Start with an Archangel

Chapter 13 Skeleton Soldiers

These skeleton soldiers are really worrying...

When Daliang led Archangel Julian out of the meeting hall, he found that the tide had receded. At this time, the sea surface was under Da Liang's neck and at Julian's calf. And those skeleton soldiers all have white Tianling Caps exposed. The targets are so small that it is difficult for the magic fireball to hit them.

After Da Liang shot a few more magic fireballs and all of them hit the sea water, he gave up the idea of ​​​​doing it himself. Moreover, even if his poor magic value was used up, he could not kill a few skeleton soldiers. So Daliang took on the air of a lord, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, releasing his archangel.

After receiving the order to attack, Julian spread his wings and waved, and his whole body rose into the air. She hovered at high speed on the sea, with holy light floating down. The sword representing punishment was held in her hand, and from time to time she swung a sword light to strike the sea below.

The archangel's attack was an instant kill for the skeleton soldiers. Just being swept by the sword light with a sacred aura, the skeleton soldiers fell down in pieces. With Daliang as the center of the circle, Julian moved outwards to clean up the skeleton soldiers in the territory, quickly and efficiently.

"You gain 10 experience points."

"You gain 10 experience points."

"You gain 10 experience points."

The skeleton soldiers were killed quickly, bringing a lot of experience to Da Liang. Although a large part of the experience of the skeleton soldiers was taken away by Julian, the speed of gaining experience made Da Liang's experience bar seem to be filled with water. , rapid upward growth.

"Congratulations on reaching level 2. Your attack +1, defense +1, intelligence +2, and knowledge +2."

Ah... The feeling of upgrading really makes people feel like summer and ice water. The whole person is transparent from the inside out. I really want to experience it again.

Daliang's wish soon came true, and another burst of experience flooded the screen. A few minutes later, Daliang experienced the feeling of upgrading again.

"Congratulations on reaching level 3. Your attack..."

"Congratulations on your promotion to..."

When Daliang reached level 10 in one go, his experience growth rate dropped significantly. Firstly, the upgrade experience after level 10 began to increase significantly, but also because Julian's attack frequency was not as sharp as it was at the beginning. Da Liang even discovered that when Julian was killing skeleton soldiers, he also deliberately avoided some skeleton soldiers and did not kill them.

what's going on? Looking at those motionless white heads scattered sparsely on the sea, Da Liang couldn't help but have many doubts in his heart.

Soon Julian in the distant sky stopped killing the skeleton soldiers. She continued to fly around the outer edge of the territory, while driving the skeleton soldiers she had spared toward the center.

The skeleton soldiers in the sea moved very slowly. It only took Julian an hour to kill so many skeleton soldiers, but it took a full three hours to gather these skeleton soldiers together.

When Julian landed next to Daliang again, the skeleton soldiers she had spared also gathered in front of Daliang. When we were just on the vast sea, these skeleton soldiers were scattered on it and were not very conspicuous, but after they gathered together, they were also a large area.

Julian, who adhered to his duties, respectfully said to Daliang: "Reporting to the lord, these skeleton soldiers admire your power and want to join Black Fire Village. Do you agree with their allegiance?"

"Ding, 1,269 skeleton soldiers admire you and request to join your army."

Based on the information collected, Daliang knew that when encountering wild monsters, if his own military strength is much greater than that of the wild monsters, there is a low probability that the wild monsters will admire him and ask to join his army. It’s just that this probability is lower than 1%. Even with advanced diplomacy, the probability of surrender is only 5%. But these skeleton soldiers who want to take refuge in front of them are definitely not 1% of the skeleton soldiers originally scattered here, it is estimated to be more than 10%.

At this time, Julian's words relieved Daliang's doubts: "These skeleton soldiers originally belonged to the No. 3 Cemetery Prison Village, the predecessor of Blackfire Village. However, the gold coins produced by the Assembly Hall every day are not enough to maintain a large-scale army, so in this area The skeleton soldiers on the sea are all soldiers who were dismissed because Cemetery Prison Village No. 3 could not maintain their salaries. However, because they were born in Cemetery Prison Village No. 3, they have a sense of belonging to our Blackfire Village, so Some of the skeleton soldiers want to rejoin the Blackfire Village army."

I see……

The big point nodded. According to Julian, these skeleton soldiers originally belonged to Blackfire Village. Now it is naturally much easier to recruit them than ordinary wild monsters.

There was no reason to refuse more than a thousand skeleton soldiers given away for free, so Daliang immediately agreed to the ownership of these skeleton soldiers. Just the sudden reduction of more than a thousand gold coins in the package made his originally happy heart instantly cool down.

MD, forget about this. The soldiers in the Blackfire Village sequence all receive weekly wages. Now, the extra thousand skeleton soldiers means more than a thousand mouths, plus the even more powerful gold-eating beast Archangel Julian. Even if Daliang does not build territory, he will consume more than 6,000 gold coins every week to maintain his army.

The lord is indeed not for ordinary people to play. It seems that the plan to take the archangel to perform as a performer will be carried out as soon as possible.

Daliang arranged all the newly recruited more than a thousand skeleton soldiers to be stationed in Blackfire Village. Although these skeleton soldiers consumed a lot of gold coins every week, Daliang could safely take Julian away with them to defend the territory. At this time, Black Fire Village was isolated by rocks outside and defended by a large number of skeleton soldiers. The entire village was submerged under the sea, so there was no need to worry about its safety for a short time.

After everything was arranged, Daliang, who was eager to make money, immediately flew into the sky on Archangel Julian.

The angel's ability to fly does not rely on his own wings, but his natural instinct, so Julian did not feel any bumps when flying in the air. Da Liang is sitting on Julian's shoulder, where he has a wide view and is close to his head, making it easy to issue orders to Julian.

The flying archangel is very fast, and Julian's hero specialty is speed. Coupled with the attack acceleration magic, Julian flies through the sky like a meteor.

The clouds in the sky and the islands on the sea were quickly thrown behind them, and the sea area where Black Fire Village was located had long since disappeared.

Daliang sat on Julian's shoulder while looking at his map and estimating the distance. Their flight direction is now Shangjiang City, which is the counterpart of Shangjiang City in the game. This is a large city next to the estuary of the Yangtze River and one of the eight major level 14 cities in China. It is the main city of the human forces. In this city, you can recruit troops from all human camps. As long as you are qualified, you can even recruit archangels.

As a priest of the human race, Daliang must of course go to Shangjiang City to have a look, and his specialty is training spell-casting soldiers to become magic mages. The human race's level 9 soldier monks and level 10 soldier priests meet the conditions of the spell-casting arms. Daliang really wants to Come and see how cool the magic mage is.

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