Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1389 Just a joke

"That's very well said..." Daliang applauded Meredith. The Five-Color Flag Alliance's suggestion to join the good camp made Macaulay even more nervous. He wanted to say something, but Daliang said again: "I heard that King Lucifer failed to compete with Michael for the position of Archangel. Falling into hell means...the archangel is replaceable.

In the Five-Color Flag Alliance, there are 16th-level Angel Arbitration and Holy Bella. They all respect Metatron very much. I also think Metatron is the supreme angel who still insists on good and lawful law in Cloud City.

If we join the good camp, we will definitely support Metatron as the Archangel of Cloud City. "

Meredith didn't expect Daliang to say such a thing, she said sternly: "You are dividing Cloud City..."

Daliang spread his hands: "Then there is no way for us to merge into the good camp. It is better for the Five Color Flag Alliance to remain independent. Meredith, you cannot represent the good camp, nor can you represent Yunzhong City. This visit to Shangjiang is destined to lead Don't take away what you want.

Please help me send a message to Archangel Michael.

Accept what has happened... recognize that the first empire of the main world and the Five Color Flag Alliance have become an important part of this world.

In addition, we believe that... Michael is the source of the turmoil in the entire plane. She changed the position of Yunzhong City and broke the tranquility that had been maintained for ten thousand years.

After destroying the enemies that invaded the main world, the Five-Color Flag Alliance will call on all those who long for peace to overthrow Michael together, support Metatron as the archangel, and restore Cloud City to its original appearance! "

"You..." Meredith finally couldn't restrain the anger in her heart. She pulled out her angel sword, divine energy exploded, and shouted at Da Liang: "Michael is the only archangel, Metatron will never They will divide Yunzhong City in order to compete for the position of Archangel. Your remarks are extremely dangerous, your position has turned to evil, and you will definitely be punished by justice."

In an instant, the angels who followed Meredith drew their swords at the same time.

The dragon warriors and palace guard angels also assumed fighting postures, and a large group of palace guards poured into the hall.

Da Liang continued to sit on the throne unmoved. He asked his subordinates to put away their weapons and the guards to evacuate the hall, and then said to Meredith: "Put away your sword... The Five-Color Flag Alliance is still here. There is no idea of ​​directly intervening in the war in Furnace City. Here... you can't kill me, it will only make the already bad situation worse.

I know that Metatron will never compete for the position of archangel. I just said it casually so that you arrogant angels know how annoying it is to casually interfere in other people's affairs... Dislike.

Let's go back……

We want to destroy the coalition of elves and orcs, and you want to save them. In this battle... who will have the last laugh... everyone depends on their ability! "

This is the hinterland of the first empire in the main world. After the assassination of Joyce, the palace has once again strengthened its guards, and there are also the Red Baker Clan Chief and the Purple Shirt Clan Chief to provide support at any time. Meredith is not a fighting hero. Attacking Da Liang here, regardless of whether she can succeed or not, will not be of any benefit to her and Yunzhong City.

Daliang admitted that he was just joking and taking the opportunity to ridicule Cloud City, and Meredith had no choice but to put away her angel sword angrily and said: "It seems that the Five Color Flag Alliance has really decided to become an enemy of the good camp.


See you on the battlefield next time! "

Meredith left Shangjiang with the worst possible outcome, and Macaulay was the only one left in the palace.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your help to the Crucible City..." Macaulay, who felt relieved, saluted Daliang and said very respectfully: "What the First Empire of the Main World has done today will definitely be rewarded by King Lucifer in the future.

May the Five Color Flag Alliance and the evil camp join hands to end this war initiated by the good camp. "

Daliang said calmly: "Yunzhong City has no good intentions towards the main world. When we help Furnace City, we are helping ourselves.

Please tell King Lucifer... Since the Five Color Flags Alliance supported him to win the war in the Crucible City last time, they will still support him to win the war this time. Please prepare the hell portal. I will arrange for the materials purchased by hell to be sent to the Crucible City as soon as possible. "

"Thank you again..." Macaulay saluted Daliang again, and then asked: "His Royal Highness just said... that he would support Metatron to become the Archangel of Cloud City...

Were you really kidding Meredith? "

Da Liang didn't expect that Macaulay would take the bait so easily. He was really afraid just now that he would take the supplies and leave without noticing his two reminders. Daliang smiled and said: "I once thought...if Metatron was the archangel of Cloud City, this war would not have broken out, and I would not have to think about fighting the good camp at any time.

But as Meredith said, even with the support of angels, Metatron would not be able to take over the position of archangel. King Lucifer taught Yunzhong City a lesson. I have no intention of offending King Lucifer, but he did take a third of the angel army with him when he left Yunzhong City.

Metatron's temperament determines that he will not do anything to split Cloud City.

Therefore... I can only be angry at Meredith and treat it as a joke. "

Da Liang took this matter as a joke, but Macaulay saw a direction to weaken Cloud City. He said: "Metatron is not willing to fight for the position of archangel, but it does not mean that others cannot help him fight for it.

Michael's current behavior has deviated far from the good order. King Lucifer has long suspected that she is no longer a pure holy angel, but the artifact she owns, the Blazing Wings, helps her cover up the changes in her attributes. "

In Daliang's understanding, Joyce was killed by the angels of Yunzhong City, and if he wants to take revenge, he must investigate from within Yunzhong City. Although Yunzhong City is not monolithic, Michael has absolute authority over Yunzhong City, and no one can just infiltrate it and conduct investigations.

Only by causing chaos within Yunzhong City can we take advantage of it to find the assassin and which supreme angel is related to him.

Encouraging Metatron to compete for the position of Archangel was an idea that Daliang had been thinking about for several days. Regardless of success or failure, it would always stir up the water in Yunzhong City.

However, Daliang is not familiar with Yunzhong City, and even if he has such an idea, he doesn't know how to start. He doesn't even know who among the Supreme Angels is willing to support Metatron, so how can he carry out specific operations?

Holy Bella is a battle angel who has been at the grassroots level all year round. It was only recently that she was promoted to the Holy Right. Moreover, her Holy Right Wing left Yunzhong City not long after she was appointed, and she couldn't figure out the relationship between the ruling elite of Yunzhong City.

Daliang didn't know the situation in Yunzhong City, but the fallen angels knew it very well.

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