Start with an Archangel

Chapter 130 Arson Mission

No matter how Hayate agrees, it is still an unsettling factor. Fortunately, teleportation arrays can be built in the second-level territory. Once something happens in the Black Fire Territory, Daliang and Julian can directly return to the territory through the teleportation array and deal with emergencies in a timely manner.

Level 13 creatures are already the limit that Gale can reach. Non-flying creatures, the hero level is another level. In this ocean, it is estimated that the workers in the territory can kill it with the sea of ​​skeletons.

Teleportation Array: A functional building where the lord enters the base camp. After entering the teleportation array, all soldier units will directly arrive at the base camp connected to the teleportation array. The hero unit can reach the city connected to the teleportation array through the teleportation array. The number of city connections is related to the level of the teleportation array. A first-level teleportation array can connect to the same city.


No more money, no more money. Building a territory and maintaining an army is like a gold-eating beast. It takes a lot of effort, trickery and trickery to get a few gold coins, and you can eat them all in the blink of an eye. After simple repairs, the Black Fire Fleet has entered the route back to the Pudong Fleet. At that time, it will cost a lot of money to overhaul the ships, as well as build new ships...


The other lords all exchanged their sponsorships for a lot of gold coins, but they got angry because they didn't have blueprints, but I was holding a lot of blueprints and had a headache for the gold coins. It was a real headache...

No more thinking, the fishery has begun to generate income. Although it cannot reach Daliang's expected daily income of 3,000 gold coins, it can still be maintained at around 2,000 gold coins, which is barely enough to maintain the consumption of the current size of the territory and the army. If he can't support it, he will be hungry. Immortal level.

After finishing the construction of the territory, the development progress of the Black Fire Territory finally caught up with the Shi Feilong Star Territory. Daliang didn't dare to think about chasing and surpassing, as long as he could not be left behind and disappeared.

What to do now? Of course I went to date the girl.

When I returned to school and signed a contract with Xu Man, I was followed by Shu Xiao, a super lightbulb. This apprentice didn't take his brother's personal safety seriously at all. He pulled Gu Tao along to explain self-defense techniques to her, and carefully described the various vital points on the man's body, and the man's physical reaction to the extent of being hit, which was even more terrifying. What's more, there are also follow-up attack moves. Anyway, as long as this set of combos continues, a man will basically be useless.

Seeing the two girls treating him as an imaginary enemy, talking and making gestures, Daliang regretted taking Shu Xiao with him. Not only did he not have the chance to be alone with Gu Tao, but his future husband Gang might also be depressed.

Therefore, I need to take advantage of Gu Tao's complete transformation by Shu Xiao to correct the chaos in time and guide her to the path she should take. Lifting the vaginal legs is a move of a female man, while electric discharge is the sure move of a goddess.

And from the moment he met Gu Tao, Daliang promised to give her a soldier. In the end, it was delayed due to various things, and neither the archers nor the griffons were sent out at the beginning. This time I took on another mission to go to Songjiang Underground City. I didn’t know when I would have time to meet Gu Tao in the game, so Daliang thought it would be better to send the unicorn there quickly to avoid further complications.

Sigh... Those are four unicorns. I plan to give one to whoever looks like my future wife in the future, and then form a reserve group of future wives. Now that Juliet has been tossing it, only one is left. Could it be that some great god in the dark hinted that my future wife is Gu Tao?

It's possible...especially the girl who punched me. Although I really didn't see anything clearly at the time, I guessed that it was most likely Gu Tao, because the thickness and length of the shredded carrots I had for breakfast were very familiar. , obviously Shu Xiao’s knife skills.

If we follow the ancient rules, I should prepare a big red sedan chair to get married now, hahahahaha...

Private chat with Dorothy: "Where is it? I always think about owing you a soldier. I always feel that it is a big worry. I will send the soldier to you right now."

Gu Tao quickly replied to the message: "I am on a mission in the Chongming City camp. Now the elves have set up a frontline camp. Players can receive confrontation missions with Shangjiang City here. The rewards are very generous. Just complete one at will. There are more rewards than several other missions. It seems that the war between Chongming City and Shangjiang City is about to begin. The same is true in other places now. It seems that the whole world is going to war. Players are going crazy while completing missions. Saying this is an official game event, after this period there will be no such good thing."

"Yeah... the war is about to begin." In Songjiang City, Archduke Howard received the support of the navy despite being constrained by the rear. The battle in the underground city should be resolved in the near future. By then, Shangjiang City will have the support of the two sub-cities of Jiading City and Songjiang City. Chongming City is obviously at a disadvantage in terms of military strength and stamina. Now that Joshua's maritime support has been suspended, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will soon anchor in Chongming City. The merchant ships were brought to Shangjiang Commercial Port. If the elves don't fight, they won't have any chance.

Later, Daliang lamented what he had done during this period, and then said to Gu Tao: "I happen to have time these days, so I will accompany you on your mission."

"Okay," Gu Tao's voice became obviously happy; "You are one of the players with the strongest military power in China. With you helping me complete tasks, my rewards will fly quickly. Come here quickly, Now there is a mission to destroy a warehouse controlled by the Pudong fleet. The basic reward is 2000 experience, 20 gold coins, 30 city reputation, 30 city contribution, and a blue soldier ordnance is randomly selected. The higher the destruction score, the greater the reward. Rich. Hmm... The risk factor of this mission doesn't seem to be high. A small army in Chongming City will attack first, and the players can just take the opportunity to set fire to it."

This... As a captain officer of the Pudong Fleet and a popular figure next to Admiral Joyce, I was tasked to burn my own supplies in Chongming City. What if... what if someone from the Pudong Fleet recognizes me when I set fire? ?

But before Daliang could speak, Gu Tao said again: "I have already accepted the mission. There were too many players who came to receive the mission. The 3,000 quota was wiped out in a few minutes. I almost didn't receive it. Hurry up. Come here, we are ready to go. The teleportation arrays in Shangjiang City and Chongming City have been closed. Under the leadership of the NPC commander, we will first teleport to Baoshan City to assemble, and then march together to the warehouse of the Pudong Fleet overnight."

At this time, Da Liang could no longer calm down. With a scale of 3,000 players, each player could lead 3 soldiers. This would be an arson army of 12,000 people. How big a warehouse would require so many people to set fire to! And how could Chongming City organize a player army of 3,000 people in such a short period of time? How many players are taking on quests in Chongming City?

Recommend a book "The Dream Control Game"

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