Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1298 Two armies confront each other

The orcs held their weapons high and sang ancient war songs, showing off their strong bodies.

These orc warriors gathered into a circular battle formation based on their respective tribes. In the middle of the battle formation was a circular open space. In the center of the open space were the totems of their respective tribes. Several shamans wore colorful bird feathers. wearing sacrificial robes and dancing weird dances around the totem.

He was still humming and reciting jerky spells.

These seemingly funny rituals of the orcs actually serve an important purpose. Under the shaman's sacrifice, the power contained in the orc tribe's totem will be stimulated. They will exert a very powerful totem state on the orc warriors in the tribe, and the effect is more powerful than ordinary beneficial magic.

The invading orc army was actively preparing for the siege. The Cyclops dragged a trailer filled with boulders and stood in a row in front of the orc army.

Cyclops (orc level 11)

Attack: 15

Defense: 12

Kill: 160-200

HP: 700

Characteristics of arms: Marksman, primary ballistics

Cyclops are the strongest long-range arms among the conventional arms of all races. Their unique strength allows them to easily throw hundreds of kilograms of rocks. These thrown stones can not only cause huge damage to enemy soldiers, but can also attack city walls and cause the same damage as catapults.

It can be said that this NJ city defense battle cannot suppress the orcs' Cyclops, and the city wall will be destroyed soon.

The confrontation between long-range arms is a very big test for the Demon Queen of the Hell clan.

Magic Girl (Hell Level 7)

Attack: 6


Kill: 60-130

HP: 200

Characteristics of arms, spell shooter, long-range counterattack (when a magic girl is damaged by an enemy's long-range unit, the surrounding magic girls' magic gathering time will be cleared and they will immediately counterattack.)

Mo Ji is the only long-range unit of the Hell Clan. Because the only one is given very strong strength.

Mo Ji releases fireballs as a long-range attack method. The fireballs are classified as physical damage and are not affected by magic resistance. They can also produce two additional damage effects: splashing and burning.

All the people standing on the walls of NJ City are Mo Ji and Mo Ji's advanced unit pet girl. This is the main long-range military force of the defenders.

In terms of long-range firepower, in addition to arranging a large number of magic queens on the city walls, NJ City also has protruding annular crossbow turrets every 100 meters, a heightened turret every 500 meters, and a magic turret every 1,000 meters. tower.

On the back of the city wall, there is an assembled catapult, and next to it are piles of rocks.

Flying in the sky are the 11th-level creatures of Hell, the Abyss Devil, and the 12th-level Abyss Demon. They are responsible for blocking the invasion of the orc roc and thunderbird from the air.

NJ City entered pre-war preparations. The magic towers in the city opened their magic eyes at the same time, and then various status magics were shot towards the sky above their own army.

Groups of magic apertures exploded, shrouding the warriors who were waiting in formation.

On the battlefield, the atmosphere was desolate.

At this time, an angel rose into the sky from the city. She is a female angel, wearing a light golden half-armor, with black flames flying on the outer edge of the skirt. She wears a Gothic-style fully enclosed helmet on her head, with a blue and purple light shining through the shadows in the slits of the visor's eyes, and a section of long golden hair peeking out from the brim of the helmet.

Her wings were also golden, with a very long wingspan, and pure divine energy burst out from her wings like starbursts.

With a bang.

The surging pressure spread out in a circular shock wave with the angel as the center.

The Supreme Angel Arbitrates!

The power displayed by the superior angel can be felt throughout the battlefield. She is like the second sun shining brightly in the sky. The 16th-level hero, the Supreme Angel, greatly inspired the NJ city defenders, and the morale that had originally dropped due to the mixing of multiple ethnic groups was straightened up.

The garrison soldiers inside and outside NJ City offered their blessings to the Arbitration Angel and thanked her for her protection.

The Arbitration Angel flying at the highest altitude looked down at the battlefield where the enemy and ourselves were facing each other. Her expression could not be seen under her cold face mask. After a while, after the magic tower below applied a beneficial state to the defenders, she raised her right hand high and pointed the long sword in her right hand towards the sky.

Then countless holy beams of light shone from the sky to the ground.

All people on the NJ City side of the entire battlefield, whether they are NPCs or players, received a prompt at the same time.

[You receive the blessing of the Angel Alliance. Within the scope of the Angel Alliance, you will receive the spell effects of master-level prayer magic: attack, defense, speed +5]

NJ City, the main battlefield outside the city, Zijin Volcano, Shangjiang River Road, as long as the camp chooses NJ City, they will receive the blessing of the Angel Alliance.

Such a large-scale and large-scale release of status magic caused an uproar in the entire NJ City war zone.

Only this artifact can have super-range battle skills!

And it's no ordinary artifact. For ordinary artifacts, as long as they are veteran level 16 heroes, they basically have the time and resources to make one for themselves. However, ordinary artifacts cannot release a large range of skills. They are more about improving personal force. Only high-level artifacts and top-level artifacts can affect the overall comparison of the war power between the enemy and ourselves.

A 16th-level supreme angel, a high-level or even top-level artifact.

When the game's top heroes are combined with top-notch equipment, what kind of terrifying power will emerge?

People who were originally not optimistic about the defensive battle in NJ City suddenly felt that the outcome of this war might not be what they imagined.

Players are even scrambling to spread the story of the Supreme Angel who appeared on the battlefield in NJ City. This level 16 hero who suddenly appeared is the second Supreme Angel owned by the Five Color Flag Alliance. She held the artifact Angel Alliance and flew over NJ City. Her calm aura was very different from the sharp-edged Holy Bella. She did not reveal her appearance, but her name could be known from the shouts of the NJ City defenders.


In order to win this war, Daliang no longer hid this important trump card of his, but did not publicly declare his affiliation with the Arbitration Angel to avoid unnecessary trouble. The Arbitration Angel held the Angel League and hovered over NJ City. She spread her golden wings as hard as she could, bringing blessings to the defenders and inspiring strong morale.

Level 16 heroes maintain their own identity and generally will not join the battle prematurely. Especially when both sides have level 16 heroes, if there is no way to end the level 16 battle quickly, whoever invests in level 16 heroes first will fall into a passive position, causing the battle to get out of control.

Therefore... it is best for level 16 heroes to join the battle in the decisive stage.

NJ City showed off its level 16 heroes. The level 16 heroes Boulder and Fury among the orc soldiers attacking the city would not easily go into battle without knowing what hidden strength NJ City had.

The top heroes are stable, and the rest is a regular battle.

Screams rose to the sky from both inside and outside the city wall. Soldiers on both sides raised their weapons and made provocative taunts at the enemy.

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