the academic sorcerers and received a round of ridicule.

The black elves with level 16 heroes cannot change their reputation as underground barbarians. Conspiracy, betrayal, and massacre... are the labels that cannot be erased from the black elves.

The warlocks of the World Factory consider themselves to be superior scholars who study the most mysterious and advanced alchemy. How could they lower themselves to form an alliance with a group of barbarians?

Will be ridiculed by everyone.

Moreover, the World Factory has an offensive advantage over the Endless Labyrinth. How can the black elves be on an equal footing with the academic warlocks? In the eyes of the warlocks, the black elves are even more humble than the natives of the underground city. After they killed the Dungeon Kingdom, the first thing they had to kill... was the Black Elves.

Let the black elves and the dungeon kingdom fight!

World Factory refused to form an alliance with Fegmina, and even waited for the black elves to contain the king's army so that they could expand the endless labyrinth again.

The academic sorcerer's response drove Fegmina into the ice valley.

The attitude of World Factory can almost represent the attitude of the good camp; the evil camp will definitely favor its allies between the black elves and the dungeon kingdom.

Feigmina originally wanted to get closer to the Five Color Flags Alliance and seek help. After all, the dwarves of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance occupied Obsidian City in the Iron Shoe Kingdom after escaping from the Dreamland. They must have fallen out with the Dungeon Kingdom.

But before the messenger Feigmina sent to contact the Five-Colored Flags Alliance went out, the news that the dwarves and the Iron Shoe Kingdom had reached a reconciliation came through.

Now the Iron Heel Kingdom has leased the Torch Tower to the dwarves, and the dwarves are also building weapons and armor for the Iron Heel Kingdom.

The Dungeon King's army is equipping dwarven weapons.

This is undoubtedly making matters worse for the black elf race.

The King of the Hill is commanding the Five-Colored Flag Alliance to fight against the Dreamland. The Five-Colored Flag Alliance will never help the black elves and damage the interests of the dwarves in the endless maze.

Looking around... no one is willing to help the Dark Elves.

Just when Fegmina was worried about her allies, her subordinates told her that an important guest was visiting Golden Cave City.

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