Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1477 The future of angels

Who could attract Metatron's attention? Michael couldn't help but listen carefully.

Metatron thought about the plan he and Daliang made, and then said: "Lucifer told me... Daliang of Shangjiang City is not only the prince of the first empire of the main world, he also has other identities.

You know that the Sad Pope can unite the kingdom of death, all relying on the assistance of the Eviscerate Lord. Now the Eviscerate Monarch has become a very important presence in the Kingdom of Death because of the Sadness of the Pope. He was named the Immortal King, the death mentor of the Immaculate Holy See, and had the right to supervise the kingdom of death on behalf of Sorrow.

And this Eviscerating Lord happens to be Da Liang..."

"How is this possible..." When Michael heard this information, he was first shocked, and then she didn't believe it. She shook her head slightly and said, "How could Daliang be eviscerating? I'm afraid a Shangjiang City master world would It's enough to take up all his energy. How can he have time to assist Sadness in unifying the Kingdom of Death?

Is Lucifer lying to you again and trying to divert our attention to the kingdom of death and the main world? "

Metatron continued: "I didn't believe it at first, but Lucifer told me that Daliang has another identity. He is the most mysterious fifth main alliance in the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and he is the man behind the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Those in power.”

Another shocking news made Michael deep in thought... Lucifer should not make up such a ridiculous story. Normal people would think... How can Daliang be able to keep pace with the three major 15th-level dragon clans and the first empire of the main world?

In addition, why does Metatron pay so much attention to this lie that can be broken at once.

Michael realized that if all this was true, the war he started might end up being stolen by Daliang. She asked: "You invited Daliang to Yunzhong City so grandly, does that mean you have confirmed Lucifer's words?"

Metatron nodded and said: "Yes... everything Lucifer said is right. I used etiquette on this scale to make Daliang realize that his identity was exposed, and then under my trick, he admitted that he was a member of the Kingdom of Death. The Eviscerating Monarch is also the fifth main alliance of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. In fact, it can also be seen from some strategic changes of the Five-Color Flag Alliance that Daliang's status in the Five-Color Flag Alliance is much higher than that of a diplomat, but we have not updated it. It's just a deep guess.

The rapid development of Sigh City also started with the cooperation with Shangjiang City.

Now that Da Liang has controlled the Five-Color Flag Alliance and the Kingdom of Death... Lucifer's worry is right. With the support of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the Death Kingdom does have the idea of ​​​​replacing hell and leading the evil camp. "

Michael asked: "So...we all underestimated him, and he just hid behind the scenes and slowly became stronger."

"Yes..." Metatron replied: "We and Lucifer fought in the Crucible City and both sides suffered losses. The Five-Color Flag Alliance and the Kingdom of Death took the opportunity to develop and become stronger. He believed that he could already change the pattern of the world, so he no longer wanted to continue hide.

Daliang threatened the Kingdom of Death and the Five Color Flag Alliance to join the war, asking us to recognize the leadership of the Kingdom of Death in the evil camp..."

"Did you agree to him?" Michael's voice turned cold. She realized that she had fallen into Daliang's trap by launching the war in Furnace City. All the forces of the good camp that could restrain the Five Color Flag Alliance were thrown into the Melting City War, which made him so arrogant.

Metatron replied: "I did not agree to any of his conditions without your permission...but we seem to be unable to stop the kingdom of death from leading the evil camp. After death leads the evil camp, it will definitely make the Five Color Flag Alliance form an alliance with the evil camp. At that time, the situation of the entire plane war will be extremely unfavorable to us.

I think we should quickly start negotiations with the Five Colors Alliance and gradually withdraw our troops from the battlefield in Crucible City. Lucifer is not willing to continue fighting this meaningless war, and he is definitely willing to conserve his strength to meet the challenges of the kingdom of death.

We also need to reposition our new enemies and prepare for the next war. "

Lucifer doesn't want to fight, and the war in the Crucible City can be stopped at any time... And currently, it seems that Lucifer is no longer the primary enemy of the good camp. Once the Five Color Flag Alliance comes together with the evil camp, the good camp will have the advantage at this time. All will be gone.

An immediate truce seems to be the best solution, allowing both the Hell and Good camps to take a breather and face greater challenges.

But... Michael did not accept Metatron's suggestion. She said: "I'm glad you can recognize Daliang's face. I think you will no longer regard him as a friend.

I am your true comrade-in-arms.

The most taboo thing in war is to constantly change the target of attack... We have ceased the war at this time, and all the previous sacrifices have been in vain. After the armistice, if we don’t want Hell to be replaced, we have to help them fight the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and Lucifer will lead the evil camp to fight the Kingdom of Death... You must admit that the Five-Color Flag Alliance is much more powerful than the Kingdom of Death, and the main world is enough. We have been fighting for a long time. If Lucifer takes the lead in solving the internal problems of the evil camp, he will definitely seize the opportunity to attack us. armistice means leaving the outcome of the war to the uncertain future.

And now, this war has not gotten out of my hands. "

Metatron frowned and said: "Yes... Daliang deceived my trust in him, and I will support all the right decisions you make about Yunzhong City.

Do you still want to continue the war in Furnace City under such circumstances? "

Michael stood up from the chair and said confidently: "Lucifer wagging his tail to me for peace means that he can no longer hold on. The seemingly powerful defenders of Furnace City are actually only empty shells. .

Victory is already beckoning to me, why should I stop fighting.

Going to the birth pool to find you was definitely the biggest mistake he made. He made me see his weakness and his failure again.

I will return to the battlefield of Furnace City now, and I will concentrate all my military power to launch the strongest attack on Furnace City. This time I will personally participate in the battle, and I will let Lucifer know that even if he gets the Doomsday Blade, he is still a loser in front of me.

I will definitely defeat Lucifer completely before the Kingdom of Death intervenes in the Crucible City War. Then I will let the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Kingdom of Death taste the consequences of challenging me. "

Metatron looked at Michael with some surprise, making Michael think that he was surprised that he dared to attack in the gap of time under such circumstances.

She said to Metatron: "Don't worry... No one in this world can defeat me, even if Satan breaks through the seal, he is no match for me.

As long as I am here, the future of angels is here! "

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