Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1331 Seeking support

Joyce expressed the position of the main world after independence. The principle of neutrality can greatly reduce the hostility between the good camp and the evil camp. As for how to convince the kingdom of death and hell, leave it to Daliang, who knows these two advanced planes very well.

At this time, all the eyes of the entire conference room were focused on Da Liang.

Daliang nodded and saluted Joyce, who was looking over, and then said to all the people attending the meeting: "His Majesty Joyce has made it clear the position of the First Empire of the main world, and will carry out commercial trade in all aspects as a neutral identity.

We know that strong production capacity, convenient transportation, and prosperous commerce have always been the characteristics of the main world, which also makes the wealth possessed by the main world far exceed the sum of other planes.

It's just that until now, the advanced planes can't really make use of the main world, just treating it as a pasture that can be harvested at any time. An easy raid can take away our wealth, making all the rulers of high planes ignore an important thing.

Can the bandits always steal the money from the Chinese merchants?

Can pirates always steal money from merchants?

Can high-level planes really continuously take away wealth from the main world?

I think...the wealth that the Kingdom of Death and Hell have taken away from the main world now is probably far less than your first robbery. Robbery has prevented the city-states of the main world from producing normally, war has disrupted communication between city-states, and caused a depression in commercial trade. If the high-level planes continue to plunder the main world, this situation will only get worse in the future.

Just like you can steal 100 gold coins from a businessman, you can only get 50 the second time, and then less and less every time until the businessman goes bankrupt.

Of what use is a city that is ruined and destroyed by robbery to you?

When the main world can no longer provide wealth to the higher planes, how should you conduct plane wars?

According to my understanding of past plane wars, the reason the war ended was because both camps had no money to continue fighting. Everyone made a tacit agreement to cease the war and wait for the main world to recover. After the main world's wealth has accumulated to a certain level, they can fight another plane war.

Over and over again, no one can win the final victory.

President Lucas, His Majesty the King of Power, have you ever thought that you can earn 10 gold coins from a businessman not through robbery but through trade? A successful transaction and the establishment of trust can allow you to earn 20 gold coins in the next transaction.

Although the harvest from each transaction is not as rich and exciting as the first robbery, the wealth is constantly flowing into your hands. Then over time you will find that when your enemies have no money to continue the war, you have just finished warming up. "

War is about logistics and the availability of resources. This is common sense to modern people.

The good camp and the evil camp are two evenly matched hostile forces, and each wants to destroy the other. However, both camps are too large, so the war is destined to last and be long.

The war consumes resources and wealth very seriously. Both the good camp and the evil camp choose to conduct blood transfusions through the main world. When the main world is completely destroyed, the two camps that are unable to support the consumption of the war can only end the war and no one can do anything about the other. war.

Daliang came to this conclusion by asking Holy Bella, Purple Shirt, and the King of the Hill.

President Lucas is also a veteran level 16 hero. He has experienced many plane wars and knows what the world is like in the later stages of the war. He also knows that at that time, whoever has more supplies to continue the war will have may win the final victory.

As for doing business with the main world to gain wealth... the City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death has already tasted the sweetness.

The opening of the commercial dominion also allowed the Kingdom of Death to begin to profit.

Robbery that kills the goose and seizes the eggs will only end up empty-handed, but once trade with the main world is established, a constant flow of wealth can be obtained.

President Lucas knew that what Daliang said was very beneficial to the Kingdom of Death, but he still raised his concerns: "If we stop plundering the main world and start full-scale trade, the process of cooperation will be very complicated. Slowly, but other planes can continue to gain wealth quickly through plunder.

We are already at a weak position against the good camp. Before we change our strategy for the main world, we will only get wider and wider the gap between us and the enemy. If we are attacked during this period, we will gain nothing if we are defeated in the end.

I hope Lord Feichen can understand our difficulties. After all, this is a time of war. "

The characteristic of robbery is that wealth can be accumulated quickly in the early stage, with low investment and high returns. Establishing trade is much more complicated, and it takes a long time to achieve scale and gain profits.

If the "robbers" kill the "businessmen" during this period, then the war will be empty talk.

Of course, Daliang cannot see such an important collaborator having an accident. After all, he has too many interests in the Kingdom of Death.

Regarding President Lucas’ concerns, Daliang replied: “If the Kingdom of Death is willing to support Shangjiang in establishing the first empire of the main world and establish a trade partnership with the main world.

Shangjiang is willing to provide a mortgage for the Kingdom of Death.

The Kingdom of Death can use a certain percentage of future transaction proceeds to repay the loan. I guarantee this loan is definitely much more than what you grabbed.

In addition, for a period of time after the establishment of the First Empire, we were unable to include the undead city-states under direct rule, and the dead kingdom could continue to station troops. For city-states willing to support the First Empire, the Empire will appoint officials to establish a trade system with the Death Kingdom. If a city-state is unwilling to support the First Empire, the Empire will not protect it.

In the undead city-states under the empire, we will pay employment fees during the period of garrison in the Kingdom of Death. As a garrison, when an enemy attacks, the Kingdom of Death has the obligation to help us defend the undead city-states loyal to the empire. Of course, the empire will bear all the military expenses for the war.

In return for supporting the first empire in the main world, the Kingdom of Death can freely use all trade routes controlled by the first empire for commercial activities and enjoy certain preferential tax breaks.

If the Sad Pope is willing, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is willing to help the Kingdom of Death plan its production system and establish a transportation network for the Kingdom of Death.

If you look at Jiading City in Shangjiang, you will know that the undead have unique advantages in production, transportation and labor. Letting a large number of low-level undead sleep in the land is the biggest waste of resources in the Kingdom of Death. These unintelligent undead cannot do too detailed work, but they are fully capable of mining and primary processing of raw materials.

This is what I did, turning the foggy district with nothing into the richest city in the City of Sighs. The Kingdom of Death, which seems to have a very poor trade environment, actually has great economic potential that can be tapped. "

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