Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1502 Angel’s Crisis

Compared with other heroes who breathed a sigh of relief and became relaxed, Metatron's expression was more serious: "At this time, I suddenly felt what kind of pressure Michael was under. Now this pressure is pressing on me. on the shoulders.

If God really brings war, Yunzhong City and the Angel Clan... will definitely bear the brunt and become the first sacrifices.

The position of the archangel is... not easy to sit in! "

The angel race is really too good. When hell is suppressed, no race will be able to compete with the angel race alone. Metatron also knows that "the wind will destroy the trees that are beautiful in the forest." When the war between gods begins, angels will become the targets of all gods.

Without Michael, who can protect the angel clan?

Uriel said: "The Furnace City has been occupied by us, Lucifer has been sealed, and the remnants of the fallen angels have no ability to continue to study the divine plane. Now the only two other people who can open the divine plane space are Yunzhong City and His Highness the Prince. .

As long as we all stop studying the plane of God, there is no need to consider... the problems God has brought to us. "

Everyone looked at Da Liang together.

Metatron should not be opposed to terminating the research on the divine plane in Cloud City, and Daliang's attitude is the most critical.

Daliang said without any consideration: "I will not stop the research on the crystal wall of the God Plane. I need to use a higher power to resurrect King Joyce.

In addition, after Sighing City obtains the research information from the Wizards Guild, one day it will also open the crystal wall of the divine plane. These loyal believers of the God of Death only want to serve the God of Death as gods.

Also... this war has enabled all major planes to start research on the divine plane.

We can control ourselves, but we cannot control others.

Therefore, from now on, we should be prepared to welcome the opening of God's plane, instead of being caught off guard when God arrives because of obstacles. "

Daliang said the key to the whole problem.

Just because you don't study the divine plane doesn't mean that others don't. Even if Daliang and the Kingdom of Death agree not to study the divine plane, and the three major planes of order issue bans on studying the divine plane, they still cannot stop some people from secretly researching it.

It would be even more troublesome when God suddenly descended on the three planes of order without any preparation.

Urie understood that it was impossible to restrict research on the God Plane. He looked at the sword marks cut by Michael on the crystal wall of the God Plane and said: "Then I will continue to cut... Yun Central City must also be prepared to welcome the opening of the divine plane."

Metatron sighed, and he took out the Blazing Wings and handed it to Uriel: "You will be in charge of the Blazing Wings from now on. I hope you can master it as soon as possible and let it burn again."

Uriel refused in shock: "I am just the lowest ranked supreme angel. The wings of the blazing sky are the symbol of the angel commander, and only the archangel is qualified to use it.

Metatron, Michael gave you the Blazing Wings to inherit the position of Archangel. "

Metatron said: "I will inherit the position of Archangel, and I will also lead Yunzhong City to prepare for the coming of God. But I am not good at fighting, and I cannot exert the true power of the Blazing Wings..."

Uriel continued to refuse: "There is also Gabriel... He is the second commander of Cloud City and is more qualified than me to equip Blazing Wings."

Metatron insisted on handing over the Wings of Blazing Sky to Uriel, and said in a commanding tone: "Just because Michael is sealed does not mean that the matter is over. The crisis in Cloud City has just begun. I don't know about other Supreme Beings." What thoughts do angels have...

You must know that Michael led them to conquer the Furnace City. This was a victory that had never been achieved in Yunzhong City since its existence. Michael's prestige in the Angel Clan reached its highest peak.

Lucifer was able to bring two supreme angels and one-third of the angels to fall...

I am sure that even if we can prove that Michael was contaminated by divine power, killed angel alchemists, and imprisoned the supreme angel, there will still be a large number of angels willing to follow him.

There must be a supreme angel among them.

I don’t know what the consequences will be if I hand over the wings of blazing sky to other supreme angels, but I believe in you... You insist on the most precious kindness of angels, and your firm heart to protect this kindness is something that even I can’t do. .

Entrusting the Blazing Wings to you is to entrust the angels with their final persistence in this world. "

Uriel was stunned on the spot with the Blazing Wings. Only then did he realize that sealing Michael was not as simple as he thought. Angels respect Metatron, but may not accept his leadership. When they announced that Michael had been sealed, Yunzhong City was on the verge of splitting.

Who would think about rescuing Michael, and who would think about competing for the position of archangel?

Nobody knows.

Realizing all of his responsibilities, Uriel equipped himself with the Blazing Wings. The white-gold wings are covered with a layer of flowing flames. It will take a long time for him to truly master this top-notch artifact.

"I know what to do."

After Uriel accepted the Wings of Blazing Sky, Metatron took out the Blade of Doom and handed it to Da Liang: "This is our previous promise, I hope you can use its power with caution.

Also I have one more request.

The assassination of King Joyce...was Michael's order. As the Holy Left Wing of the Archangel, Holy Isaiah had to fulfill this ignominious task.

Now that Michael has received the fate she deserves, and Holy Isiah is the most promising holy angel to be promoted to the Supreme Angel, Cloud City cannot afford to suffer greater losses.

I beg His Royal Highness to let Isaiah go. "

Originally, in Daliang's heart, Holy Isaiah had been sentenced to death, but seeing Metatron at this time, he couldn't help but feel soft in his heart.

Michael has been sealed, and Cloud City will soon be in chaos. If it is not handled well, it will be a civil war among angels.

As the Holy Isaiah who has the hope of being promoted to the Supreme Angel, if he dies, it will be an immeasurable loss to Yunzhong City.

Metatron can be said to be Da Liang's guide in this world. Through contact, Daliang also respected this wise and compassionate elder very much.

His plea made Daliang become hesitant in dealing with the issue of Holy Isaiah.

Michael was indeed the mastermind behind Joyce's assassination, and Holy Isiah... just let him go?

After Daliang thought deeply, he took the Doomsday Blade and said to Metatron: "I don't have to kill Isaiah, but as the murderer of Joyce, he must also accept punishment.

He must guard King Joyce's spirit until I resurrect her. Then became Joyce and her family's guardian angel, an everlasting oath no matter when he became supreme. "

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