Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1336 Sadness

The room was quiet, and Da Liang didn't get any response.

Everyone is immersed in the sadness and confusion after Joyce's death... and self-blame.

The entire battle of Shangjiang was fought so smoothly, and every step was carried out according to the previous plan. The main world is like a spring. As the orcs and elves advance, it compresses bit by bit and accumulates energy. Tomorrow is the moment of release and counterattack, everyone is preparing to build an empire, ignoring Joyce's safety.

Joyce's strength is very strong, and level 15 is beyond the reach of most heroes. But in all aspects, it is not safe if it is less than level 16, and Joyce has not even reached the peak of level 15. Maybe Joyce will have higher achievements in the future, but she does not have the strength commensurate with her status now.

Although the Five Color Flag Alliance arranged for Joyce a guard composed of crystal dragons and purple dragons, as well as archangels as close personal guards. But there is a thousand days to commit a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.

The progress of the war and preparations for the enthronement ceremony made everyone in Shangjiang Palace busy in a mess.

Joy and excitement paralyzed the guard and Joyce's guard.

Many affairs in Shangjiang and the newly formed army have made heroes with the ability to lead troops scarce. Count Faulkner wanted to recommend a very capable Crusader hero to Joyce, but instead brought in an assassin.

The assassination happened in an instant...

There was no vigorous battle, just a flash of God... Shangjiang suffered immeasurable losses.

The assassin escaped the moment the guards rushed in. His strength was beyond imagination.

Who did it?

The nobles who had just arrived at the scene had no clue.

Holy Bella returned from the battlefield. She frowned. It was her promise to guard Shangjiang and Joyce, but Joyce was assassinated, but she was not by her side.

I've seen the marks left by the assassination and the big holes in the walls. The gloomy-looking Holy Bella walked up to Daliang and said, "The assassin uses the holy flame."

Cloud City!

Holy flame is a skill derived from sacred energy, with very strong explosive power and annihilation effect. Many angels have mastered the skill of Holy Flame, and Holy Bella's Holy Flame has reached the law level.

Therefore, Holy Bella can easily feel the remaining energy of the holy flame here.

When Holy Bella said the skills used by the assassin, everyone in the room immediately thought of Cloud City.

Was it Joyce who was assassinated by assassins sent by Cloud City?

At this time, the nobles in the room looked at Da Liang together. Assassinating the king was undoubtedly the most serious provocation against Shangjiang. If this was really done by Yunzhong City, then the only solution left was war.

Now that Joyce is dead, the only one who can give the order to go to the river is... Da Liang.


Hatred and self-blame are burning Daliang's reason. He knew that Joyce didn't like to be a king or emperor. It was all because of his own desire to control Shang Jiang that he pushed Joyce to this position step by step.

He promised Joyce that he would always protect her.

As a result... there was no "sacrifice" forbidden spell, but there was no way to resurrect Joyce.

Then he can only devote everything he has to avenging Joyce.

I owe her this.

Just when Da Liang issued the order to declare war on Yunzhong City, Holy Bella pressed Da Liang's shoulders with both hands, stared into Da Liang's eyes and said: "Da Liang, what you need to do most now is to calm down. In my career as a warrior, I have experienced Countless partings and countless painful lessons have taught me that the enemy likes an angry opponent best.

It was the Holy Flame that killed Joyce, but it may not have been done by Yunzhong City.

We don't know if there are any Free Angels like me who also possess the powerful Holy Flame skills. Even if it was Yunzhong City that did it, did you really lead everyone to fight against Yunzhong City when Shangjiang was besieged?

If you want to fight this war, I guarantee that you won’t even be able to enter the outskirts of Yunzhong City.

I don't know how to direct a war, but I know that hatred and anger cannot help you win a war. "

Howard also said: "I am also very sad about Joyce. She can be said to be my last relative. But I also want to persuade you to calm down. You know that when William killed my whole family, I What have you been through...

At that time, I also wanted to lead my army in a vigorous fight, but I knew that I would not be able to win even if I faced an army personally commanded by William.

You want revenge, everyone wants revenge.

The first thing to think about to take revenge. "

Under the persuasion of Divine Bella and Howard, Daliang quickly regained his composure.

Blindly declaring war on Yunzhong City at this time will only make things worse. Attacking Yunzhong City can certainly vent his anger, but it will not help in any way to avenge Joyce.

The promise to protect Joyce was not fulfilled, so the promise to protect Shang Jiang cannot be broken again.

"Yes...if we want to take revenge, we must first learn to be patient. Everyone here is careful not to reveal to the outside world that we know that the assassin used the Holy Flame when he assassinated His Majesty.

I am solely responsible for investigating the assassin's origins.

The plan goes on as usual... Only by establishing the first empire in the main world can we be qualified to fight against the World of Heroes and Yunzhong City. "

Plan to proceed as usual?

However, King Joyce, who was about to ascend the throne, has been assassinated and the empire-building ceremony is about to begin. At this time, who is qualified to call the emperor and become the leader of the main world?

The nobles in the room continued to look at Daliang. No one here was more suitable than Daliang to step forward and succeed to the throne.

"No, I am not suitable to inherit the throne..." Daliang has a prominent position in Shangjiang, but his qualifications are too short, and his fame is limited to the senior rulers of Shangjiang and the Five Color Flag Alliance. Some low-level nobles did not know that Daliang belonged to half of the controllers of Shangjiang, let alone the cities outside Shangjiang. Just like the Duke of Mars in NJ City, the impression that Daliang gave him at the beginning was... an upstart who was lucky to be on the right side of the power struggle team and had some ability.

The aristocratic system in the main world is complicated. Anyone who can become the ruler of a city-state must have a prominent family.

A new nobleman with no historical background can become a powerful minister, but it is difficult to become a ruler.

Daliang could rely on his own ability to convince the nobles here to obey and lead Shangjiang City, but it was not enough to convince the entire city-state in the main plane.

Joyce's death was already a heavy blow to the flourishing main world movement. Now allowing a new nobleman like Daliang to build an empire would undoubtedly pour cold water on the burning enthusiasm for the city-states of the main world.

But if Daliang doesn't stand up, who is qualified to lead Shangjiang City?

"We have the most suitable candidate..." After Daliang finished speaking, he stood beside Howard and saluted: "Your Majesty, please fulfill your duties..."

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