Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1328 The NJ City defensive battle ends

When the Cyclops air attacks under the command of Jushi formed an attack wave, the repeated breakthroughs put great pressure on the purple dragons, leaving them no time to make up for the damaged defense system. If this kind of anti-air attack is allowed to continue, the purple dragons' defense line will definitely be knocked to pieces, and finally give the giant stone a chance to use its killing skills.

Fortunately, Daliang adjusted his tactics in time. Under his super magic attack, he forced out the boulder and used thunder bombs, interrupting the Cyclops' attack rhythm.

Although the boulder restored the negative state of the Cyclops in time, the blow from the air struck again. This kind of attack magic, whose power is infinitely close to the effect of level 16 skills, must be dealt with carefully even if it is a boulder. When the giant stone focused on long-range skill confrontation, the effectiveness of the cyclops' air attacks was greatly reduced.

So...the two attack groups in the air and on the ground each used their defensive skills to resist the enemy's attacks, and at the same time used powerful attack methods to attack the enemy.

Magic and skills flew back and forth across the air for thousands of meters, and the collision caused a series of explosions.

No one can do anything about it in a short time.

However, on the entire battlefield, the status of the orc army was declining rapidly. If they cannot retreat in time when they cannot break the city, then this war will become a disaster for the exhausted and hungry orc army.

Due to his lack of war vision, Jushi will make mistakes in judging the enemy, but he has a very good understanding of the orcs' own status.

We can't fight any longer!

They must join up with the elves as soon as possible, otherwise once the orcs' physical strength drops to a certain level, even if they still have several times the strength of the NJ city defenders, they may be defeated.

"The entire army retreats..."

Unable to open up the situation on the ultimate battlefield, Jushi reluctantly gave the order to withdraw.

The orc army that was still attacking NJ City retreated like a tide after receiving the order. Fury protected the Behemoth Saint Beasts from the entanglement of the Crystal Dragon, leaving three corpses behind and retreating towards the east.

The battle ended in a short time, and all the orcs left the battlefield.

Howard stood on the body of a Behemoth Holy Beast. This was the second Behemoth Holy Beast he had killed personally. The fallen corpse was like a hill.

The rising sun in the east has just risen, and beneath the red sun is the orc army that is quickly moving away.

The Behemoths and the bravest orc heroes formed a rear-cutting force, guarding against the pursuit of the NJ City defenders. The flags with tribal totems hanging on them are as straight as woods, and the songs of the orcs are heard from afar like sounds from ancient times.

Howard looked at the departing orc army and suppressed his desire to pursue.

He ordered the NJ city defenders: "All troops leaving the city will return to the city immediately. The commanders of various ministries will strictly control their deployment and focus all their energy on repairing the city defense and security.

Duke Feichen..."

Daliang rode the wind and landed next to Howard from the sky: "Sir, is there anything you need me to do?"

"Follow the orc army and return after confirming that the other party is thirty kilometers away."

"Yes, sir..."

Da Liang drove the Unicorn of Doom to take off again, and then after rejoining his team in the air, he chased in the direction in which the orc army was evacuating.

The orc army is indeed retreating in great strides. Although the morale is a bit low, the formation still maintains a high level. If the NJ city defenders follow, they will probably be eaten by the orcs in a counterattack...

The battlefield is complex and changeable. Even if the combat effectiveness of the orc army is reduced, NJ City still does not have the strength to fight a decisive battle with the orc army in the wild.

Daliang did not follow the orc army excessively. After confirming that the orcs had withdrawn from the safe area, he led the team back to NJ City.

The NJ City combat meeting was held again.

The atmosphere in the conference room no longer contained the excitement after yesterday's victory. Instead, every hero felt like they were surviving a disaster. If NJ City started celebrating yesterday after the orcs retreated, then it is the orcs who are celebrating here today.

The nobles in NJ City showed respect and admiration for Howard and Daliang who insisted on staying vigilant yesterday.

All the people participating in the meeting fell silent and looked at Howard together. This is a phenomenon that only occurs when an army expresses absolute obedience. No one will say a word without the approval of the commander.

Howard's eyes swept across the faces of the heroes present, then looked at Duke Mars and Da Liang beside him, and said: "This attack by the orc army has consumed all their energy, and they no longer have the strength to attack NJ City. I guess Their retreat is a real departure, but they cannot let their guard down because of this.

This time it was also because of our vigilance that a tragedy was avoided.

Although the orc attack was repelled by us, we don't know who is still watching this city secretly, so we can't take any chances in defense.

Next, I will return the defensive command of NJ City to the hands of the Duke of Mars..."

Hearing that Howard wanted to return the military power to him, the very unconfident Duke of Mars immediately refused: "No, no, no, after these days of fighting, I finally understand how big the gap between you and me is.

The city of NJ is in my hands and I cannot hold it for a day.

You are still the commander-in-chief of this legion. With you here... we can rest assured of everything. "

The Duke of Mars is still worried about today's battle. Howard wants to give him the military power, how dare he take it.

Howard said: "According to our initial tactical arrangement, the defense lines of NJ City and Hang Z City only need to play a role in delaying the orcs and elves.

Now in Hang Z City, the King of the Hill has taken the initiative to retreat. The Elf army is moving towards Shangjiang City and will reach the Fengxian-Songjiang-Qingpu outer defense line in two to three days.

The orc army can also reach the outskirts of Jiading City after plundering along the way, threatening the west side of the Yangtze River from the Baoshan-Jiading-Qingpu line.

At that time, the armies of the orcs and elves can join together and launch an attack on Shangjiang City from two directions at the same time.

When the war begins, the orc and elf armies no longer have the energy to take care of NJ City, and the defensive pressure here will be greatly reduced. As long as you stay vigilant, there shouldn't be much of a problem. "

Daliang said: "The war in NJ City has come to an end for the time being. The final decisive battle in Shangjiang has taken shape, and we need your help even more.

I think the Duke of Mars can be more bold in his strategy when defending NJ City.

Gradually recover the fallen sub-city, and deploy troops in the corridor between the south bank of the Yangtze River and the north bank of Taihu Lake to block the retreat of the orc army.

Once the decisive battle in Shangjiang changes in our favor, the army of NJ City can block the retreat of the orc army, and work with Shangjiang to encircle the Giant Stone Golden Tent and the Furious Golden Tent, and annihilate them all in one fell swoop! "

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