Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1356 Discussion

Shangjiang City.

Howard did not interfere with the King of the Hill's command of the Battle of Shangjiang. He took over Joyce's work and sat in the rear, adjusting all logistics and troop supplies for the entire war. At the same time, he also has to fulfill his duties as an emperor and meet with the city lords and nobles who have joined the first empire of the main world.

The battle ahead went smoothly. The King of the Hill, who had obtained sufficient strength, completed the encirclement of the combined forces of elves and orcs. He did not lead his army to attack violently, but deployed heavy troops in several strategic locations to cut off the retreat of the elves and orcs, and prevent them from obtaining reinforcements and supplies from the Dreamland and the Stone Wilderness.

As long as the supplies carried by the elves and orcs are exhausted, they can carry out the final encirclement and annihilation.

The imminent victory of the plane-level war has greatly inspired the city-states of the main world. Every day, a large number of cities announced that they would join the first empire of the main world, and countless city lords and nobles almost trampled the threshold of Shangjiang Palace to pieces. Independence is not without cost. Most of the imperial cities are in war, and they all hope to get help from Shangjiang.

Now...except for the Kingdom of Death and Hell announcing their support for the First Empire of the main world, there is no third plane that recognizes the legitimacy of the First Empire.

Everyone is waiting to see Yunzhong City's attitude and trying their best to protect their own interests in the main world.

Shangjiang does not have the ability to help all the cities in the main world, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance is also trying to avoid becoming a party targeted by both the good camp and the evil camp.

After building an empire with passion, all kinds of troublesome things followed. The difficulty of ruling a new empire is definitely not comparable to that of ruling a city-state.

Howard felt that he was walking on thin ice every day, looking at the imperial cities reaching out for support and the aggressive high-level planes. Any wrong decision may lead to the demise of the first empire in the main world.

It was under such circumstances that Daliang returned to Shangjiang in the main world from hell.

Walking into the palace and looking at Howard signing various documents, Daliang thought that Joyce was also so busy dealing with political affairs every day. Joyce and Howard are both diligent leaders. Daliang played an important role in Shangjiang's success. But Shangjiang’s efficient governance also played an important role.

Howard was very happy to see Da Liang. He asked the attendant to move the documents in front of him, then invited Daliang to sit opposite him, and asked about the results of this visit.

Da Liang looked around, and Howard knowingly asked the Purple Dragon guards to check the anti-detection magic in the room.

After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, Daliang said to Howard: "Cloud City has differences on whether to support the First Empire. The angel mentor Metatron prefers to peacefully resolve the issues caused by the establishment of the empire, while the archangel Michael is prepared to Do some secret things with the First Reich.”

Howard said: "Michael has absolute control over Cloud City. It seems that the result of your visit is not optimistic. Do you know what Michael wants to use our First Empire to do?"

"I can probably guess some..." Daliang then told Howard the negotiation process between himself and Michael. After completing the analysis, he said: "I think Michael wants to use us to paralyze Lucifer and then attack the Crucible City. After a camp-level decisive battle, he will severely damage the evil camp and prevent them from recovering their ability to move in a short period of time.

As a result, Michael will use the army that attacked Furnace City to come to the main world to deal with us.

After completely defeating the Five Color Flag Alliance, the good camp can concentrate on dealing with the evil camp.

Michael wants to use a set of combo punches to kill us and the evil camp before the good camp loses its advantage. "

Howard still admires Daliang's strategic judgment ability very much. If he were in Michael's position, in order to prevent the Five Color Flag Alliance from growing and maintain Yunzhong City's current interests in the main world, he would also choose this combined strategy.

"Although we know Michael's plan, if we don't handle it well, we will get burned..."

Daliang knew what Howard was referring to: Should Lucifer be notified? If Lucifer was told that Michael was going to beat him, in what way and at what time should he tell him.

If the balance is not grasped well... Either the evil camp will be severely damaged, or Michael's target will turn to the Five Color Flag Alliance, and in the end Shangjiang will face a larger-scale war.

The best way to deal with it is to let the good camp be trapped in the battlefield of Melting City. The time when they are fighting with the evil camp will become the golden period for the development of the first empire in the main world.

Daliang said: "I will continue to go to hell to negotiate with Michael and try to find the time when Michael launches the attack. But... I don't know if I can get the exact time. How can we help when Yunzhong City launches the attack? 'City of the Furnace?"

The time for Michael to launch an attack on Furnace City must be based on the progress of negotiations with the First Empire of the main world. When the negotiations reached a critical point, that is, when Michael showed impatience and expressed a strong signal to attack the first empire of the main world, it was the time when Yunzhong City was about to raid the Furnace City.

Therefore, although the precise attack time of Yunzhong City is difficult to determine, as long as the negotiation rhythm is mastered, it is still possible to find the attack time period.

In this short period of time, Howard made a deduction on the process of the decisive battle in the Crucible City. He said: "Relying on the strength of Cloud City, it is very difficult to complete the plan to raid the Crucible City. Michael wants to win the battle in the war Seize the initiative from the beginning and must gather an overwhelmingly superior army around the Melting City in a short period of time. Then force the evil camp to support the Melting City by adding fuel, and finally achieve the goal of severely damaging the evil camp.

Therefore, Michael needs to mobilize troops from other good camp planes.

But during the Plane War, all major planes are monitoring each other. Any large-scale mobilization of military strength will attract the attention of the hostile camp, especially if Michael wants to raid the Furnace City, he will need many, many troops. This requires that when she mobilizes her troops, she must hide it from the eyes and ears of the evil camp.

And here we have an army of good people who have gathered together.

Two dreamland main cities, two golden tents in the stone wilderness, and four level 16 heroes. Troops at all levels are fully equipped, the command system is complete, and they are in combat status. No preparation is required, just pull into the Hell Furnace and join the battle. "

Daliang knew which army Howard was talking about.

The combined forces of elves and orcs that attacked Shangjiang were surrounded, but their strength did not diminish. As long as Yunzhong City is willing to provide a full-dimensional portal, this desperate army will go wherever they are told to go, and they will fight whoever they are told to fight.

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