Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1414 The Real Michael

Since the war in Furnace City has reached this scale, it cannot be stopped just by saying stop. If Yunzhong City's strategy is changed at this time, it is likely to cause irreparable losses.

Uriel just wanted to correct the mistakes made by Yunzhong City, not against Michael. In his eyes, this archangel is irreplaceable. She has been protecting angels, but her approach is a bit radical.

Michael took a step back, and Uriel also put away his momentum. He took a step back and saluted Michael, saying: "Archangel, I deeply apologize for offending me.

These are just my personal thoughts... Please rest assured, Archangel, I have no intention of offending your majesty, and I have never mentioned these things to other angels. "

Hearing that Uriel did not mention these thoughts to other angels, Michael nodded slightly and said: "When my guardian angels left, I told you...

There is the strongest defensive magic and the strongest anti-detection magic here.

Even if a 16th-level hero fights here, as long as the time is not too long, the outside world will not notice it. "

Michael's momentum rose again, creating a whirlwind in the hall and showing strong hostility. Uriel was immediately alert, put on a defensive posture, and asked Michael: "Archangel, what do you mean...are you going to use force against a supreme angel in Cloud City?"

Michael stood up from the throne, she walked down the steps step by step, and stretched out her hand to summon an angel sword. The Blazing Wings burned blazingly behind her, and the temperature of the entire hall gradually increased, exuding a depressing atmosphere. She slowly walked towards Uriel and said: "Your shallow vision cannot see the world after God comes. Your thoughts are extremely dangerous. If you let them spread, some short-sighted angels will be affected by them.

After Lucifer led the fallen angels to rebel against Yunzhong City, the angel clan could no longer withstand another division, especially when this theocratic era was about to begin.

I will seal you temporarily.

The moment I become a god, when I lead the angels into new glory, you will feel regretful for today's mistakes. "

Uriel knew that he was no match for Michael. He activated absolute defense and slowly retreated towards the door of the hall. Two sacred air currents collided in the hall. In order to delay time, Uriel said to Michael: "What's wrong with you Michael... This is not the archangel I am familiar with.

Wake up!

Your kindness has been swallowed up by the pursuit of power. "

"The pursuit of power and kindness are not in conflict." Uriel retreated, and Michael pressed forward step by step: "Only stronger power can protect kindness. I stood in front of the crystal wall of the God's plane, and when I was comprehending the God's plane , the understanding of kindness has a new sublimation.

If God is good, the world will be good; if God is evil, the world will be evil.

With absolute power, I can eliminate evil! I will not allow any obstacles on this road. If the evil camp blocks me, I will destroy it; if the Five Color Flags Alliance blocks me, I will destroy it; now you stand in front of me..."

Urie felt that the magic circle in the entire hall had been activated. They entered an independent space, and the outside world had no idea what was happening inside.

The battle with Michael was inevitable, and Uriel, who had entered an absolute defensive state, summoned a giant light shield to prepare for Michael's attack.

The fire of Blazing Sky Wings became more intense, and the holy light emanating from Michael's body slowly turned from pure white to blood red.

Uriel was surprised to see Michael's transformation and shouted: "You... you have been contaminated!"

Michael's eyes also turned into red light balls. She raised the angel sword and replied: "No... this is the appearance of God. Your defense is too strong and it gives me a headache. If you want to seal it as soon as possible, You must use the power of demigods."

After saying that, Michael instantly crossed the distance between her and Uriel, and smashed the shield held up by Uriel with a sword.

Daliang didn't know that Uriel was so honest and honest. He had some ideas and hurriedly went to Michael to discuss it, so that he was forced to reveal Michael's true appearance and was sealed.

When the Battle of Shangjiang entered its final stage, Daliang was also preparing to go to the border city of Erocheng on behalf of the Sad Pope to meet with the death monarchs of the old religion to discuss the unification of the death kingdom.

To show his strength to the Old Religion, the Sorrowful Lord sent out his most elite troops.

Outside the City of Sighs, Will led the Holy See Knights to launch a military formation.

As the Sad Pope said, this is an army of death that has never been seen in the Kingdom of army of death armed with steel.

The lowest level soldiers are second-level skeleton warriors who have advanced from skeleton soldiers. All skeleton warriors are equipped with chain armor, stainless steel helmets, and forged steel swords.

Hero unit... The Holy See Knights are deployed at the squad level, that is, a squad of ten skeleton warriors will be equipped with a heroic squad leader. Even an ordinary hero is enough to make a combat squad successful. doubled growth.

A squadron of ten teams is equipped with a primary mobile anti-magic device, three medical tents (to restore the blood of wounded soldiers), five small ballistas, and a baggage team...

Ten squadrons form one brigade, equipped with an intermediate mobile magic-forbidden device, an intermediate magic amplifying device, a medium-sized ballista squadron, half a squadron of death mages, twenty medical tents, and a transport convoy...

Ten brigades form a legion, with exclusive heavy-duty long-range support troops, mage regiments, air combat troops, and a fourth-level air and space battleship as the legion command ship.

This is just the arm of a skeleton warrior army.

Among the Holy See Knights of the Legion of Melancholy, there are ghosts and advanced vampire legions dedicated to aerial combat.

An army of corpse witches with remote support.

There are cavalry units called the Terror Knight Legion.

There is a general regiment of Holy See Knights composed entirely of heroic units, bone dragons, and ghost dragons.

The higher the army level, the better the equipment.

In the past, when I saw the army of the undead, it was just a field of white flowers, all of which were skulls. Now it is a shining metallic color, full of unprecedented luxury. Even Daliang has the financial resources not to be willing to arm his army like this.

But the Sad Pope, who was rich and wealthy, invested heavily in his own army.

The army piled up with gold coins filled the entire wilderness outside Sighing City. The ghosts wailed, and more than a dozen aerial warships of all levels took off at the same time. Da Liang stood on the bridge of the flagship Faith. The masts and sides of the ship were covered with high-level vampires in the form of bats. Groups of ghost dragons carrying terrifying knights flew around.

Will, the commander of this legion, landed on the deck of the Faith from the air. He first glanced at Sophia, who was standing next to Daliang, and then saluted Daliang and said: "Your Majesty, the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs are ready and ready at any time. Set off."

Daliang ordered: "Advance the entire army to Erode City!"

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