Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1512 Lord of Hell

Da Liang just let Morgan go. He didn't need a hell who was too obedient. A Morgan can't affect the direction of the world, but it can cause some troubles for the good camp and the evil camp.

Only when there is trouble can we get benefits from it... Otherwise, if there is world peace, the importance of Daliang will naturally be reduced.

Without rushing to see the properties of Lord Morgan's badge, Daliang tossed the badge twice and put it away, and then said to Beria: "King Lucifer will be pleased with your choice.

Please believe me... At the appropriate time, I will transfer Yunzhong City to the Crucible City. If the world order is really stable, it is not impossible to persuade Yunzhong City to release King Lucifer. Of course, this is much more difficult than asking Angel to give up on Crucible City. "

Lucifer is the spiritual leader of the fallen angels, and his return can make the fallen angel race stronger. But the strength of fallen angels means that more angels choose to fall. Yunzhong City can avoid chasing down the remnants of the fallen angels because of Daliang's protection, but it will not let Lucifer go because of Daliang.

Beria knew his position. He saluted Daliang and then said: "Hell is willing to support the prince's decision and is also willing to contribute our strength to world peace."

"Then I will give you a detailed explanation of the future new world order and the location of hell."

Then Da Liang told the two fallen angel kings about the plan of the three planes of order to co-administer the entire plane. The three major planes of order will construct the mainstream values ​​​​of the world, and will become the strongest three legs in the world because of their dominance.

The good camp, the evil camp, and the five-color flag alliance still exist, but the conflicts between the camps are no longer the mainstream conflicts. Neutrality will coordinate between good and evil to avoid extreme development in one direction or the formation of an imbalance in the balance of power.

The chance of a camp war breaking out is minimized.

The price, of course, is that hell will be suppressed for a long time.

The Kingdom of Death needs to take over the leadership of the evil camp, and the process of establishing order cannot allow evil and chaotic thoughts to spread too much.

When he heard that the three major order camps were planning to establish a new world order, Beria finally understood what happened behind the Crucible City War.

Michael blocked the establishment of the world of order, so she was sealed.

Hell threatened the establishment of the world of order, so it was weakened.

The two biggest enemies fought each other to the death. There is no power in this world that can rival the three major planes. If there is no accident, any struggle in hell will be in vain. The three major camps can watch Hell spread evil, but they will never let Hell become powerful enough to spread chaotic thoughts again.

Sitting high on the main seat, Daliang has defeated the fallen angel clan.

Without a powerful hell and no spiritual leader, the fallen angels could only cling to the City of Despair for a long time.

"Your Highness, your wisdom makes me see fear, and you are the most suitable person to lead Hell." Beria and Willard saluted Daliang again: "We are willing to recommend the Demon King of Destruction as the Lord of Hell. Hell Only under your leadership can we adapt to the new world order."

The Lord of Hell was very popular in the past. Lucifer and Satan fought for the Lord of Hell. Now...whoever sits in this position will be roasted on the fire rack.

The three major planes of order want to suppress hell, and the demons under hell will definitely not be willing to be reduced to a second-rate plane. The Lord of Hell is caught in the middle and will only displease both sides.

According to the order of succession, Beria should be the Lord of Hell and become the leader of Hell. At this time, the fallen angel needs to retreat from the stage to the background and slowly recuperate, so it is really difficult to attract too much attention.

And among the remaining Hell Lords who have not been sealed...

Willard is a fallen angel, Belia cannot be the Lord of Hell, and of course he will not be.

Morgan has become the leader of Hell's rebellion.

Ergos is missing.

Angela is in Despair City at this time, but she has not shown up yet, which means that she has chosen to protect herself wisely, knowing that she is unable to clean up the mess in hell.

The power-hungry demon Howard is the emperor of the first empire of the main world and one of the rulers of the three major planes in the future. He will definitely not be the lord of hell again.

In the end...the only one who has the ability to sit firmly in this position is Daliang, the world-destroying demon king.

In the world order co-managed by the three major planes of order, Daliang has an extremely unique position. He is the immortal king of the kingdom of death, the flying dust prince of the main world, and the backing of Metatron in Cloud City. He is the leader of hell. Lord, hell can have a better time during this difficult period of being suppressed, and fallen angels can benefit from it.

Daliang did not expect that Beria would give up the position of Lord of Hell. Although the current Lord of Hell is a hot potato, Hell will definitely not always be in such decline. The aggressive characteristics of hell determine that it will become stronger again sooner or later. The autistic characteristics of the Kingdom of Death determine that it is likely to catch fish in the later stage. Now that Daliang is willing to protect the fallen angels, Beria can wait until hell breaks out in the later stages. The Lord of Hell at that time is very prosperous.

At this time, Beria elected Daliang as the Lord of Hell, which was a vote of confidence to show that he had no ambitions.

Daliang stood up and transformed into the Flame Commander form, and took out the Doomsday Blade.

When he saw the Doomsday Blade, Belial was first surprised and then as he should be. Then he and Willard knelt down in front of Daliang, and together they said that they supported the Demon King of Destruction as the Lord of Hell. oath.

Daliang walked in front of the two fallen angel kings, patted the two kings on the shoulders with the blade of the Doomsday Blade, and then said: "I... the World-Destroying Demon King is succeeding as the Lord of Hell in Despair City at this moment. Now I In the name of the Lord of Hell, Belial was canonized as the second lord king of hell, the Arrogant Demon King, and Willard was canonized as the third lord king of hell, the angry demon king.

I hope you two can do your best to assist me in revitalizing hell and revitalizing evil. When hell becomes strong again, I am willing to share this evil land with you..."

[You succeed as the Lord of Hell as the Demon King of Destruction and become the leader of the hell plane. 】

[Your reputation in hell is worship]

[You can go to the birth pool of Yunzhong City to recruit fallen angels. The current output is two per week. 】

[You obtain the architectural drawings of the Palace of Sin] (Palace of Sin: Fallen angels with potential or strength can be upgraded to level 15 sin angels)

[You obtain master-level wisdom]

[You get an army...]

[You gain experience...]

[You get gold coins...]

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