Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1385 Total War

Although Lucifer couldn't figure out why Michael would give up the easy-to-win Five Color Flag Alliance and choose to gnaw on the hard nut of the Furnace City. But since the good camp launched a general offensive, he could only fight against it.

Fortunately, having been besieged by Yunzhong City for a long time, Furnace City was not without any defense preparations.

On the lava river outside the Furnace City, the Hell army confronted the human army's behavior of building a fortress and overhauled the fortress. The originally flat surface of the lava river was now covered with densely packed military fortresses.

The Hell Army has placed a large number of war equipment and alchemy equipment in the fortress, and several nearby fortresses can also use remote support for each other.

Facing the attack of the human army flowing down the river, the hell army in the fortress responded quickly.

The magic shot by the magic eye hit the flowing lava river and stirred up huge waves; the specially-made fire-resistant catapult threw huge rocks at the human rafts; the magic girl standing on the top of the fortress released fireballs at the approaching human warriors.

There are also some hell warriors with very high fire resistance who directly waded through the lava to launch a counterattack against the human army who could only stay on the raft.

In the sky, fallen angels and demons flew out from the Furnace City and intercepted the angel legions trying to rush into the city.

The Super Cross Sky Fortress and Sky Battleship spit out fierce artillery fire and magic, easily destroying every hell fortress along the way, covering the human army as they continue to approach the Furnace Abyss.

Lucifer also dispatched his only two floating demon castles and a small number of aerial battleships to counter the powerful air power of Yunzhong City.

The good camp has invested all its military power in Hell since the beginning of the war, and launched an all-out assault without any reservations. It is bound to rush to the edge of the Furnace Abyss in one go, eradicate all the peripheral forces of the Furnace City, and create a situation where the Furnace City can be directly attacked. , forcing Lucifer to seek help from other hell lords and other evil factions.

Michael wants to consume the vitality of the evil camp here and bleed Lucifer ruthlessly.

There were sounds of fighting and explosions, and the entire lava river stirred.

The huge waves of lava set off by magic can overturn the entire raft carrying human warriors. The fire resistance provided by it cannot allow humans to survive in the lava. Once they fall into the lava, they will be swallowed up and disappear before they can even scream. .

In this extremely harsh war environment, the human army continued to advance despite losses.

The crossbowmen suppressed the magic girls in the Hell Fortress, and the raft came to the edge of the fortress. Under the bombardment of destructive magic, a big hole will be easily broken in the walls of these simple fortresses. The human warriors rushed in and cleared away the garrison guarding the fortress.

The human army relied on air cover and strength superiority to continuously advance on the lava river. The plane teleportation array continued to open and close following the attack route of the human army.

The world of heroic spirits continues to send troops to the battlefield.

Shortly after the war against Crucible City began, a large number of World Factory Academy troops began to appear in the attacking army.

Academic warlocks are good at alchemy and making golems, and most of their armies are various constructed creatures and modified creatures made by alchemy. Warlocks make these golems to protect themselves, so the academic army attaches great importance to long-range strikes, and soldiers generally have high defense and high magic resistance.

Reinforcements from the World Factory add to the attacker's attack variety. In particular, the academy's ultimate creature, the Titan, is the only ultimate unit with the inherent ability to attack remotely.

The Titans are the crystallization of the pinnacle of academic alchemy technology and are born with the power to control lightning. The fortresses built by the Hell defenders based on cooled lava are just rotten wood blocking the heavy artillery in front of the Titans. A few lightning bolts can collapse a fortress.

With the support of World Factory, Yunzhong City's attack speed began to accelerate. Melting Pot City's perimeter defense was peeled off like an onion.

In the air battle, the fallen angels and demons were obviously no match for the angels. They were at a numerical disadvantage, and there was no cooperation. Under the pressing pressure of the Super Cross Air Fortress and aerial battleships, the fallen angels and demons continued to shrink inward. The ceded airspace makes the hell fortress below even more difficult to defeat.

Michael stood on the square platform of the Super Cross Sky Fortress, accompanied by the guardian angels flying in the airspace ahead. From here you can see most of the Furnace battlefield, as well as the Furnace Abyss and the half-exposed Furnace City in the distance.

On the river of bright red lava, the armies of the good camp attacked from all sides and in the middle.

The battle has been going very smoothly from the beginning to now. The defense line placed on the lava river in Furnace City was removed in an orderly manner. Many of Lucifer's minions were also killed in the aerial battlefield, driving them continuously towards the inner circle.

Troops from the World Factory began to gradually enter the battlefield. Not only did they send troops, but two 16th-level great magisters were also invited to the battlefield of Furnace City.

Now the good camp has gathered six 16th-level heroes. As long as the elves and orcs' armies arrive, ten 16th-level heroes can directly join the battle and force Lucifer out...a harsh lesson.

"Why haven't elves and orcs joined the war yet?"

Although the current offensive of the good camp is very good, as it advances, the resistance to the attack will become greater. After all, for the defender, it is much easier to defend a small circle than a large circle. If the good camp wants to occupy the outer battlefield of Furnace City in one fell swoop, it will need the supplement of the elves and orcs coalition forces.

The Holy Right Angel felt Michael's dissatisfaction, and he urgently contacted Yunzhong City to inquire about the mission progress of the teleportation elves and orcs alliance.

After receiving the answer, the Holy Right Angel worriedly said to Michael: "Archangel... Yunzhong City reported that they were unable to locate the elves and orcs in the main plane, and were unable to open the full-dimensional portal to transport them. Sent to the battlefield of Furnace City."

Michael was shocked. The joint forces of elves and orcs could not participate in the battle, which would affect the situation on the battlefield of the entire Furnace City. She asked: "What happened? How could the full-dimensional teleportation go wrong at this time?"

The Holy Right Angel replied: "Yunzhong City is transmitting troops from the World of Heroes and World Factory here. There is no problem with the full-dimensional transmission. The problem should occur in the main world. There is a large-scale space interference in the Shangjiang War Zone.

But yesterday we also sent a batch of food to the elves through plane teleportation..."

Yesterday I could teleport to the Shangjiang War Zone, but now I can't!

Michael suddenly realized that the large-scale spatial interference deployed in the Shangjiang War Zone was obviously prepared to prevent the elves and orcs from coming to the Crucible City to fight.

"Inform Metatron...I need him to visit Shangjiang City immediately!"

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