Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1362 Balance City

Tensions are at stake in the Sunny Plains, and negotiations between hell and hell continue.

Daliang casually took a photo of Michael and threw it to Shu Xiao, who was about to witness the miraculous moment. Then he said to Michael at the other end of the table: "Archangel... My subordinate's ruling leader has a city in the world of heroes. .The location is in Sunshine Plain, and the name is Sunshine City. Now my city is being invaded by another city, and the other city seems to have your permission.

I feel that in this sensitive period, while our negotiations are still ongoing, a military confrontation will not make any sense to the current situation.

Ask the Archangel to order the troops in Balance City to retreat. "

Regarding Daliang's request, Michael said nonchalantly: "The World of Heroes is the plane ruled by Yunzhong City. Since Shangjiang City and Yunzhong City are separated from the subordinate relationship, then the city built in your territory in the World of Heroes will become became an invasion.

I think what Balance City is doing is right, and I support them in taking back the encroached land. "

Michael found a breakthrough in the deadlocked negotiations. Sunshine City became a bargaining chip to blackmail Da Liang. She wanted Shangjiang City to make concessions in arms sales to Furnace City, so as to drive a wedge between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the evil camp. This is also the clause that Michael cares about most in this negotiation.

In addition, Michael also hopes that this battle will attract enough attention from all aspects.

Regarding Michael's threat, Daliang said: "If my Sunshine City is an act of infringement in the World of Heroes, then it is even more an act of infringement in the World of Heroes to control so many cities in the main world. We are negotiating here to solve this problem. An empire also has the sincerity to withdraw from the main world and pay a certain price for the world of heroic spirits.

If the Archangel is willing for both sides to withdraw from the other side's lord unconditionally, I will give up Sunshine City immediately.

This kind of swap can save us a lot of time and energy. "

Michael smiled and said, "What if I insist on taking back the Sunshine Plain first?"

Daliang said tit for tat: "Then there is no need to continue talking... We will also forcibly take back all the cities controlled by the heroic world in the main world. If the war starts... Yunzhong City will get nothing."

"Are you threatening me?"

"You are threatening me, Archangel." Daliang said without giving in: "I made it clear at the beginning of the negotiation. The good camp has no right to interfere with the normal trade activities of the first empire in the main world. The Furnace City takes the money. Buy something from us, why don't we sell it? If we interrupt the transaction with Crucible City, the money lost...will Cloud City compensate us?

Whether it is the Five Color Flag Alliance or the First Empire of the main world, our principle is to be neutral and not participate in your war with the evil camp.

This clause has seriously shifted our position.

I can't agree. "

Michael said: "Do you insist on doing this?"

"I insist……"

At the negotiation table, the tacit cooperation between the two parties caused the negotiations to fall into silence.

The war in Sunny Plains is inevitable, and Michael needs this war to divert Lucifer's attention. The battlefield is the world of heroic spirits, and Yunzhong City has the final say on how far the war will go.

Daliang saw Michael's purpose and concluded that she would not expand the scale of the war. She was also willing to train her troops in the Sunshine Plain to see how capable her ruling leader was now.

By the way, delay for a while.

Just like two chess players, they push the pawns in their hands forward to test the strength of their opponents.

Under the management of the Judgment Leader, the construction of Sunshine City in Sunshine Plain has reached a considerable scale. The tall city wall protects the city area with a radius of five kilometers. Backed by the busiest Shangjiang port in the main world, Sunshine City is a large market with the most complete products. The Adjudication Territory has also established friendly relations with surrounding system cities based on trade activities.

Coupled with Metatron's care, intentionally or unintentionally, and the "myth" background, Sunshine City's development in the world of heroes is really smooth.

But this prosperity and friendliness cannot withstand Michael's will.

Balancing City used the excuse of taking back Sunshine Plain to send a large army to suppress Sunshine City.

The plain terrain is very suitable for large-scale group operations. Balance City sent 100,000 troops to spread out on the grassland. The halberdiers formed a phalanx of tofu blocks in units of a thousand men. These phalanxes of lancers kept distance from each other and filled in the gaps with the phalanx of crossbowmen. The human race's spearmen and crossbowmen are both among the best in the comparison of arms at the same level. One is responsible for stabilizing the battle line in close combat, and the other is responsible for continuous long-range output.

This combination allows the human army to easily gain an advantage in the competition of low-end military forces.

The group of griffons lined up behind the spear and archer formation.

As the main aerial unit of the human race, although the griffon is only the fifth-level unit of the human race, low-level units often represent abundant production. In addition, there are various construction and training methods to increase the production of griffins in the human territory. Therefore, when the human army is fighting, it can always send large groups of griffins to compete in the air.

With good flying ability and good offensive and defensive attributes, humans can safely leave their skies to the griffons.

The gryphon is a seventh-level swordsman at the top.

Balance City did not place these heavily armored warriors with high attack and defense on the front line of the battle formation. Instead, they asked these soldiers with outstanding combat skills to protect their own war equipment and alchemy equipment.

The human race is a very well-behaved race. It emphasizes the balance of offense and defense and works step by step to keep its army in a state of being able to attack and defend. The human race does not like to rush like the black elves, nor does it like to charge with passion like the orcs. The human race army is always a block. What is important is the combination of various types of troops. It can calmly deal with any unexpected situation and has no shortcomings.

Therefore, when the armies of other races reduce the number of equipment of such weapons in the field because the use of heavy war weapons is too cumbersome and the movement speed is slow. Instead, the human army increased the configuration of such weapons. Although this slowed down the movement speed of the human army, it also made the human army the army that all races least wanted to encounter.

The attacking Balance City arranged heavy war equipment behind the griffins and began to assemble it. The swordsman phalanx was responsible for the safety of the heavy weapons.

Monks are the second ranged unit of the human race. As a unit, the monk's ability is completely incompatible with his ninth-level status. The output is not high, the attack is not strong, and the combat position is not obvious. Their main role... is probably to provide the human race with heroic units - priests.

Balance City placed the monks on the flanks of the military formation as a supplement to long-range firepower.

As a 12th-level city, Balance City can recruit and train the top human race knights and champion knights.

The Terror Knight of the Undead is said to be the strongest at level 12, but once the champion knight of the human race charges, the attack power bonus brought by his skills is enough to topple the Terror Knight.

Even the ultimate creatures had to avoid the charging knights.

The knights of Balance City were arranged on both wings of the military formation.

The military formations were deployed, and the swordsmen protected the assembled war weapons and moved forward along the gaps between the formations.

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