Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1406 Holy Magic Dragon Academy

The leader of the purple shirt didn't expect that he just proposed to recruit adventurers who had contributed to the purple dragon clan into the magic academy. In the end, Daliang agreed. Why did he want to recruit all the mages from the main world?

The purple-shirted patriarch was a little panicked, and he hurriedly said: "This... Your Highness the Prince. The Magic Academy implements a branch system. I think this proposal is very good. After all, the lifespan of many creatures is only suitable for learning one type of magic. But...

If you recruit all the mages from the main world into the Magic Academy, the Fairy Garden may not be able to accommodate it, and it will also disrupt the life of the Purple Dragon Clan. "

Daliang said with a smile: "Of course not all mages come to the Fairy Garden. After the Battle of Shangjiang is over, I will propose to King Howard to establish a magic school based on the wizard tower in every imperial city.

Magic schools are divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced levels according to the city level... The best at each level can be recommended to study in higher-level magic schools. Only the best magic geniuses are qualified to come to Fairy Garden Magic Academy and receive personal instruction from Zilong.

At that time, the Magic Academy in Fairy Garden must be the highest magic hall in the entire plane. Even mages from the good camp or the evil camp would be proud to study in a magic academy.

I think... in the near future, those legendary mages whose names are resounding throughout the world will respectfully call you 'Dean and Mentor'. "

Daliang drew a grand blueprint for the Zishan clan leader, and Zishan was immediately immersed in imagining the future.

If Daliang's vision can be realized, then the main world's previous methods of cultivating magicians in each city will be overthrown, and a giant magician training pyramid system will be established, and the magic academy created by the Purple Dragon Clan will be at the top of this pyramid. The most dazzling diamond.

The most talented mages in the entire world, after layers of selection, finally gathered in the Fairy Garden to receive the teachings of the Purple Dragons.

Over time, countless legendary mages will be born here, and this place will truly become the highest palace of magic in the world, and then its magic research capabilities will feed back to the Purple Dragon Clan.

Quantity is the biggest obstacle for the Purple Dragon clan to study magic now, and it will no longer exist in the future.

The leader of the Purple Shirt Clan became very excited: "Your Highness... you will surprise me at any time. The Purple Dragon Clan is very willing to train high-level mages for the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Now that we have decided to let our magic academy recruit students from outside, we should give it a formal name. As the deputy dean... Do you have any good suggestions? "

Naming is not Daliang's specialty, but since the purple-shirted clan leader asked for it, Daliang reluctantly reluctantly thought about it and said: "Let's call it 'Holy Magic·Dragon Academy'..."

"Holy Magic·Dragon Academy..." The purple-shirted patriarch repeated the name, feeling very satisfied. He said: "It's called Holy Magic·Dragon Academy. I immediately asked the Zilong professors from the Dragon Academy to prepare to set up a branch and recruit students as soon as possible. Students admitted to the hospital to learn magic."

Seeing that the purple-shirted patriarch was anxious to open the Holy Magic and Dragon Academy, Daliang stopped him and said: "Master Patriarch... As the vice-president of the Holy Magic and Dragon Academy, I need to remind you. Since we have established a way to enter the Dragon Academy to study magic, standards for students, then the recruitment of students must be based on the standards.

Especially our first-term students, they will be our Holy Magic Dragon Academy’s business card to the world in the future, and they must keep improving. We cannot make exceptions to recruit some people just because they have contributed to the Purple Dragon Clan. That would be very damaging to the reputation of the college. "

The leader of the Zishan clan deeply agreed with what Daliang said. He just wanted to expand his recruitment, with the idea of ​​​​racing for a sheep and a group of sheep. He wanted to cultivate a group of pro-Purple Dragon adventurer mages so that he could do more things for the Purple Dragon clan.

Now... if we want to become bigger and stronger, and if we want to be the brand of the highest magic palace in the world, of course we cannot let some cats and dogs come in casually, otherwise we will be beaten with magic when we go out in the future, which will bring shame to the Holy Magic Dragon Academy. .

Those who want to enter the Holy Magic and Dragon Academy must be elites and must be talented mages who have passed through layers of selection. Only then can they be qualified to receive the teachings of the Purple Dragon Clan here. Only then can the Holy Magic and Dragon Academy be admired by mages throughout the world.

Therefore, when recruiting students, Holy Magic Dragon Academy must not have any dirty information.

"Yes... His Highness the Prince is right. If you want to enter the Holy Magic Dragon Academy, you must go through the most stringent assessment and selection. Even those who have contributed to the Purple Dragon Clan must first go to the Junior Magic School to accept the assessment, and then proceed level by level. The selection of layers..."

Daliang nodded with satisfaction: "The opening of the Holy Magic Dragon Academy will be left to the patriarch. I will personally supervise the establishment of the main world magic school. Shangjiang City will establish the Imperial Magic Academy as the only subordinate of the Holy Magic Dragon Academy. The Imperial Academy of Magic will recruit outstanding students from all high-level magic schools in the main world. From now on, students of Holy Magic and Dragon Academy will have the first assessment and recommendation by the Imperial Academy of Magic.

I will guarantee that...everyone who enters Holy Magic Dragon Academy will be the best. "

The selection system for mage students designed by Daliang satisfied the purple-shirted clan leader. He was very supportive of Shangjiang's plan to establish the Imperial Magic Academy and provide outstanding students for the Holy Magic and Dragon Academy.

"Just do what His Highness the Prince said... I will regularly arrange for professors from Holy Magic and Dragon Academy to attend classes at the Imperial Academy of Magic so that students can adapt to the learning progress of Holy Magic and Dragon Academy more quickly."

"Then it's Chief Lao Zishan."

Daliang said in his heart: Samples, you dare to miss my private place in the magic forest. Want to attend the Purple Dragon Clan’s magic academy? Okay... I won’t stop you, let’s start from elementary school.

The Magic Academy of the Purple Dragon Clan does teach a lot of advanced magic. Many of the magics have been optimized by the Purple Dragon masters, which can reduce magic consumption, magic recovery time, and increase magic effects...

Being able to study at Zilong's Magic Academy can really improve a player's strength to a higher level.

Now the leader of the purple shirt wants to recruit some adventurers into the magic academy. Daliang knows that he can stop them once or twice, but the game is moving forward, and the reactionary forces will definitely not be able to stop the successive players in the end.

Since there is no way to stop him, the qualification to enter the Purple Dragon Magic Academy must be in his hands.

Holy Magic·Dragon Academy, Daliang used its unique status to block all other channels of entry. If you want to learn the magic of the Purple Dragon Clan, there is only one way... that is to start from the lowest level of the Junior Magic School and work your way up one level at a time.

Da Liang didn't know how many people would persevere in the end, but there were definitely not many... And the last stop to enter the Holy Magic Dragon Academy was the Imperial Magic Academy in Shangjiang City.

Who will pass in the end and who will fail...

Brother has the final say.

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