Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1496 Artifact

The human army in the World of Heroes broke through the defense of Furnace City and pushed the war to the siege stage. While this greatly improved the morale of the good camp, the morale of the evil camp's army took a big hit.

Since the existence of Furnace City, it has never been invaded by the good camp... This city is the pride of hell and the symbol of the evil camp. And now...the human army that is pouring into the Crucible City has carved this shame on Hell.

The prestige that Hell had built up over countless years collapsed at this moment.

The defenders outside the city didn't know whether Furnace City had fallen, and they didn't know what they were still guarding. After only a moment of confusion, they were overwhelmed by the troops of the good camp who launched a larger-scale offensive.

The defensive line, which had been gradually stabilized due to the influence of the cursed armor, began to be broken open again and again. The defenders who suddenly lost their battle objectives showed signs of collapse.

Beria, who was fighting Gabriel, immediately remembered Lucifer's instructions when he saw that the entire battlefield was heading towards an irreversible defeat.

While he was fighting, he secretly mobilized the backbone of the fallen angels to retreat quietly. These were the last seeds of the fallen angel race. Only by preserving them could the fallen angels have hope of rising again.

Lucifer, who also saw the changes in the battle situation, also increased the intensity of his attacks. Not only did he have to fight Michael, he also used combat skills to harass Gabriel from time to time, so that Beria could better mobilize and save Fallen angels coming down.

Confronting Michael was already difficult for Lucifer. Gabriel is also a very powerful supreme angel. The attacks that distract him and resist also distract Lucifer from a large part of his attention.

After a battle, Michael had already seen through Lucifer's reality.

The time for Lucifer to obtain the Doomsday Blade was really too short. There was a big difference between the feeling that Michael felt when the Doomsday Blade was in his hands and in Satan's hands. Lucifer could only use the surface attributes of this top-level artifact, but could not turn it into a part of himself and fully unleash its potential energy.

The same is true for the cursed armor. Lucifer's compatibility with it is even lower than that with the Doomsday Blade.

Daliang, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, also saw the difference between Lucifer's use of the Doomsday Blade and Satan's. He had fought with Satan. In Satan's hands, the shape of the Doomsday Blade did not change so obviously. No matter as the fiery blade grew larger or smaller, it remained in the shape of the sword; in Lucifer's hands, it grew larger. The Doomsday Blade looks ferocious, but it cannot even maintain its normal form.

At this time, Daliang and the others had arrived at the ring-shaped alchemy platform at the crystal wall of the God Plane. They had just met Uriel and informed him to prepare to ambush Michael. Then the four heroes hid in the laboratory closest to Uriel and continued to surround the magic ball, keeping track of Michael's movements at any time.

Da Liang pointed out the change in the shape of the Doomsday Blade and asked Holy Bella: "You said that mastering the use of one artifact is more practical than having two artifacts. Does the distorted shape of the Doomsday Blade in Lucifer's hand represent the end of the world? The power of the blade cannot be released concentratedly."

Daliang owns the artifact Dark Blazing Sword, and the Arbitration Angel uses the Angel Alliance at the same level as the Doomsday Blade. Now they seem to be able to only use the superficial data of the artifact. As for the potential of the artifact, he has just heard from Holy Bella. Got up.

When ambushing Michael, the greater the combat power of his comrades, the greater the chance of victory. Holy Bella took advantage of the still time and quickly replied to Daliang and Arbitration: "The artifact, if you only look at the improvement of its strength, it is just a It's just a very good weapon. Each artifact contains great energy to support the powerful skills it can release.

The energy in the artifact is of course divine power.

Lucifer is only using the Doomsday Blade, but Michael has already mastered the Blazing Wings. This is a feeling, a tacit understanding cultivated with the artifact over a long period of time.

If one's own attributes do not match those of the artifact, it will take longer to develop a tacit understanding.

Arbitration is a sacred attribute, and the Angel Alliance is a weapon for angels to use. I believe it won’t take long for arbitration to control the Angel Alliance.

And Your Highness... When you are under the command of the flames, the most suitable thing for you is the Doomsday Blade.

The Dark Blazing Sword requires you to spend more time to understand the power it contains. "

The Flame Commander is the body carefully selected by the Emperor of the Sea to use the Doomsday Blade. Even Satan was envious when he saw the Flame Commander. Hearing that Holy Bella also said that the Doomsday Blade was the most suitable for him, Da Liang turned to Metatron and said : "The wings of the blazing sky are yours, and the blade of doom is mine."

Metatron is not too greedy for evil weapons like the Doomsday Blade. As long as he can take back the Blazing Wings to Cloud City, he will be satisfied.

Metatron did not forget to remind Da Liang: "The Doomsday Blade itself is extremely evil. People who lack strength and are not determined will be affected by it and lose their minds if they use it.

After Your Highness obtains the Doomsday Blade, please keep it properly and it is best not to use it when you are not in the state of Lieutenant Flame..."

Being affected by the Doomsday Blade will cause great changes in one's character, and Poseidon is a good example. In response to Metatron's advice, Daliang nodded and said: "I know, I will use the Doomsday Blade well until I can control it."

At this time, Saint Bella smiled and said: "Listening to the two of you starting to distribute the artifacts, it seems as if we have defeated Michael... Michael is preparing to attack Lucifer, and we should prepare well."

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed. After hearing the words of Holy Bella, the Arbiter stood aside with his sword in both hands, communicating with the Angel Alliance with his heart, and realizing the potential it contained.

Daliang did not improvise to cultivate a tacit understanding with the Dark Blazing Sword, which was not very compatible. Instead, he watched the final battle between Michael and Lucifer with Holy Bella and Metatron.

On the battlefield of Furnace City, the battle has spread within the city, and the defeat of the evil camp is a foregone conclusion.

Belial is organizing the Fallen Angels to retreat towards the City of Despair through the Gate of Hell. Lucifer no longer wastes magic power to support the flame field. He concentrates all his strength and prepares for the final fight with Michael.

Michael, who had adapted to the power of Lucifer's two artifacts, increased the intensity of his attacks. She no longer moved greatly in the air, but used the power of the holy flames of Blazing Wings to erupt backwards to make her attacks more impactful.

Feather arrows with sacred energy shot out from her wings, attacking Lucifer in an arc-shaped trajectory; the angel sword in her hand cut out a sword light that could cut through space...

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