Start with an Archangel

Chapter 152 Kill first

At this time, Daliang's heart fell to the bottom, and he regretted very much why he did not follow Joyce's arrangements and carefully search for clues to the underground rebellion in Songjiang City.

However, who would have thought that Songjiang, who had declared his allegiance to Shangjiang City in a high-profile manner from the beginning, would already be on the side of the elves.

Shi Fei definitely knew, so in his second reply he pointed out that Chongming City's victory could not be stopped by any external factors. Facts also proved that the reborn Shi Fei was always right. Daliang wanted to slap him in the face, but he got a slap in the face.

This is a conspiracy from start to finish.

As Joyce said, Songjiang City had the ability to defeat the invading black elf tribe, but they did not. Instead, they pretended to be beaten and retreated, just to attract Archduke Howard.

Archduke Howard's influence on the combat effectiveness of the human army was so great that Joshua actually obtained the support of four sub-cities and was unwilling to directly face the human army led by Howard.

A cruel trick was staged in such a grand manner, and everyone was confused by the performance in the dungeon.

Archduke Howard led the human army and successfully drove the black elf tribe out of the country.

This was a victory for the Terrans, and an ally would join the war that was about to begin. This was probably Archduke Howard's happiest moment, and also his most relaxed moment.

A ceremony begins, how could Archduke Howard reject the enthusiasm of his allies...

An explosion kicked Shangjiangcheng and Daliang into the abyss.

There was chaos outside. Shangjiang City had received news of the attack on Duke Howard, and the entire palace was deathly silent.

Chongming City declared independence and declared war on Shangjiang City.

The Academy, the Beast Tribe, and the Swamp Tribe simultaneously declared independence and declared war on Shangjiang City.

Songjiang City declared independence and declared war on Shangjiang City.

Hell declares independence and neutrality.

The war affecting the upper Shangjiang area suddenly started, while Da Liang still stood blankly at the door of the mysterious hut, looking in the direction of Songjiang City.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Julian blocked a rock that was about to hit Daliang and asked.

Da Liang summoned the two magic mages contained in the soldier cards, and three status magics were applied to himself and Julian.

Then Daliang took back the magic mage and climbed onto the silver pegasus, and said to Julian: "Come, follow me to Songjiang City. These monsters in the dungeon have done a terrible job to my brother, so I will release Juliet. I want to see Juliet in an hour." How many people can be killed?”

The Silver Pegasus soared into the sky, and Julian flew up to follow closely.

The human military camp outside Songjiang City was also stunned by the sudden explosion in the city and the news that Songjiang had declared war on Shangjiang City.

The loss of the commander-in-chief of Archduke Howard caused chaos in the entire military camp. The underground city army not far away has already marched out of the military camp and formed an army outside the camp. Its purpose is of course self-evident.

Daliang, who was originally flying towards Songjiang City, stopped in the sky above the military camp. Looking at the nearly collapsed human soldiers below, he showed his baron badge.

"I am Baron Feichen, a noble directly subordinate to the King of East China Sea. All soldiers of the Pudong Fleet stand up immediately!"

At this time, there were about 30,000 ethnic soldiers in the military camp, less than half of whom were supported by the navy. These soldiers may have never seen Da Liang, but everyone knows the name of Baron Feichen.

Therefore, when Daliang reported his title, the navy soldiers immediately fell silent, the army soldiers stopped running around, and everyone looked at Daliang together.

Although he stopped the riot in the military camp, Daliang also knew that he could not command the army because although his title was important, his military rank was too low and he was a player. Without an order from the Shangjiang Military Headquarters, if he forcibly accepted the command, it would probably immediately trigger a backlash from the soldiers and plunge the military camp into chaos again.

Daliang glanced at the soldiers below and found that there were very few senior generals. They should all have gone to participate in the celebration...

But Da Liang also saw a familiar face here, that is, the naval hero who led the 10,000 soldiers and supplies from the navy.

He was probably left here because he didn't have time to be incorporated into the Grand Duke's army. This also made him the only senior general hero in this military camp.

"Colonel Berkeley, you are the highest officer here. Facing the enemy's imminent attack, you should immediately organize our people to defend. If this battle is fought well, I guarantee that you will be promoted to a general officer."

Daliang's words made the soldiers look at Colonel Berkeley. Sure enough, he was the person with the highest military rank here. The soldiers immediately found the backbone, and many officers immediately surrounded him.

Colonel Berkeley successfully took over the command of the human army. The sufficient supplies and materials newly delivered to the military camp allowed them to persist for a long time in the face of the underground city army's attack.

The artillery took off its coat, and the gunners quickly built artillery positions; the archers and monks climbed up the arrow tower; the spearmen, swordsmen, and cavalry lined up at the command of the heroic commander; the griffins began to guard their own sky.

A military camp quickly formed a defensive formation.

And Daliang continued to fly towards Songjiang City.

The harpies in the dungeon discovered Da Liang and took off to intercept them, but their flying speed was not even close to flattering.

Da Liang dodged long-range attacks from high altitude and flew towards the explosion site.

That's where the Dungeon ambushed Archduke Howard, and it must be where the senior heroes of the Dungeon gather. Juliet is a level 15 creature with high speed and high attack. Throwing her into the center of the enemy will definitely bring them a big surprise.

As long as we can kill a large number of high-level heroes in the dungeon during the raid, then the pressure on Shangjiang City will be less in the future, probably...

Anyway, Daliang was already red-eyed at this time. No matter what the future results were, he would kill a wave first.

Da Liang, who was riding the Silver Pegasus, watched the smoke rising from the explosion fly. When he was about to arrive, an archangel suddenly jumped out of the smoke.

The guardian angel of the dungeon?

Just when Daliang was about to order Julian to attack, he saw another archangel and two golden dragons flying out of the thick smoke.

kao, you underestimated the dungeon.

Da Liang slowed down her speed, and Julian passed in front of him. In a bright light, the Crusader's armor collapsed from her body and fell. Her original angel armor covered her body again, and the big sword was weighed by her. in hand.

Two archangels and two golden dragons, it seems that the Hells Angels have to be released in advance.

"Baron Da Liang," the archangel who flew over first saw Da Liang and immediately shouted: "Cover me and escort the Duke to evacuate."

Archduke Howard is still alive!

Da Liang looked around and saw that the archangel was indeed holding a person in his arms. The archangel lifted up his hood in order for Daliang to recognize him, and Daliang vaguely remembered the appearance of the archangel. The last time he attended a palace banquet, this archangel was the bodyguard behind the Grand Duke.

At this time, a tauren magician flew out of the thick smoke. He was not riding any mount. He was able to fly because he had mastered the level 5 air magic flying magic. He was a powerful hero.

Something happened,

Two updates today.

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