Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1433 Five Cities

The Plague Lord's defection was expected, but the speed was unexpected.

No one except the Plague Monarch can understand the grievance of being squeezed backward in the monarch's ranking time and time again. But without racial advantage and lack of strength, he could only endure this "unfair" treatment.

Now that the title of First Monarch is right in front of you, you don't care about strength but focus on speed. Even though the walking zombies have never been known for their speed, at this moment... the Plague Lord seems to have activated a speed-up plug-in. He has blocked out all external interference. He does not want to make promises to the indifferent Lord or agreements with other monarchs. He just wants to be the first to do so. Get in front of potential competitors and grab this "first".

When the Plague Lord stood up and saw that other monarchs were still considering the conditions proposed by the Eviscerate Lord and the huge information reported, he knew that he had finally reached a height that he could not even imagine before.

Indifference does not allow sorrow to be the pope. But after the monarchs were re-ranked, Plague knew very well where he would be ranked... Sixth place was an extravagant hope. Because of the presence of the Eviscerated Monarch, the Desolate Monarch, and President Lucas, the Plague knew that he would definitely be in the top position. Number seven is a no-brainer.

But supporting melancholy as the pope...that means one person is inferior to one, two people are inferior to ten thousand people. With the title of the first monarch, the monarchs who have stepped on his head in the future will all act based on his face.

Hahahaha... I have this day too!

The Plague Lord who stood up looked down at the other stunned Death Lords without any sense of guilt, especially when he saw the somewhat distorted face of the Indifferent Lord, and even felt a little proud.

Now, the originally weak alliance of the five old religious death monarchs has collapsed due to the shameless rebellion of the Plague Lord. The old order in the Kingdom of Death is gone after a long period of survival. The new order, under the brand-new ruling ideology, sweeps across the entire world of the dead with a devastating momentum.

In the strength shown by Da Liang, and under the example of the Plague Monarch, the remaining four Death Monarchs did not make any meaningless struggles.

Originally, they had planned to accept the Ultimate Faith and join the New Unsullied Holy See, but they just wanted to be reserved.

Now I don't even need to be reserved.

When the other three Death Lords were shocked by the Plague Lord's lightning-fast betrayal without warning, the Indifferent Lord stood up and declared his support for Melancholy as the Pope of the new Unsullied See, recognizing the Pope's absolute leadership over the Kingdom of Death. right.

Aloof and thrillingly retained his position as the second monarch.

Only then did they realize that the three Death Lords, while cursing the Plague's treachery and indifference in their hearts, also expressed their willingness to agree to all the conditions put forward by the Eviscerating Lord.

Looking at the five death monarchs standing up, Da Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The alliance of these five old Christian monarchs was more loose than he imagined. Through intelligence from all aspects, the strategy of using the Plague Monarch as a breakthrough was very correct.

After a month of preparation, in just a few minutes, Daliang completed the Sad Pope's instructions and brought a successful conclusion to his strategy in the Kingdom of Death.

An informal meeting determined the order of the future Kingdom of Death, and the rest was left to the City of Sighs to have more detailed discussions with the five newly joined Death Lords.

Then, after everything is finalized, a formal meeting will be launched to announce the incident to everyone.

Naturally, there was no need for Da Liang to waste his precious time in this border city with these trivial matters.

On the way back to the City of Sighs, Daliang first visited the Boneyard Tomb.

After investing regardless of the cost, most of the construction of this miraculous building built by Daliang for his most important secret was finally completed.

The entire underground space was hollowed out and then reinforced with magic to form an independent world.

The five major races, humans, elves, dungeons, undead, and hell, live in five different underground spaces. After immigration from all parts of the Blackfire territory, all five racial cities were put into operation.

The humans who immigrated from the Judgment Territory live in Griffin City. The construction of Griffin City has been synchronized with Judgment City, and all buildings in Judgment City have a backup here. With the establishment of the first empire in the main world, the Judgment Territory subordinate to Shangjiang City also changed from the original human upgrade system to the new human system.

The Judgment Territory can obtain all the necessary architectural drawings to upgrade to a level 14 main city from Shangjiang City. After a new round of construction, the Judgment Territory has completed the upgrade to a level 10 city and is rapidly moving towards a level 11 city.

Griffin City is also a level ten city.

The upper level of the closed cave is a sky drawn by magic. According to the time... the sun, moon and stars alternate above.

Because it is underground, Griffin City did not build a city wall. The city's population is all concentrated in an independent urban area, and then various living facilities and workshops all radiate outward around the residential area. Then an underground river passed around the city and became the main water source of Griffin City.

As a ferocious beast domesticated by humans, in addition to guarding the city, griffins are also one of the main livestock for urban residents. This is where the name of Griffin City comes from.

The humans of Griffin City are mainly responsible for the manufacturing and commerce in the Tomb of the Boneyard.

The elves who immigrated from Palm Tree City live in Pegasus City.

Palm Tree City is a ninth-level elf territory, which makes Pegasus City only a ninth-level city. It can recruit ninth-level elf creatures, tree spirits, but cannot recruit tenth-level unicorns.

It's a pity, but the relationship between Daliang and the Dreamland determines that Palm Tree City can only develop quietly. Once discovered by the Elf Kings, it will definitely be destroyed.

The sky above Pegasus City is also an illusory sky created by alchemy magic. The ground is grassland and forest cultivated by elves, and there is a clear lake in the middle. Pegasus City was built around the shore of the lake. The tall trees were covered with tree houses where elves lived, and then air corridors built by tree vines connected all the tree houses.

The city is named after Pegasus, which was tamed by elves. The way these flying creatures carry elves across the sky is the most beautiful scenery in Pegasus City.

The elves of Pegasus City are responsible for the agriculture in the Great Tomb of the Boneyard and provide wood for the maintenance of the Great Tomb.

It is worth mentioning that as the side-by-side king of the dwarves, Daliang has the right to recruit all the troops of the independent race of dwarves. The dwarves were once affiliated with the elves. Apart from arguing for independence, the relationship with the elves is still very harmonious.

Therefore, Daliang arranged for the recruited dwarves to live in Pegasus City. However, the dwarves did not live in the forest. Instead, they carved out dwarf villages on the cave walls. They provided stones and iron tools for the maintenance of the large tomb.

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