Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1352 Dinner

With Shu Xiao's company, Daliang's mood relaxed a lot, and the pressure from the game plot didn't seem to be too much. Although Michael did not initiate negotiations again, there was no sign of using force against the main world.

This is also good news... The first empire in the main world will have an extra day to prepare, and it will be able to increase its strength. As long as he defeats the coalition of elves and orcs, Shangjiang can freely integrate the power of the main world with the attitude of a winner.

Daliang was no longer anxious, but when he went online again, he received a message from Michael inviting him to dinner.

Eating together...does it mean that Metatron has convinced Michael that Cloud City needs to adjust its attitude towards the main world?

With optimistic thoughts, Da Liang followed the escort angel who led the way and met Michael in a restaurant.

Today, Michael is not wearing her angel armor, but is wearing a long skirt with her wings folded, like a human noble lady. Michael's dress gave the dinner a harmonious atmosphere before it even started.

Daliang also saluted Michael according to the etiquette of the nobles, then sat on Michael's right hand, and said: "I feel very honored to be able to have dinner with the archangel. I don't know when Lord Metatron will Come here? I’ve been wanting to express my gratitude to him these days, but I haven’t seen him.”

Michael was smiling. She first signaled the guardian angel to pour red wine for herself and Da Liang, and then said: "Metatron's duty is to guard Cloud City, and he also recruits angels who are born in the birth pool every day. It is not suitable for him. Stay in hell for a long time.

He went back the same day he brought you here and entrusted me to say hello to you on his behalf.

It's just that there are too many things going on these days... In addition, I also accepted Metatron's suggestion to learn as much as possible about the main world, so that I neglected you... I hope Mr. Daliang didn't think we were rude. "

The Angels are planning to start wars everywhere, so Metatron needs to stay in Yunzhong City to stabilize his home base, and cannot stay far away from Yunzhong City for a long time. Therefore, Metatron's absence did not arouse Da Liang's suspicion.

Daliang said: "I am very happy living here, and I have experienced the greatness of the Angel Clan up close. It's just that the first empire of the main world has just been established. As the prince and prime minister of the empire, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in Shangjiang. .

I hope that the Archangel and I can reach an agreement on the relationship between the main world and the heroic world as soon as possible, so that the two planes can have long-term peace. "

Da Liang did not touch the food and red wine in front of him. He didn't know what Michael's real purpose was in setting up this dinner. He only hoped that she could make a statement on the relationship between the two planes as soon as possible.

Michael picked up his red wine and took a slow sip before saying: "Of course I hope that both planes can get what they want, but I still have a few questions that need to be clarified.

As far as I know...Shangjiang now has two supreme angels, one is Holy Bella, and the other seems to be named Arbitration...I am very familiar with Holy Bella, she used to be my holy right wing, and she is deeply loved by me. Trust and rely on. Her departure is a great loss to Yunzhong City...

But I am very unfamiliar with Arbitration Angel... When did she leave Yunzhong City, and how did she join Shangjiang? "

Daliang felt that there was nothing to hide about Julian. She is now her guardian angel, and both she and the Arbiter have 16th-level power. Whether it is personal strength or the five-color flag alliance, they can protect Julian.

Appropriate display of strength can also increase bargaining chips. So Daliang replied: "Archangel, you should know that I accidentally released Ergos, which triggered a series of things.

Not to mention how big a role I played in triggering this plane war, how this war started... everyone knows it, and there is no need to explain it clearly.

After releasing Ergus, Archangel Julian, who guards the prison, accepted my recruitment.

It's just that Julian at that time had been contaminated by evil and could transform into a Hell's Angel at any time. following my adventures, together we find a way to stop her transformation.

Of course... the process is very complicated and very dangerous.

Fortunately, everything passed. Julian got rid of the evil troubles, understood the rules and became a 16th-level supreme angel arbitration. Now...the Arbiter Angel is my subordinate. "

Michael knew that Julian was a very gifted archangel. It is a pity that she was born after the last plane war. Without experiencing the training of the battlefield, it is difficult to stimulate her potential. So Julian was sent to guard the Hell Lord King, hoping that she could hone her will during the long and lonely guarding.

As long as Julian can persevere and be released, her achievements will be limitless.

However, Yunzhong City did not expect that Ergos would be released early. Julian, who was guarding the prison, also suffered from the erosion of evil and his will became unstable. In order to escape the punishment of Yunzhong City, she chose to accept the employment of the lowest-level human priest.

Now Michael finally knew the origin of the Arbitration Angel.

It can be said that Yunzhong City's thousands of years of training for Julian have all come to Daliang's advantage. However, Yunzhong City has no good way to deal with the archangels who have been corrupted by evil, and can only watch their constant transformation.

Yunzhong City even wanted to see what the Hell Angels looked like, so they put all four archangels who guarded the evil prison into the prison to speed up their transformation. But an accident happened. Four explosions killed all the creatures in the sea area where the evil prison was located...

What happened in the four evil prisons is still a mystery to Yunzhong City...

Julian became the only surviving angel. After getting rid of the influence of evil, she completed consecutive breakthroughs.

This is the whole story that Michael learned from Daliang.

However, it was beyond Michael's expectation that Julian became the supreme angel in such a short period of time. After learning the answer, she said to Daliang: "Metatron gave me very pertinent advice on how to deal with the first empire of the main world. I also is difficult to restore the main world to its original state through force. Moreover, there is no fundamental conflict between us and the main world, and there is no need to fight to the death.

But... let us give up the main world like this. It is difficult for us to accept the loss.

Both hell and the kingdom of death support the legitimacy of the first empire of the main world, and they must have received sufficient compensation from you.

If you want to gain the support of Yunzhong City, you have to pay a price.

Returning Holy Bella and Arbitration Angel to Cloud City is my first condition. "

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