In order to prevent Joyce from recognizing his voice, Howard whispered to Macaulay next to him.

After receiving Howard's instructions, Macaulay said: "King Lucifer made it clear when he sent us this time. We hope to get more substantial help from Shangjiang. The Furnace City has been under siege, which has affected our normal exchanges and cooperation. .

If Shangjiang can help us get out of the current predicament, Hell will definitely support Shangjiang in establishing the first empire in the main world. "

Lucifer raised a difficult question. To directly support the Crucible City is to be an enemy of Yunzhong City. To be an enemy to Yunzhong City is to be an enemy to the entire good camp. Lucifer wants to drag the Five Color Flag Alliance into trouble and stand on the same front to deal with the good camp together.

This is obviously not in the interests of the Five Color Flag Alliance at this time.

And Howard doesn't have the ability to influence Lucifer yet.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "It is impossible for Shangjiang to betray the principle of neutrality of the Five Color Flag Alliance and go to support the Furnace City. But I also said just now that Yunzhong City consumes more than More than the Crucible City. A large part of these consumption comes from the development of hell resources.

During the war... the prices of rare resources and alchemical minerals have been rising, and Yunzhong City can maintain the balance of payments of the Angel Legion just by plundering Hell.

Your Majesty the King of Power, Lord Macaulay...please think about it...

What would happen if the price of rare resources and alchemical minerals around the world suddenly plummeted? "

Seeing that neither Howard nor Macaulay reacted, Daliang asked and answered himself: "If the resources of hell can enter the full-scale market, the prices of rare resources and alchemical minerals will definitely plummet, and Yunzhong City will gain a lot of wealth from hell. shrink.

Michael had only two ways to maintain the consumption of the entire Angel Interdimensional Expeditionary Force.

The first is to mobilize troops from Yunzhong City to reinforce Hell and expand the amount of minerals under its control. But increasing troops will also increase consumption. As long as we continue to lower the prices of rare resources and alchemical minerals, simply increasing troops will not solve the problem of material consumption of the Angel Legion.

Then Yunzhong City can only transport supplies to the hell garrison across planes.

No matter how rich Yunzhong City is, it cannot bear the high logistics consumption for a long time. The only option they have is to withdraw their troops. I think Yunzhong City is more likely to withdraw its troops without being sure of victory. "

Macaulay asked: "If Michael chooses to attack Furnace City, where will the decisive battle be?"

Daliang said easily: "Same as we did with the Kingdom of Death. Shangjiang will give Hell a mortgage loan, and Hell can repay it with future sales of rare resources and alchemical minerals.

With this fund, Furnace City can strengthen its defense.

The main world cities currently controlled by Hell can also enjoy the agreement we signed with the Kingdom of Death...

In addition, Shangjiang belongs to the main city of the human race. After becoming the first empire in the main world, we will first merge the human city-states in the main world. We will exert pressure on Yunzhong City in the main world and involve the military power of the Heroic World.

These are the maximum support we can give to Furnace City. If you want more, please forgive us for not being able to provide it. After all, after establishing the empire, we must focus our main energy on the main plane, which is our foundation. "

Daliang took out what Shangjiang could afford and gave a feasible plan to solve the dilemma of Furnace City.

Then wait for Howard to answer.

Howard believed that he had obtained the greatest benefits for Hell. After Shangjiang established the empire, he had to face pressure from many directions and had no ability to take care of the affairs of the Furnace City.

After Howard's nod, Macaulay promised that Hell would support the establishment of the first empire of the main world.

Everything fell into place, Shangjiang received the support of two high-level planes, and the rest was waiting for Joyce to officially ascend the throne and establish an empire.

Soon, the orcs and elves launched attacks on the western and southern fronts of Shangjiang.

The King of the Hill, as the commander-in-chief of the decisive battle at Shangjiang, directed this defensive war on the front line. Holy Bella and Arbitration Angel also appeared on the front line to deter the 16th-level heroes from the elves and orcs.

Due to the shortened battle line, it was not difficult for Shangjiang's three level 16 heroes to face off against the four level 16 heroes of elves and orcs.

Jiading City and Songjiang City also played the role of the mainstay, firmly withstanding the attacks of the orcs and elves on the main battlefield.

More supporting resources and troops poured into Shangjiang along the Yangtze River and the ocean.

The main world is watching the war here, waiting for a call.

Da Liang has been busy negotiating with the kingdom of death and hell these days. The enlarged imperial meeting only established the general direction of the three-party cooperation. The specific development of cooperation is inseparable from Daliang, who has the right to speak in all three parties.

Even though everyone is easy to talk to, the detailed project talks still require Daliang to lead the negotiation team all night long to sign one document after another with Lucas and Howard.

The war on the front line has been fierce, and as the commander-in-chief at the rear, Joyce is also busy day and night. In particular, the support provided by all parties is diverse and extremely complex. If you want to keep the battle smooth, you must deploy these personnel and materials clearly to avoid congestion at the dock and prevent the supporting ships from docking.

The entire Shangjiang Palace was brightly lit. The nobles and officials of Shangjiang not only assisted in fighting the peripheral war, but also prepared for the establishment ceremony of the first empire in the main world.

The ceremony must be grand...

The palace was decorated, and a large number of gold products were used, making the entire palace splendid. Everyone was waiting for that exciting moment.

Time passed day by day, and finally it was the eve of Shangjiang's establishment of an empire.

Daliang finally signed the first phase of the cooperation agreement with the Kingdom of Death and Hell, and it was rare that he had some free time. Then he was summoned by Joyce, and after tomorrow the two of them would no longer be kings and ministers.

After letting the guards and maids leave, only Joyce and Daliang were left in the room.

Joyce looked at Da Liang with a gentle and graceful smile, and her eyes were full of happiness.

Becoming an emperor does not make Joyce happy. If there is no other way, she would rather drive a boat to wander freely on the sea...with her lover.

"If there really is a god, I should thank him... for allowing you to come to me. The time I spent with you can simply be described as a miracle.

I still remember the first time we met, I was sitting there tall...and then the lizard man told snatched his durian.


Do you know how hard it took me to hold back my smile and maintain that aristocratic demeanor?

Then... we began a legend...

Fight together and defend this city together. Many times I was about to give up, but you showed up when I needed you most and became a shoulder I could rely on..."

As she spoke, Joyce shed tears. At this time, she was no longer the ruler who was about to become an emperor, but a woman who had found happiness.

Daliang embraced Joyce in his arms: "I will always be your shoulder to rely on, and I will always be your knight...protecting you...until forever."

Joyce hugged Daliang, but Daliang couldn't help but think of Shu Xiao.

"We have to face this step after all. It's time to have a good talk with her about Joyce..."

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