Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1354 Comprehensive Plan

Daliang made a bold guess about Michael's true intentions. Although there is no evidence that the angels want to attack the Crucible City, if Michael does not recognize the idea of ​​the first empire in the main world, then the good camp must make strategic adjustments to the Five Color Flag Alliance as soon as possible.

To attack the Five Color Flag Alliance at this time, we must relax the pressure on the evil camp. The evil camp is the main opponent of the good camp. Once the evil camp is given a chance to breathe and make internal adjustments, it will be very difficult to fight the current situation.

Maintaining the status quo and continuing to play at the current pace will only allow the Five Color Flag Alliance to continue to expand and grow. When the Five-Color Flag Alliance truly controls the main world, a three-legged situation will emerge across the entire plane.

Therefore, if the good camp wants to break the situation, the only way left is to attack the evil camp quickly. Take advantage of the situation in Furnace City and organize a decisive battle here. Regardless of whether the Crucible City can be captured or not, it can still severely damage the power of the evil camp.

Then he turned to clean up the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Do you want to tell Lucifer?

But what will Lucifer do when he knows that Michael is going to attack Furnace City?

Obviously Lucifer will try to avoid the Crucible Showdown as much as possible. He had just received a loan from Shangjiang, and it was time to expand his strength. A camp-level decisive battle broke out at this time, which would inevitably disrupt Lucifer's plan.

From Lucifer's perspective, Daliang analyzed the measures that Furnace City would take.

If I were Lucifer, after I knew that Cloud City was going to attack... I would definitely make defensive arrangements with great fanfare, and then call on the forces of the evil camp to defend the Crucible City.

Let Michael know clearly that I am prepared and aware of all your plans.

Michael's attack on the Furnace City must be sudden. When Lucifer thought that Yunzhong City's attention was on the main world, he raided the Furnace City and took the initiative in the war. And once the Crucible City is prepared... the final battle will not produce the result Michael wants.

If Furnace City cannot achieve its strategic goals quickly, the Five-Color Flag Alliance may guess Michael's strategic intentions and support Lucifer to balance the strength of the good camp and the evil camp.

While the war is at a stalemate, the Five-Colored Flags Alliance will be able to exploit both sides and continue to grow and develop... and finally form a situation that Michael least wants to see.

Therefore, once Lucifer appears prepared, Michael will definitely turn to the weak Five Color Flag Alliance for a breakthrough.

The good camp attacked the Five-Color Flag Alliance in an all-round way, using the most powerful attack and the fastest speed to defeat the first empire of the main world.

During this period... there may be a rebound from the evil camp. But when the Five Color Flag Alliance collapsed and there was no third party, the good camp could give it a go without any worries.

When the Five Color Flag Alliance is attacked, whether the evil camp will support or take advantage of the situation are uncertain factors.

Daliang is right about one thing. The main world and the evil camp are inherently at odds with each other in terms of philosophy, and they cannot place their hopes on the unreliable hell.

Therefore, Lucifer could not be told that Michael was going to beat him.

But we cannot allow the good camp to really consume the evil camp too much in the decisive battle.

The balance must be grasped, and it is best to remind Lucifer when the good camp is about to launch an attack.

Daliang poured himself a glass of red wine, looked at the purgatory furnace outside through the window, and said to himself: "It seems... I have to have a good talk with Michael."

At this time, Michael did not know that the little details he revealed would be analyzed by Daliang to reveal his overall plan.

She thought she had caught Da Liang. Although the conditions she proposed at the dinner party were asking for a high price, they were not so frightening that Da Liang did not dare to discuss further.

As long as we talk...but we can't reach an agreement, we can still give Daliang the idea to keep talking.

Michael's purpose was achieved.

She knew that the relationship between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the evil camp was far closer than what appeared. The negotiation between the first empire of the main world and Yunzhong City is related to the balance of power between the good camp and the evil camp.

The First Empire of the main world will definitely tell Lucifer the outline of the negotiations, so that agreeing to the conditions of Yunzhong City will not trigger the anger of the evil camp.

Will Lucifer allow the First Empire of the main world to negotiate with Yunzhong City?

of course not!

Lucifer urgently wants the good camp to use force against the Five Color Flag Alliance, so that his evil camp can have time to breathe and gather strength.

In this way... the first empire of the main world wants to reach a consensus with Yunzhong City, and Lucifer will definitely take various measures to make the Five Color Flag Alliance anger Yunzhong City on the negotiation terms and change the attack direction of the good camp.

At that time, the entire world's attention was on this negotiation.

This created the conditions for Yunzhong City to attack Furnace City.

When Michael was thinking about how to conduct the next negotiation with Daliang, the guardian angel reported: The dreamland sent a messenger, and it was the same elves who came last time.

The elf sent a messenger, as Michael expected.

The establishment of the first empire in the main world was too sudden and beyond everyone's imagination. Even Yunzhong City is adjusting its strategic direction for the first empire in the main world.

Not to mention the dreamland and stony wilderness directly within the vortex.

When a celebration was held in Shangjiang. The allied forces of elves and orcs are launching a strong attack on Shangjiang's outer defense line. They have an advantage in the quantity and quality of their troops. Relying on Shangjiang's own strength can only delay the capture of Shangjiang, but cannot change the outcome.

However, when the elves and orcs were dreaming about how to distribute the wealth of Shangjiang, the first empire of the main world was established.

Almost instantly, a large area of ​​land near Shangjiang was incorporated into the first empire of the main world. With a leader and a backbone, the first empire of the main world had just been established, and it surrounded this coalition of elves and orcs in its hinterland.

The counterattack begins immediately.

The allied forces of elves and orcs shifted from offensive warfare to defensive warfare, relying on their powerful military strength to withstand the siege of the first empire of the main world.

However, the balance of strength between the two sides has been reversed. Unless the dreamland comes in full force, the situation of the elves orcs coalition being annihilated cannot be changed.

However, the plane wars are interfering with each other. The dreamland cannot save the elves and orcs allied forces. They can only ask for help from Yunzhong City.

Feishanzushi was ordered to come to Michael's war fortress in danger. He didn't know that Daliang was also a guest in the fortress at this time.

After Shi Fei saw Michael, he briefly explained the difficulties faced by the elves and orcs coalition, and then requested: "During the siege of the main world city-state, we lost contact with Hang Z City. There is no plane teleportation there. formation, we would have no way to organize the army for a rapid retreat.

The elves don't have much food to begin with, and if they give some to the orcs, it will be even more difficult to maintain the consumption of the war for a long time.

Only Yunzhong City can help us at this time.

On behalf of the two Elf Kings and the two War Chiefs, I request that Yunzhong City open the full-dimensional portal to us and withdraw the Allied forces from the main world battlefield. This is a powerful army in the good camp and will play an important role in future plane wars. "

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