Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1412 Earth Wind and Thunder

The Ultimate Faith followed the New Unsullied Doctrine and rapidly invaded the plane of the undead. The City of Sighs publicly established the Death God System Research Institute, which made the death monarchs of the old religion angry and worried.

Becoming a god and serving the God of Death as a god, is this considered blasphemy to the God of Death?

The God of Death did not give an answer, but once the Sad Pope becomes a god...then the death monarchs who oppose him will definitely die.

The faith that the Death Lords held on began to waver, and they had to accept that their little brother had become an existence that they could not catch up with.

The unification of the Death Kingdom has entered its final moments, and the Sad Pope is now focused on negotiations with the old Death Lords. Even if the supreme angel appeared in the City of Sighs, Sadness would only call Daliang for a simple inquiry.

Then the topic shifted to the unification of the Kingdom of Death. Melancholy and Daliang sat on opposite sides of the desk, like the former monarch and his most trusted bishop.

About to reach the highest peak that an undead could reach, the Sad Pope no longer had the impetuousness he had when he first ascended the throne, nor did he continue to doubt Daliang. He knew that Daliang's status in all planes was higher than his own. The Five-Color Flag Alliance was bursting with vitality. When the first empire of the main world truly owned the main world, it would become the strongest plane in the world.

But Sadness also knows that Daliang relies on him. The number of 16th-level heroes is the shortcoming of the Five Color Flag Alliance, and the 16th-level heroes of the Death Kingdom... When the Monarch of Mourning is sealed, the strength of the remaining Death Monarchs may not be too strong. , but sufficient. Even excluding Daliang, the part-time monarch, after the death kingdom is unified, there will be seven death monarchs plus one death pope, and eight level 16 heroes.

There is also an army of undead that can be consumed at will.

The current sad pope no longer worries about gains and losses when facing the Great Liang... He is worried that his status will be threatened, and he is also afraid of losing this powerful arm. The cooperation of equal status allowed Sadness to sit together calmly with Da Liang again, like friends, discussing the situation of the kingdom of death and the plane war.

Will, who was standing by, poured a glass of red wine for Da Liang.

Although the undead do not need to eat, the diverse City of Sighs is no longer desolate, and sufficient supplies allow the cathedral to obtain things from all planes at any time.

After Daliang finished telling the story of his meeting with Uriel, the Sad Pope said: "Yes, the research data on the God's Plane from the Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild is indeed missing the most critical part. But with that battle, The deaths of Quentin and Frank turned into a mystery.

Since Yunzhong City is looking for...then I will leave this matter to you. Find out what they are looking for. It is best to find it in front of them. time Uriel asks you to meet, warn him: Stay away from the City of Sighs. After all the Kingdom of Death has been incorporated into the New Unsullied Holy See, I will not let him leave here easily.

Let’s stop talking about Urie.

The monarchs of the old religion already had the idea of ​​surrender, and they asked me to meet in the border city of Erode for an informal talk. These stubborn guys must be asking for something or making other demands.

I can't completely trust them yet... I hope you can meet with them on my behalf as the death mentor of the New Unsullied Holy See to see what they want to do? "

The death monarch of the old religion no longer has low-end contacts with the new Unsullied Holy See, but instead proactively proposes an appointment with the leadership. This is a very good sign. But the Sad Pope will definitely not go to a border city alone to meet the five death monarchs, and Lucas and the Desolate Monarch are not qualified to represent him.

Therefore, Sadness wanted Daliang to set up an outpost on his behalf to prepare for formal negotiations.

Daliang is the founder of the ultimate faith, the disseminator of the New Immaculate Doctrine, and the Master of Death. The status of the new Holy See is second only to the Sadness Pope, and in dealing with some extreme emergencies, Sadness feels that Daliang is more qualified than himself to persuade those monarchs who "want to be a bitch like setting up an archway".

During the War in Furnace City, the good camp continued to maintain a vigorous offensive. If the Kingdom of Death can be unified in time, it can send a large army of undead to hell to share the pressure on Lucifer.

And Daliang also hopes to witness this historic moment in person. You must know that he invested more in the Kingdom of Death than any other plane. The New Unsullied Holy See started from him and was built step by step by his own hands.

Now that it is finally coming to a complete conclusion, Daliang hopes that he can personally bring this plot to a complete end.

"Yes... Your Majesty. I will bring you good news from Corrosion City."

Sadness laughed: "You have never let me down...whether it is in the City of Sighs or in the City of Eternal Night.

Will will lead my Knights of the Holy See to follow you...

They have just finished changing their clothes. Even the ordinary skeleton soldiers have been equipped with sophisticated chain armor, and then they have been equipped with our newly built aerial battleships.

Let those country bumpkins who can only use the skeleton army have a good experience... What is an undead army armed with steel. "

Daliang and Will replied together: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

"Hahaha..." Sadness smiled very happily.

After leaving the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, Daliang continued to handle all aspects of affairs in the City of Mists. He not only has to manage the construction of the city and the expansion of the army as Eviscerate; he also has to deal with the vampires and vampire sword guards of the shadow of death as Destroyer.

Talk to Tokugawa Nobunaga about the development of urban resources, and watch the "Ninjutsu Competition" organized by the teenagers with Feng Moying.

Since the Vampire Sword Guard appeared in the battle to rob the obelisk tower, the Vampire Sword Guard became an easy clue to be traced. In order to confuse the public, Daliang began to sell this very useful all-round hero.

Hero-level vampire sword guards flowed into the player market through various secret channels, and as soon as they appeared, they became a hot commodity that players were crazy about.

They have high attack, high agility, and good spell talents. They can be trained full-time, or can develop all-round magic and martial arts. The blood-sucking talent gives them a strong survivability.

In addition, it is very attractive and can instantly improve one's taste by taking it with you.

When the ultimate creature is rare, the Vampire Sword Guard has become the goal pursued by some high-level players.

As the number of Vampire Sword Guards increased, Da Liang relocated the Vampire Sword Guard maids and personal guards who had been hiding in the Bone Burial Ground to his side after robbing the obelisk tower.

In Destiny Manor. Da Liang was lying in a lounge chair on the grass, looking at the unicorns walking leisurely. Next to him stood Sofia, who was wearing a cool windbreaker. Maids in maid uniforms were standing around carrying fruit plates and red wine, and guards were scattered around holding swords, alert to all disturbances.

The earth was thundering and windy, stealing half a day's leisure.

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