Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1398 Hiding

The Templar Knight Sun was instantly killed, and several surrounding knights were also injured in different situations. The health of the two high-defense knights near the center of the thunderous bomb explosion dropped below the warning range, and Sun's mount Golden Dragon was also directly killed.

All players know that Daliang has mastered the fifth-level mixed magic thunder bomb, and they have also seen him use it in war. But that was when Daliang used it on NPC heroes. Everyone knew that Daliang's magic attack data was very high, but only after taking it personally did he know how terrifying the lethality was.

A human knight specializing in defense was instantly killed under the protection of numerous defense skills. How could anyone else dare to try the spells unleashed by Da Liang? For a player of this level, the loss of dying once is really too great.

Seeing the continuous fireballs scattered by Daliang, the surrounding ambushers no longer dared to defend their positions and all immediately evaded it.

To scare the monkeys, Daliang opened his neutral position and immediately rushed out through the gap in the encirclement. Then he quickly fell and took Shu Xiao into the residential buildings below.

The Black Fire Domain was retracted, and Daliang, who was hiding behind the corner, took out a short-distance teleportation scroll, only to find that the space here was interfered with and the space skills could not be used.

The magic bombardment from above descended.

Fireballs, ice cones, meteorites, lightning, carpet-like spell coverage without blind spots, intensive magic attacks destroyed the entire building complex, and thick smoke and dust billowed up. Soon the sky was filled with dark clouds, and water magic poured down heavy rain on the bombing area, suppressing the newly rising smoke and dust.

The Holy Church was very well prepared for this ambush and formulated various tactics based on various emergencies.

The ambushers did not pursue Da Liang rashly as he escaped into the residential buildings of the city. They have sealed off the city's space, and thousands of players are scattered in every corner of the city to provide bright positions for the attack team.

After the wave of bombing ended, hundreds of top players who participated in the attack flew in the air to re-establish the attack team formation. In the sky, dark clouds have enveloped the entire city, and the heavy rain that has washed away the smoke and dust has turned into a light drizzle. Thunder sounded from time to time, and the brewing thunderbolt could fall at any time.

The cannon fodder player responsible for finding Da Liang enters the bombing area just now and prepares to provide the attacking team with Da Liang's exact location.

Da Liang and Shu Xiao were hiding in a collapsed house, and the remaining half of the roof could provide them with a little shelter. The rain has wet the ground, and the view is very clear without smoke and dust. Da Liang quietly glanced at the sky and quickly retracted.

The surveillance from the air is really tight, this building complex has all collapsed, and they will be discovered immediately if they move.

There were footsteps again not far away, it was the searching players approaching.

Shu Xiao pierced a round hole in the wall with his sword and looked outside, and asked: "It's really weird, the system city does not allow players to fight with each other. They dare to destroy the city buildings. The city defense army should have been here long ago?" "

Da Liang put on the shadowman's cloak and said to Shu Xiao: "It's just an eighth-level city. Don't you look at all the people who are here... These players are so well prepared to ambush us, the city defense army should have personnel to restrain us. Besides, The fighting in Furnace City was so fierce that the city's defenders also deployed a lot of troops.

If nearby cities want to support us, it will definitely take some time.

These players who are responsible for searching for us in the city are too troublesome. I will clean them up and then find a way to kill them all in the sky.

You hide here and wait for my instructions. "

Shu Xiao replied very simply: "I understand, Master..."

Da Liang activated the invisibility function of the Shadowman's cloak and disappeared in front of Shu Xiao.

The players responsible for the search carefully walked through the rubble. The residential buildings after being bombarded by magic turned into ruins. Not only did they have to search for any possible hiding place, but they also had to be careful to guard against possible sneak attacks by the enemy.

Da Liang slowly flew close to the wall. The drizzle greatly reduced the invisibility effect. The raindrops on his body would form a faint humanoid outline. Under the other party's all-round surveillance, he and Ben couldn't go too far.

Fortunately, Daliang didn't want to use stealth to make a sneak attack. He just wanted to stay away from where Shu Xiao was hiding. Although Shu Xiao is very strong and can fight any player here in one-on-one, this is not the "Strongest Hero" arena... These ambushers will not give them a fair competitive environment.

There are hundreds of top players, and even Daliang has to deal with them carefully. Shu Xiao being around is really holding them back. While he was concentrating on fighting, he also needed to take care of Shu Xiao's safety.

Daliang avoided the searching players, stayed as far away from Shu Xiao's hiding place as possible, and checked his status, physical strength, mana and magic skills.

Master level fire magic, master level earth magic, master level fallen energy...

The three masters have reached peak strength similar to the 15th level, and they are all equipped with super-grade equipment. Immune to all mental magic, the probability of magic evasion reaches 35%...

The artifact is in hand, but the magical skills have not yet been activated...

These people had no idea who they were surrounding.

"Discover the 'Stalker'!"

Players who participated in the ambush of Da Liang, in addition to the combatants and search personnel in the game, also had a large-scale combat support team outside the game.

The personnel of these auxiliary teams will conduct further data analysis based on the in-game footage to make up for the attention gaps of the in-game personnel. One of the auxiliary personnel discovered something strange on the broken wall of a house. In the drizzle, there was a humanoid silhouette there.

The background support staff immediately alerted and gave the location coordinates, and the search players who obtained the location immediately released detection spells at the location of the "stalker".

The revealed figure of the stalker.


"It's Da Liang, attack immediately!"

The black wings had just been revealed, and overwhelming magic immediately poured down... The attackers didn't care about the life or death of the searching player. Anyway, they had signed a death compensation agreement, and paid directly after the end, with the priority of killing Daliang. First things first.

After being discovered, Da Liang immediately activated "Nicole's Jump"... a displacement skill with lightning attributes. The landing point is located at the end of the lightning. It does not require spatial coordinates, so ordinary space interference has no effect on this skill.

An electric arc was thrown out, and Da Liang left the central area of ​​the magic attack. Then he jumped... Da Liang appeared in mid-air.

field of fire

fallen energy

The black fire spread outwards in the air and on the ground again, and the entire bombing area was filled with steaming black fire.

The players responsible for searching are doing hard work. They know that they can die easily, so they don't pursue levels, equipment and skills. After being contaminated by the fallen energy, the body's resistance weakened, and when it was burned by the fire, it turned into a white light after a short time.

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