Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1372 Decisive Battle on Sunshine Plain

Losing people and losing the battle, Michael lost face.

Looking at the battlefield of Sunshine Plain, the army of the Judgment Leader has already rushed to the front of the Balance City army. The spears had flat ends, and the spearmen on the front lines of the two armies collided.

The spear blade pierces the magic armor on the front row of spearmen, but the stone skin protection and body shield can effectively defend against close attack damage. Some soldiers who have been released from the Fire Aegis can even bounce back the damage they receive in proportion.

Locust-like arrows struck from the sky...

Soldiers in the state of air control formed a rotating air flow around their bodies. Some arrows were blown away by the air flow, while some arrows broke through the protection of air control and shot the soldiers to the ground.

The accompanying mages urgently released exorcism spells on the enemy to eliminate the defensive magic on the enemy, and then replenished it for their own soldiers in a timely manner after the status magic was eliminated.

Magic is falling like rain... eliminating negative status, increasing beneficial status, increasing resistance, restoring blood volume... Without the support of magic, an army may be destroyed in an instant by the alternating bombardment of control magic, status magic and attack magic. .

Behind the forward battle line, both sides erected magic amplification devices. The magic eyes at the top opened, and a large range of high-power magic lasers were fired, and the beams traversed the battlefield.

The griffins fought in the air, and occasionally large-scale attack magic exploded among the griffins, and dead griffons fell in pieces.

Shu Xiao rushes to the front line of the battle, and behind her is the elf hero Obit, who leads an escort team composed entirely of silver Pegasus knight heroes. They stared at every hero of Balance City showing off their power, and then surrounded and killed them.

The battle of high-level heroes formed a battle group in the air. Robert continued to drop his own heroes into the battle group, and Vincent also brought several high-level magic mage heroes into the battle group for support.

Combat skills swept across, and magic exploded frequently... The griffins that were originally fighting fell one after another, and soon formed an exclusive airspace for the heroes to fight.

On the ground, as the military formation advanced, magic mages began to take over auxiliary magic support. They kept their own warriors always buffed and continuously released debuffs on the enemy.

Magic mages participate in magic assistance, and mage heroes focus on the offensive end.

Almost at the same time, all the magic amplification devices and strategic magician groups of the Judgment Leader simultaneously released magic - extremely cold air - into the sky above the forward line of Balance City.

As if a group of cannons were firing, the mage responded at the same time, forming a rapid fire of white magic beams. The magic beam exploded after reaching the position, forming a continuous frost mist above the heads of Balance City's forward line.

The extremely cold frost and fog pressed down, and the mages of Balance City urgently constructed a magic-forbidden shield.

However, the intensity of the magic attack from the Judgment Leader far exceeded the magic defense capabilities of Balance City. The forbidden magic shield only blocked the extremely cold air for a few seconds before being breached. The frost and mist continued to fall, covering the entire front line of the Balance City army.

The extremely cold air formed a continuous damage effect. Although this scattered damage could not kill the soldiers of Balance City, the freezing attribute caused the soldiers to freeze.

The soldiers of the Judgment Leader took the opportunity to push the artillery hidden behind the front line forward, and the loaded shotguns sprayed out after the fuses were burned out... The fan-shaped attack swept away the strict military formation on the opposite side.

After a round of roar from the artillery, a new attack magic was released... The chain lightning jump attack moved forward, not giving the enemy a chance to regroup. The spearmen and crossbowmen of the Judgment Territory reorganized into a nearby square formation amidst the alternating bombardment of artillery and magic, and then marched to the beat of drums and followed the magic of the extended attack.

The magic mage who followed up added status magic to the attacking army.

The high morale allows the soldiers of the Judgment Leader to execute various tactical actions accurately and effectively. With the same attack method, the soldiers of the Judgment Leader can always take the upper hand. Perhaps in the fight of a single soldier, this advance is not a big deal, but in the entire army, this advance creates a qualitative change.

At the same the battle, the magic advantage of the Judgment Leader was highlighted.

The large-scale use of magic mages freed more wizard heroes from their auxiliary functions. With the strategic magician group composed of heroic magic mages, the ruling leader easily gained a magical advantage in the war.

As the cooperation between magic support and combat troops became more and more proficient, some magic mage heroes stopped providing combat magic support and began to prepare strategic magic learned from the Purple Dragon Magic Academy.

Three squadrons of magic mage heroes are responsible for protection, and two squadrons of magic mages use the alchemy materials they carry to draw magic formations on the ground.

Seeing this, Michael knew that this war was hopeless. If the morale of the Balance City army is normal, and with the advantage of the knight group, they can still attack the mages of the Judgment Territory. But now... it is almost impossible for them to break through the infantry phalanx of the guardian mages with high morale.

Michael looked very unhappy and said to Daliang: "Strategic dual-attribute composite magic array, Zilong is really generous, and even taught you the forbidden spell-level magic release skills.

However, with the abilities of these heroic magic mages, it seems a bit reluctant to release the forbidden spell. "

Daliang said: "I am very satisfied if I can release a secondary forbidden spell. Now there is still half an hour before the strategic level magic is released.

The army of Balance City has only two options: one is to organize magic defense on the spot, but after the secondary forbidden spell is released, the magic defense system of the army of Balance City will be completely collapsed, and it will be unable to stop my army from advancing.

The second is to retreat immediately and exit the magic coverage. But with my troops in pursuit, the retreat would turn into a rout.

Of course... Balance City can also make a desperate attempt to attack the magic circle being deployed. But in the current situation, without the assistance of Yunzhong City... Balance City does not have this ability.

Archangel, will you help Balance City? "

Strategic-level magic is extremely powerful and requires a very stable spellcasting environment. During the preparation stage, various unexpected situations may cause the spell to fail, and the magic explosion formed by the backlash of magic energy will destroy everything around it. Therefore, you must be careful when using strategic level magic...

At this time, the Judgment Leader has gained control of the battlefield, and the victory is actually determined. However, considering the reinforcements from Balance City, or other cities or players taking advantage of the situation, Da Liang decided to resolve the battle as soon as possible to reduce his own casualties.

The participation of magic mages in the war gave the army of the Judgment Territory a very rich magical advantage, so Da Liang decided to use strategic magic to intimidate the entire world.

Now Balance City is too busy to take care of itself, and has no extra strength to bypass the military formation of the Judgment Leader to destroy the preparation stage of strategic magic.

The only thing Da Liang is worried about is...whether Yunzhong City will play dirty tricks.

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