Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1343 The Agreement between the King and the King

Now Ergus finally knows that a woman who can become a king is definitely not easy to deal with.

Ergus watched Daliang grow up. From a little first-level human priest who had nothing and fought blindly, he grew into a powerful man who can influence the world. How many hell lord kings have fallen into trouble in his hands... He imprisons three hell lord kings; he is the demon king of world annihilation; the demon king of lust for power wears the same pants as him; the demon king of jealousy is very close to him, plus he has a My own letter for help.

It can be said that whether hell is chaotic or not... Daliang has the final say.

The better he got to know Daliang, the more Ergus became deeply afraid of him.

For a moment, Ergus felt that his grip on Joyce was really hot.

Even when Joyce compared her to a "hole maggot", Ergus had no intention of getting angry with her.

Where should I put her?

"What do you want me to do? What kind of treatment is suitable for your status?" Ergus suddenly felt that he was the most embarrassing kidnapper. It was obvious that the other party was so weak and he could easily crush her to death, could this happen? Human beings are too "precious".

At this time, Joyce showed her most charming smile. She raised her finger and pointed at the bracelet that restricted her power, and asked, "What is this?"

"This is what you feel. This is an alchemy tool that can limit power. Don't think about destroying it. The only one in this world who can remove it is me. And I can let it kill you at any time if I want.

Therefore...if you still want to be free, don't make demands that challenge my bottom line. "

"I know..." Joyce put down his hand, and then said: "Since you can control this bracelet, I ask you to give me a little bit of my power. This feeling of not being able to even let out a flame is really It’s so uncomfortable…”

Ergus refused: "No! I will not give you my power until the deal between me and Daliang is completed. But you can borrow my power..."

Speaking...Erges spit out four magic balls, and then the four magic balls turned into four magic rings of different colors and fell into Joyce's hands. Ergos continued: "Here are recorded four series of attack magic and defensive magic that are enough for you to use. The power of the magic has all reached a high level. I hope you can use these magics reasonably instead of causing trouble for yourself."

Under the guard of Ergos, let Joyce master some offensive magic and defensive magic. No matter how strong it is, it will not be of much use in escaping. What Ergos is worried about is the space magic that Joyce is good at. Those tricky skills can convey information even if they cannot be used to escape.

The little trick didn't work, and Joyce had to put four rings on her hands. After holding up a ball of flame in her hands, she made the next request: "I want to go to the surface...find me a ship. I have been here since I was a child." My goal is to travel all the sea areas in the world, but it has not been achieved due to various reasons.

Now I want to take advantage of my time as a prisoner to fulfill this dream. "

Ergus did not expect that Joyce would make such a request. He said: "I think finding a manor for you to settle in the main world is more suitable for your status and current experience. You can get the most luxurious things there. Life……"

"You want to lock me in a cage?" Joyce maintained a confident smile: "Erges... you will eventually return me to Da Liang, and we have no direct conflict of interest. Can you finally get hell? , the attitude of the Five Color Flag Alliance will play a big factor.

I think we can start from now on and gradually build a good impression on each other.

I promise you that I will not take the initiative to escape or do anything related to escape. And my request is very simple, a limited freedom. "

Ergus considered Joyce's request.

There is indeed no direct conflict of interest between him and Daliang, and the Five Color Flag Alliance is indeed a force that cannot be ignored. Why does Satan fail in his great form? It's because the Five Color Flag Alliance supports Lucifer.

Now that Shangjiang is about to establish an empire, the Five Color Flag Alliance, which has gained the power of the main world, will become even more powerful.

As Joyce said, she will eventually return to Daliang.

If the old lord kings want to regain Hell, they cannot let the Five Color Flag Alliance continue to stand on Lucifer's side.

"Okay... Joyce, in my eyes you are a trustworthy human being. I am also willing to establish a friendly relationship with the Five Color Flag Alliance from now on.

You can get a boat and go sailing..."

Seeing Ergus agreeing to him, Joyce's smile became even more charming, with a hint of joking that his plan had succeeded.

This time he was assassinated and was lucky to be saved by Ergus, but it also made Joyce realize that he was holding back the entire Shangjiang campaign plan. If he were stronger, he would be able to block Holy Isaiah's attack, and there would be no such embarrassing situation now.

The wars in the future will only become more high-end, and the person you face next time may not be a holy angel, but a supreme angel.

If his strength continues like this, even if he can go back safely this time, it will still be the biggest shortcoming of the entire Five Color Flag Alliance, and it will continue to be used by some people to make deals with Daliang.

If you can replace three hell lord kings, the whole world will be jealous.

Joyce realized his shortcomings. Although he was considered a strong person in the main world, he was too insignificant in the entire plane. There are too many strong people who can kill and threaten him. Daliang has reached level 16 and wants to become a woman who can fight alongside him.

You have to be able to jump up and touch level 16, right?

So after knowing his situation, Joyce also came up with a plan.

Training plan!

There is not only wealth in the ocean, but also various dangers hidden in it. These dangers are often associated with some treasures, rare skills, and props.

Joyce can be considered very talented if he has the strength of an intermediate level 15 at such an age. But she has also reached a bottleneck period. If she wants to go further, she needs higher-intensity combat training and adventure.

None of these things were available in the Shangjiang Palace. The job in the palace could only teach her how to handle government affairs. Her noble identity was heavily protected, and she was not exposed to any combat at all.

But these...are all in the ocean.

In the sea, even a storm can change a person's life.

Not to mention that there are extremely powerful monsters in those dangerous sea areas. Those monsters that Joyce would only walk around when she saw them in the past will become her targets this time.

As for whether he can win...

Joyce looked at Ergus and felt that he would not die without saving his life.

"Erges... This is an agreement between the king and the king. I will keep my promise, and I hope you can keep yours. One last question, you said there is a new king leading Shangjiang now...

who is it? "

"Howard, he is also the power-hungry demon king of hell... In the Five Color Flag Alliance, you are probably the only one who doesn't know about this."

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