Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1423 Visiting Golden Cave City

The Golden Cave City is built within the largest gold mine discovered in Endless Labyrinth. Originally, this was just a small cave of less than one square kilometer. After countless years of excavation, the entire space expanded ten thousand times.

There is still no sign that the gold in this golden cave will be exhausted. If you dig out a stone on the cave wall and crack it, you can always find gold nuggets of various sizes.

It is precisely because of the gold produced by Golden Cave City that the Dark Wing Kingdom became the largest kingdom in the Endless Labyrinth.

But at this time... Golden Cave City is occupied by black elves.

The strong financial resources make the Black Elves of the Golden Cave no longer a barbaric and rudimentary army. They purchase all the necessary supplies from the trading dominion controlled by the angels of the Kingdom of Death.

The army of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave was armed. They had sophisticated armor and weapons and did not need to rely solely on their physical talents to fight; they bought enough food to solve the problem of feeding the increasingly large army;

They have large equipment for war, alchemy equipment, and vehicles to transport these materials.

Everything can be purchased, but the problem is... the gold collected in Golden Cave City never seems to be enough to spend. The purchased supplies were quickly consumed, and some seemed to be only slightly damaged, but because the black elves had no industry, they could only discard them and buy new ones.

As the battlefield with the Darkwing Kingdom resumes, the battle ahead is going smoothly, resulting in a massive consumption of supplies. There are also those black elves who have taken refuge, and they also need to be raised.

Seeing the gold coins coming in from the left hand and coming out from the right hand, and facing the empty treasury, Fegmina regretted that she ordered the massacre of the city when she attacked the Golden Cave City. All the craftsmen died in that massacre. As a result, even though the level 13 Golden Cave City has complete industrial buildings and facilities, there is no way to make them operate.

A city's industry cannot be established overnight.

Craftsmen must be slowly cultivated, especially those advanced craftsmen who can make complex weapons and equipment. They are a resource that every city focuses on protecting.

However, when Fegmina attacked the Golden Cave City, she did not think of occupying it for a long time. She knew how important this place was to the Darkwing Kingdom, and was always ready to evacuate when the king's army counterattacked, hoping to grab the first wave and run away.

But now the development of things is beyond Fegmina's imagination. She has the secret support of Yunzhong City and has the conditions to occupy the entire Dark Wing Kingdom.

The war has to be fought, and in order to win... no matter how much money is spent, it must be spent.

The heartbroken Ninja Fegmina signed an order to send all the gold coins produced yesterday to the Kingdom of Death.

"Mistress!" Fegmina had just approved a material purchase when a black elf hurriedly broke into her office: "Mistress... news came from the front in Gao E City. The first empire of the main world has sent us Jincao City sent a mission, led by Prince Feichen of the Empire, and they are heading here on two aerial battleships..."

The main world can be said to be a plane that has been in the spotlight recently. They first established an empire and just defeated the joint invasion of Dreamland and Stone Wilderness. Backed by the Five Color Flag Alliance, it has become a force that cannot be ignored in the world.

Although the Black Elves of the Golden Cave are powerful, they are just a small town that is not too inconspicuous to the huge First Empire of the main world.

At this time...a plane-level force took the initiative to visit Jincao City, and it was sent by the Empire's second-ranking officer, Prince Feichen, which must be considered a solemn event. What's even more unexpected is... Prince Feichen didn't hide it like Meredith. He directly drove such a large formation of aerial battleships and passed by the battle line with the Dark Elves and the Dark Wing King's army, making it clear that this was the case. This visit was not a secret visit, it was the first empire of the main world openly sending a heavyweight envoy to the Golden Cave City.

The mission has not arrived yet, but the signals revealed inside have already cheered up Fegmina.

She walked back and forth in the room excitedly, and ordered repeatedly: "Immediately...immediately send out our highest-level reception team, and we must escort the mission of the first empire of the main world to the Golden Cave City safely.

Inform all the black elves garrisoned in the Golden Cave along the way not to harass His Highness Prince Feichen's voyage to ensure the safety of the waterway.

Notify Golden Cave City to prepare for ceremonies and celebrations.


Because of Prince Feichen's mission, Jinku City was instantly filled with a festive atmosphere. In order to allow this mission from the surface to adapt to the environment of the underground city. Fegmina caused all the magic towers in the city to release lighting magic, lighting up the entire city as bright as day.

Light... makes this dark cave light up. The gold particles embedded in the cave wall reflect the golden light, making the entire Golden Cave City look magnificent.

The color of gold dazzled Da Liang's eyes. As soon as they entered the Golden Cave, the entire fleet was covered with a layer of gold. Even though Daliang was used to seeing gold coins, he couldn't help but be shocked by the wealth contained in this golden cave.

There was a greedy light in Da Liang's eyes, and he murmured: "This time I really came to the right place... The fleet is speeding up, I want to reach the Golden Cave City as soon as possible, and negotiate a big deal with Mistress Fegmina. "

The "Prince" and "Assault" accelerated their flight speed. Surrounding the two battleships were escort teams composed of black dragons and high-level black elf heroes.

If she hadn't been trying to figure out her worth and didn't know Prince Feichen's true intention, Mistress Feigmina would have greeted him personally.

Fegmina stood on the platform of the castle tower of the city lord's palace, where a parking pad had been urgently built for the temporary docking of air and space warships. A water storage lake was also dug outside the city so that aerial warships could land and berth.

In order to grandly welcome the mission of the first empire of the main world, Feigmina brought all the black elf matrons in Golden Cave City. They stood together and watched the magic fireworks sparkling in the city, which further reflected the sky that had crossed the city wall. The power of battleships.

As the warship approached, it slowly moved its side into the dock. Fegmina and all the matrons were shocked by this most powerful weapon of war.

A huge ship that can fly in the air, with densely packed gunports on the wall like a city wall. Although these gun doors are all closed at this time, you can imagine the grand scene of all the artillery extending their muzzles from these gun doors. No matter how strong the city walls and castles are, it is impossible for them to stand firm under the salvos of these artillery fire?

This is the great alchemical assembly, the ruler of the battlefield. Even though she knew that such a war weapon was not suitable for the dungeon environment, Fegmina still couldn't help but want to keep it for herself.

But thinking of the owners of the two battleships and the passengers on them, Feigmina immediately suppressed the greed in her heart and prepared to welcome the arrival of Prince Feichen.

More magic fireworks went up, and the black elves in the city were shocked by the two aerial battleships, but they were also happy about the visit of the world's first empire.

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