Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1360 Inviting Angela

Before getting Angela's tip, Daliang really didn't think that drawing Angela to Despair City would create such a situation in hell. He just wanted to find a 16th-level guardian for Despair City. After all, his and Howard's current identities were not suitable for appearing too much in Despair City.

But regardless of whether Daliang thought about it or not, once this situation was formed, Lucifer couldn't help but think about it.

You must know that when Satan first besieged the Furnace City, there were also three hell lord kings.

Another important thing is... Satan at that time only had appeal in hell. He had no territory of his own and no external support. The City of Despair is different. This main city of hell is located on the edge of hell. It controls a large area of ​​territory, has its own army recruitment points, resources and logistics... Behind it is the Five Color Flag Alliance, a rapidly rising camp.

Did Lucifer allow hell to have such a city that could rival him?

Will Angela's trip to Despair City trigger a change in the attitude of the evil camp?

After Daliang considered the pros and cons of Angela settling in Despair City, he said: "Leave it to me to convince Lucifer... The purpose of my coming to Furnace City this time is to invite King Angela to Shangjiang to assist our main world. The First Empire encircled and suppressed the encircling elves and orcs coalition forces.

Regarding the enemy army that invaded Shangjiang City, His Majesty Howard meant to completely annihilate it, but we are worried that Yunzhong City will assist the elves and orcs in retreating. Therefore, we plan to deploy large-scale spatial interference throughout the entire provide assistance for the final general attack. "

Daliang's understatement showed his ability, courage, and determination. He is not afraid that Lucifer will change his attitude towards the Five-Color Flag Alliance, which means that the current Five-Color Flag Alliance has the strength to not need to consider the attitude of the evil camp too much.

This is a symbol of confidence and also gives Angela a reassurance.

As for inviting Angela to go to Shangjiang City to cooperate in the encirclement and annihilation of the elves and orcs alliance... she didn't have too much suspicion. If you want to win a perfect victory, you must beware of Yunzhong City's rescue of this friendly force. The Five Color Flag Alliance does not yet have the ability to interfere with large-scale and long-term space.

Both the good camp and the evil camp have very strong space control capabilities. If the Five Color Flags Alliance wants to truly become the third camp, it must make up for its shortcomings in space strength.

Angela, who is good at spatial skills, became Daliang's choice.

"Okay... As a friend, I am willing to go to Shangjiang to help you. Together we can combat the arrogance of the good camp..."

After getting Angela's consent, Daliang went to see Lucifer again.

He briefly told Lucifer the contents of the negotiation with Michael. Lucifer's attitude was as expected. He changed his usual kindness and adopted a very tough attitude. It is required that the first empire in the main world must compress the amount of each clause to the maximum extent when negotiating with Yunzhong City.

Lucifer said very firmly: "Since hell and the kingdom of death are the first planes to support the first empire of the main world, then we must ensure that the benefits we obtain are the best. The first empire of the main world promised Yunzhong City Various compensation and cooperation contents cannot exceed half of the value of the Hell Agreement.

There are also clauses restricting transactions with the evil camp... No agreement is allowed.

The first empire in the main world should know who are your friends and who are your potential enemies. Please don't do things that make your friends feel cold, otherwise...

Since Hell can support the first empire of the main world, it can also oppose the first empire of the main world. "

Lucifer put pressure on Daliang and interfered in the negotiations between the First Empire of the main world and Yunzhong City. He knew that Michael would never agree to such terms, which were almost alms. If the negotiations broke down, the attack direction of Cloud City would be directed towards the main world. Now there is a coalition of elves and orcs near Shangjiang City. As long as Yunzhong City sends troops to join the battle, it can capture Shangjiang City.

With Shangjiang City gone, the first empire in the main world will disappear, and the Five Color Flag Alliance will be unable to maintain.

Although there is one less camp that can be an ally, the evil camp has gained some breathing time. Moreover, it is impossible for the good camp to annihilate all the Five-Color Flag Alliance. They will push the remaining forces of the Five-Color Flag Alliance to the evil camp.

Lucifer calculated how much benefit he could get from the destroyed Five Color Flag Alliance, but he ignored one point.

It is about whether the first empire of the main world will collapse after Shangjiang is breached.

Michael originally believed that Shangjiang was the core of the first empire in the main world, and that destroying Shangjiang would restore the main world to its original state, until Daliang reminded Michael.

The establishment of the First Empire has awakened the plane consciousness of the main world. The main world has a unified status demand. Facing a future that is destined to be destroyed, the city-states of the main world are more willing to give it a try. Shangjiang is just the source of the fire. Now that the fire has started, putting out the source of the fire is useless.

Now for Michael and Lucifer, the consumption required to defeat the first empire of the main world is not an order of magnitude.

Lucifer believes that the good camp will give priority to attacking the first empire of the main world, which has not yet formed its power, and eliminate the Five Color Flag Alliance before it poses a threat. But Michael felt that attacking the Crucible City was faster and less labor-intensive. Only by severely damaging the evil camp in a decisive battle could she have the energy to solve the entire main world.

The misunderstanding of the main world caused Lucifer's strategic judgment to deviate. He placed the first empire of the main world as the priority attack target of Yunzhong City.

After Daliang made a promise to Lucifer that Hell would be satisfied, he asked Angela to go to Shangjiang to help encircle and annihilate the elves and orcs coalition forces.

Lucifer did not object. This coalition of elves and orcs attacking Shangjiang was very powerful. To eliminate them and attack the good camp would be to help the evil camp.

After obtaining Lucifer's consent, Angela followed Daliang and left the Crucible City.

At this time...the King of the Hill accelerated the mobilization of troops after receiving notification from Howard to annihilate the elves and orcs coalition forces. Nearly a hundred cities, under the orders of the first empire of the main world, sent their own elite armies.

The number of troops on the battlefield is increasing every moment. The combined forces of elves and orcs are surrounded in a narrow war zone. The entire main world is looking forward to the start of the general attack.

In Shangjiang, Angela, after visiting the final battlefield, made a list of materials for setting up a large space interference array, and also needed the assistance of ten space skill masters. The Purple Dragon Clan provided whatever help they could for this final battle. The space skills master and support team entered Angela's command sequence.

Shangjiang's financial resources also allowed the necessary materials to be prepared in a short period of time.

Angela began to set up a large space interference array, which required Daliang to delay the negotiation with Michael as much as possible.

After settling Angela, Daliang returned to hell again, and then started "difficult" negotiations with Michael.

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