Start with an Archangel

Chapter 134 Persuading Xu Man (fourth update, please subscribe)

The two photos that Daliang sent out in succession made Xu Man fall into silence in shock.

Players in the Songjiang Underground City are following Archduke Howard's army in their triumphant advance. Even if there are no military missions issued by the Archduke's army, players can still make a lot of money by following the army to sweep around corners and pick up last-hit shots. According to feedback from Songjiang players, the human army has threatened the core camp of the black elves.

Under the leadership of Archduke Howard, a hero of unknown levels, the combat effectiveness of the human army has reached a very terrifying level. An ordinary first-level spearman can actually fight as well as the Black Elf's third-level soldier Bloody Girl.

There is no hero in the black elf tribe that has been wandering below that can compete with Archduke Howard. Although the individual strength of their army is relatively high, they are still unable to compete with the archduke's army. The situation is very unfavorable for the black elves.

The end of Dungeon War is in sight. The Howard Grand Guild has returned to command the war between humans and elves. Shangjiang City is about to receive support from Songjiang City and Jiading City, and has surpassed the Elf Alliance in terms of overall strength.

Now Daliang has proved that Chongming City suffered unimaginable losses at sea. There were two troop transport ships and hundreds of unicorns, right? These are all arms second only to dragons, and the strength of Chongming City has once again been severely weakened.

Perhaps the situation in the Shangjiang area is not what Feishaozushi said, and Chongming City is not as strong as it appears. Which side should the university alliance stand on at this time?

The information given by Daliang made Xu Man hesitate, how to choose a side to determine the future direction of the alliance.

Xu Man asked: "Are you sure Shangjiang City can win this war?"

Daliang replied: "I'm not a god, how can I predict the future? However, Shangjiang City has a greater advantage. As long as Duke Howard can escape from Songjiang quickly and come back to command the central army, the soldiers of Shangjiang City will be better than those of Chongming City in terms of individual combat effectiveness. The elves still have quite a few advantages.

And in terms of the combat effectiveness of top-level soldiers, Archangels are also stronger than Golden Dragons, especially Archangels who can resurrect living creatures whose hero level is not higher than the soldier level in the friendly army. As far as I know, due to the difficulty of upgrading the hero level, most of the ultimate units have hero levels lower than the unit level. Therefore, the angels that can be resurrected with Howard's hero bonus have no problem against twice as many dragons.

The materials in the gravel camp are used to support the Songjiang War. These things will bring the underground battle to an end as soon as possible. I have now received the task of protecting the supplies in the camp, so I want to ask the alliance to stop these players. "

Xu Man also wants to help Daliang, but there must be enough reasons for the alliance to mobilize manpower. After all, although Xu Man's status in the alliance has increased greatly recently, it has not reached the level where no one can oppose it, especially with the recent fierce flames. He started to bounce around again, and being "the person in charge of the Shangjiang branch of the club" allowed him to gain the support of many wealthy young men.

Therefore, Xu Man said: "You should also know that the alliance is a federation of players. It will take some time for me to convince others that Shangjiang City will win the final victory, and it will not be beneficial enough. I don't think the alliance will agree to mobilize members on a large scale." , After all, if there is a battle, there will be losses, so how should we compensate for these losses?"

Daliang said: "I think that many things in this game should not be based on whether they are beneficial or not. This is a war related to the progress of the game. If you stand on the right team before the war, future dividends are the best compensation. . This mission was personally issued by the Admiral of the Pudong Fleet. If this battle can be fought beautifully, it will be an opportunity for the College Alliance to have in-depth contact with the Pudong Fleet. You also said that the future development of the alliance lies in the sea, and maintaining a good relationship with the Pudong Fleet is beneficial to the alliance. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

I think the league should look further ahead, and the losses now are for better benefits in the future. Supporting Chongming City just seems like the icing on the cake, but in fact that rag won't last long. Shangjiang City is indeed facing some crises now, but it is definitely not a bad wall. Archduke Howard and Admiral Joyce are both powerful heroes with real power and very high status. Helping the alliance now will definitely make the alliance a big step ahead of other player organizations. , and going step by step, not seeing the rabbit and not letting the eagle fly will only make the alliance a better mediocre one. "

Daliang's words made Xu Man give up his original caution. Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from troubled times and wealth has been found in danger. Affected by the chaos, all players are supporting Chongming City. No matter how much manpower the College Alliance invests in Chongming City, it will only follow the trend. When Chongming City is defeated, it will only lose more. Now that she has obtained such important information from Daliang, persuading the alliance to change its strategy and support Shangjiang City has become a task that she must implement immediately.

And there was a very good opportunity in front of her at this time. If she didn't take decisive action to establish contact with the top management of Shangjiang, would she still wait for Shangjiang City to win before surrendering?

Xu Man looked at the time and then said to Daliang: "Time is very tight now. I will convene a meeting of the alliance committee to persuade them to return the focus of the alliance to Shangjiang City. But it is definitely too late to summon the members, but Your Judgment Quick Reaction Force has received a lot of player registrations. I will open your command authority right now. You immediately go to the Judgment Quick Reaction section of the Shangjiang University Alliance official registration forum to issue a gathering order. I am looking for someone to contact you who is trustworthy. The key members will gather first.”

Convincing Xu Man means that the power of Xu Man's family in the alliance can be mobilized, and it is ruled that the rapid reaction force was organized by Xu Man, and all authority is still in Xu Man's hands. Now that Xu Man has handed over the command to Da Liang, Da Liang immediately logged into the forum's quick response section, and then used the authorized permissions to enter the operation background.

At this time, the number of people signing up for the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force has reached 40,000. After all, playing games not only allows you to get money, good benefits, high remuneration, but also fights frequently. The most important thing is that combat losses can be reimbursed. It has indeed attracted a large number of people who are keen on games. Players who like pk.

After entering the background, Daliang immediately sent a batch of private messages to all registered players: "The first audition for the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force has begun. All those who have received the notice, no matter what you are doing, immediately gather at the coordinates 6226:7245 in the south of Shangjiang City. Gather. The time is 4 hours. Anyone who cannot arrive on time will be disqualified from entering the Judgment Quick Response Force."

After the batch of private messages was sent, Daliang was afraid that someone would not see the private messages sent by the forum. After entering the game, he posted a message on the Shangjiang regional channel: "All those who signed up to join the Judgment Quick Response Force of the University Alliance read the private messages on the forum. This is a warning to members of the Judgment." It’s a test of information reception ability and collection speed. I don’t care about any reason. If you can’t arrive on time, you will be eliminated.”

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