Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1475 Goodbye Urie

Folding the wings of the fallen angel, Da Liang followed Metatron and landed on the ring alchemy platform. From here, the crystal wall of the God Plane was unusually tall. It had the same shape as an obelisk tower, but was countless times larger than the obelisk tower. If the crystal wall of the divine plane is viewed as a straight finger, then the ring alchemy platform built by the angel alchemists is like a ring on the finger.

After standing firm, Daliang found that the place was exactly as he had completely stopped functioning.

What's going on here? The purpose of Michael's planar war was to open the divine plane first. Why not only did the research here stop, but all the angel alchemists who were supposed to be here also disappeared?

Metatron, who had always been calm, was extremely nervous at this moment. Not only because the research on the divine plane is related to the future of the angel clan, but also because the angels working here are the best alchemists in the entire Yunzhong City.

If something happens to them, it will be a heavy blow to Yunzhong City's overall alchemy technology.

However, Metatron quickly circled around the ring alchemy platform and still found no trace of the angel alchemist.

"Where are they?" Thinking about Michael suddenly closing the alchemy laboratory, Metatron had an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

Da Liang looked at the sacred energy around him that had been attacking him, and said to Metatron: "Angels are all pure light energy. If angels die here...will they be dissolved by the sacred energy here and become part of them?"

Metatron's spirit became dazed, and he murmured: "Are they really all dead? Who killed them?"

"Metatron, stop lying to yourself, you know who it is... Before today, the only one who could enter here was Michael. Now Michael can even kill angels, and he is an extremely important alchemist to Cloud City. "Don't have any illusions about her anymore. This is proof that Michael has been contaminated." Daliang felt incredible that Michael actually killed the angel, but this did prove all his guesses. Michael Le, like Julian at the time, was tainted by something, and all of her abnormal behavior was explained.

Metatron still didn't want to believe it, he said: "Maybe Covdell and the others discovered something, or there was some accident... so Michael had to imprison them and close this place.

We cannot judge that Michael killed the angel based on these things..."

While Metatron was still defending Michael, a voice came from above their heads: "Metatron, His Highness the Prince's deduction is correct... Michael killed all the angel alchemists here. , this is what she told me personally. She was indeed polluted, and this is what I saw with my own eyes.

If you still don't believe it, come up and see me. "

It's Urie!

Metatron heard that this was Uriel's voice. How could Uriel, who was missing in the kingdom of death, appear here.

Da Liang and Metatron looked up. The rich sacred energy made the entire space seem to be shrouded in a layer of white light mist, and the upper half of the crystal wall of the God's plane was completely hidden in the light mist.

Not seeing Urie's figure, Metatron and Daliang glanced at each other, then replenished their defensive status, and flew upwards with caution against the outer edge of the crystal wall of the God's Plane.

Then they saw a crack appear on the crystal wall.

The crystal wall of the divine plane was actually destroyed!

Metatron and Da Liang couldn't believe what they saw in front of them, and they immediately accelerated their flying speed.

As the distance gets closer, the cracks become clearer. You can see platinum-gold metallic light spilling out from the cracks, and then inside the metallic light, there is an angel-like figure standing there.

"It's really Uriel!" After seeing clearly, Metatron speeded up again and rushed towards Uriel.

Da Liang circled around the outer circle, and after finding no other unusual situations, he also flew close to Urie.

Metatron stood outside the metallic light. He had already discovered that Uriel was imprisoned by some extremely powerful seal, but the white-gold light revealed a strange power that prevented Metatron from rashly taking action. Riye lifts the seal.

"Why are you here? If I rescue you now, will it cause any harm to you?"

Uriel glanced at Da Liang and said very carefully: "Metatron, you should know where this place is? Why did you bring a human race in? did you get in? "

Without waiting for Metatron to answer, Da Liang had already put on the monarch's divine robe, put on a hood to hide his appearance, and said in a bone-cutting tone: "Uriye, it seems that after we met in the City of Sighs, You went directly to confront Michael. As a result, Michael saw that you were trying to ruin her good deeds, so he locked you up here...

You already know the answer we are looking for, so I don't need to hide anything from you.

As you can see, I am the Eviscerating Lord of the Realm of Death.

I was the one who snatched the obelisk tower of the Kingdom of Death from you, I was the one who obtained Elder Quentin’s key technology, and I was the one who opened the crystal wall passage on the plane of God as a third party.

I can open the crystal wall channel of extremely good divine power in the Kingdom of Death, and naturally I can also open the crystal wall channel of extremely good divine power in the world of heroes.

Metatron and I have reached an agreement on our attitude towards Michael. Only by overthrowing Michael's rule over Cloud City can this war end.

Whatever you know, tell us.

And what is this? Some kind of special divine power? Have you also been contaminated by divine power? "

Da Liang's last question made Metatron quickly calm down. This white-gold light was indeed some kind of divine power. Metatron observed Uriel carefully, and could see that the armor, skin color, and wings he wore were all affected by this divine power and changed slightly in color.

Now that Uriel is placed in the divine power in a sealed state, is Michael doing this on purpose...contaminating Uriel with divine power and becoming like her?

If Uriel had been transformed by divine power, then he might have deliberately seduced himself into letting him out.

One Michael is troublesome enough, add Uriel...

Then there is really no possibility of a comeback.

Metatron said to Urie warily: "His Royal Highness the Prince and I have the same goal, and he is trustworthy. Now you first answer these questions raised by His Highness the Prince."

Uriel stared at Daliang with wide eyes. The secret that Daliang had just revealed was no less important to him than Michael turning into the Angel of Killing. However, he also knew that this was not the time to investigate Daliang's identity. He didn't know when Michael would come back, and he had to seize the time to explain clearly what needed to be explained.

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