Start with an Archangel

Chapter 142 Cooperation

After saying this, Joyce led the griffon army to fly high into the sky. Xu Man rode on his royal griffon and waited for the dawn.

Daliang knew that the date plan he had prepared was completely ruined. He walked up to Gu Tao, put the unicorn beside her, and chose to give it to her. Then he said to the stunned Gu Tao: "I have owed you a soldier since the first time we met. From archers to griffins, I have never fulfilled my promise. I feel really sorry. This unicorn will be treated as my own. I'll compensate you for the failure of your mission. Unicorns are fast, can run, fight, and provide magic resistance. They are very suitable for your profession. I can't accompany you because I have a mission now. I will definitely accompany you next time I have a chance. You should do your best to kill monsters and complete the mission."

unicorn! Gu Tao, who was originally very satisfied with the Royal Griffin, never thought that Daliang would give him such a high-level unit. I'm afraid there aren't many level 11 arms among gamers around the world, right? Gu Tao quickly said: "No, no, no, I can't have it, it's too expensive..."

Daliang stopped Gu Tao who was about to say anything else: "The unicorn is insignificant in my hands, and I don't have it even if I keep it. Since it's given to you, you accept it. You're wasting my time by pushing me back and forth. The admiral of the Pudong Fleet still has Where are you waiting?"

Then Da Liang released a silver pegasus to Shu Xiao: "Don't just think about killing monsters and leveling up. Manage the Judgment Force, select the best 1,000 people, and train according to your method. I have some tasks to leave. Go to Jiangcheng for a few days, and if you behave well when you come back, I will give you some more Silver Pegasus knights."

Shu Xiao was overjoyed and quickly put the Silver Pegasus into his weapon card. He was afraid that Daliang would regret it and wanted to go back. Then he immediately performed a military salute and replied loudly: "I promise to complete the mission!"

After the explanation, Daliang joined Xu Man and followed Joyce, flying towards the Pudong fleet surrounded by an army of griffons.

At this point, under Daliang's introduction, Xu Man came into Joyce's sight by virtue of his manpower organizational advantages demonstrated in the loss prevention operation at the gravel camp.

Then under the bright turn of events, two strong women, Xu Man and Joyce, reached a series of cooperation agreements. The most important one is that Xu Man joined the Pudong Fleet with the rank of sergeant major and served as a mercenary liaison officer.

While Xu Man is on duty, she can introduce any player to join the temporary mercenaries of the Pudong Fleet. Players who join the mercenary army do not receive any financial allowance, but they can take on private missions from the Pudong Fleet and gain contributions, reputation, and intimacy with the Pudong Fleet. After the intimacy reaches a certain level, you can be transferred to a formal soldier of the Pudong Fleet and record your personal military merits. Then, according to the number of military merits, you can choose from boatswain, gunner, captain of a single-masted battleship,...first mate of a two-masted battleship... Promotion from level to level.

The main task of mercenary players is to follow the warships of the Pudong Fleet on field trips and assist the warships in winning maritime conflicts as ordinary sailors. After all, players are all hero professions, and they can handle magic attacks, assistance, and hand-to-hand combat, which can greatly improve the combat capabilities of a single warship.

This cooperation has given Xu Man and his series of players a very broad prospect. There are definitely only a very small number of people who can serve as captains of the Pudong Fleet, but Xu Man and Daliang are interested in allowing their own people to learn navigation and sailing alongside the Pudong Fleet on the spot. Naval combat experience.

The great voyages of the Age of Sail have disappeared from the world outside the game for centuries. Most of people’s understanding of the navigation technology of that era comes from literature and movies. Everyone can come up with a theory, but it can be put into practice. You will find that your theories are bullshit.

Just like the naval battle that Daliang experienced to intercept the troop transport fleet, he did not dare to enter the central battlefield at all. He was afraid that if he entered rashly, he would not be able to help but would hinder the entire fleet. Those players who have never even touched a battleship will only be more miserable. How to learn navigation and sea combat is a problem that every player and group who intends to get involved in navigation must face.

Therefore, this agreement was reached when the Pudong fleet was in urgent need of personnel. It was of great significance to the players of Xu Man in the College Alliance. They could follow the most professional navy to experience a maritime confrontation from beginning to end. Observing the Pudong Fleet and the Chongming Fleet's equally matched battles at sea at close range is enough to compile a complete set of maritime battle cases and information, and to train a large number of personnel who are familiar with and have experience in naval warfare.

It can be said that although in these cooperations, the Xu Man and others of the University Alliance did not receive any financial rewards, they simply paid to fight for the Pudong Fleet, but as Daliang said, the future gained by the University Alliance is far greater than the current temporary benefits. The benefits are many.

Joyce also got what she wanted from this cooperation. The Pudong fleet is now short of money and people. Now she can hire a large number of players to serve her without spending money. Adventurers boarding the ship and taking up unimportant positions can greatly reduce the losses of one's own soldiers, and the combat effectiveness is improved because there are a large number of heroic professions on the ship. What Joyce paid was only a commitment to the future.

Overall, both Joyce and Xu Man are very satisfied with this collaboration.

As the details of the cooperation were improved in discussions, Xu Man began to recruit a large number of players into the mercenaries of the Pudong Fleet, and began to follow the warships to perform maritime missions.

When all ten single-masted warships commissioned by Daliang to be built by the Pudong Naval Port Shipyard were launched and delivered, Sidney's Black Fire Fleet also entered the port.

Ten single-masted battleships were lined up on the dock of the shipyard, and the brand-new hulls exuded the smell of tung oil. A mainmast stood in the center of the ship, and ten cannons were placed on a single deck. Due to space problems, a sloop does not have an independent captain's cabin, and the sailors' living environment is also very small. Staying on a sloop for a long time will cause the sailor's morale to drop very quickly. This is why a sloop cannot engage in ocean voyages alone. an important factor.

Daliang, who at least had a fleet of three-masted warships and two-masted warships, looked down upon such small warships. But Xu Man, who had her own warships for the first time, was extremely happy when she saw these warships. Although they were so inconspicuous compared with the warships of the nearby Pudong fleet, the delivery of these warships meant that she officially reached out to the sea. Let the University Alliance become the first player organization to seize maritime resources.

The key thing is that these boats are so cheap to build.

"Daliang, I still have a few merchant ship drawings here. You can also help me build them."

Xu Man was very satisfied with the delivery of ten single-masted warships, and then she took out several drawings of two-masted merchant ships and handed them to Daliang.

As long as these merchant ships are in place, she can rely on these single-masted warships to establish her own merchant fleet. Although hiring ships from the Maritime Merchant Association can carry more cargo, a large amount of the profits will be used to pay for the ship hire. fee. The money you can earn by hiring a large merchant ship is far less than the money you can earn by running your own two-masted merchant ship on a voyage.

Moreover, if you have warships or merchant ships, you don't necessarily have to be an honest businessman. If you encounter a fat sheep on the road and snatch a deal, it will be a costless business. After all, you have ocean surveillance in your hands. It would be a waste not to use it for robbery.

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