Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1543 Order Enforcement Officer

After crossing the Rainbow Bridge, the scenery in front of me changed again, and a super large tower with tree-shaped elements appeared in front of Daliang's eyes.

The outer wall of the tower glows with a faint cyan light. The concentration of elements here is higher than outside. The tower of elements is like a coral immersed in the ocean of elements. There are also various elemental creatures wandering in the air outside the tower, carefree and uncontested.

Since this was an open visit, Daliang did not hide his magic power. He stretched the wings of the fallen angel, added an acceleration state to himself, and then flew towards the elemental tower.

As the distance gets closer, the tower becomes even larger. You can see that there are round holes of different sizes on the outer wall of the tower. Water flows out of the hole and then converges on the branches to form waterfalls flowing downward.

In some places, flames are spraying out, in some places thunderclouds gather, and in some places dense jungles grow out of fertile soil.

What you see in front of you is like a dream, and compared to the constantly strife-ridden outside world, this place is truly a paradise. I believe that if this place is opened to the outside world, it will definitely become a tourist destination that players flock to.

But this place only belongs to the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. He likes peace and quiet and doesn't even want to deal with mundane things. How can he let players destroy the silence here.

After approaching the Elemental Tower, Daliang flew upward along the tower wall, and he could already feel the momentum emanating from the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. The ruler of this elemental plane already knew of his arrival. Looking at the magic vortex on the top of the elemental tower, Daliang knew that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow was in a bad mood.

Just like the rumors.

No matter who comes to visit the Golden Crow's nest, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow is in a bad mood... This girl is a home bird that has been around for thousands of years. She has severe social phobia and is stuck in her own nine-headed self-pleasure.

However, although the Nine-Headed Golden Crow doesn't like guests visiting, it will not attack willfully. As long as it is finished in time, it will be fine. If you are timid, it will arouse the suspicion of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

Da Liang kept flying upwards, maintaining the appearance of being observed by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow at any time, and then entered the Nine-Headed Golden Crow's nest.

There are four branches on the highest branch of the Tower of Elements. Within these four branches are the Air Altar, the Flame Altar, the Flowing Water Altar and the Earth Altar respectively. Four altars form the base of the bird's nest. They produce solidified elemental energy, which is turned into branches and woven into a stadium-like bird's nest.

Da Liang landed on the edge of the bird's nest, and then saw clearly what was inside the bird's nest.

This is not a nest built by ordinary birds. Although the Golden Crow's Nest looks the same as those ordinary bird's nests from the outside, it is actually a majestic palace as a whole, which shows that elemental creatures also belong to a higher civilization. They have their own social system and have material and spiritual hierarchies.

A spiritual elemental hero wearing a red cloak stood outside the Bird's Nest Palace. Spiritual elements have no entity and look like empty black humanoids. They are elemental creatures with extremely high affinity to the energy of the four elements. The hero units among them have spellcasting abilities comparable to those of purple dragons.

After seeing Da Liang, the spiritual elemental hero first saluted and then asked: "This is the palace of Lord Nine-headed Golden Crow, the ruler of the elemental plane. Please state your identity and purpose of coming, and then Lord Nine-headed Golden Crow will decide whether to see you or not." you."

Daliang returned the favor to the hero of spiritual elements with the etiquette of a human noble, and replied: "I am Prince Feichen of the first empire of the main world, the order executive jointly appointed by the world of heroes, the kingdom of death, and the main world.

I have something to do with the divine plane, and I want to meet Lord Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

Please report it on your behalf..."

After the peace conference, Daliang, as an important participant in ending the plane war, also received his share of rewards.

The large amount of experience has brought his hero level close to level 90, which is already the level that the top heroes can reach. Peak level 16 heroes like Michael and Satan are only just over level 90. Therefore, Daliang's hero level and basic attributes are not much different from most level 16 heroes who have lived for countless years.

This high level is largely due to the unimaginable tasks completed by Daliang, which completely destroyed the original game progress, forcing the system to speed up the game process to welcome the passive launch of the new version.

In addition to experience, there is also a long list of other rewards.

A variety of equipment, materials, technologies, architectural drawings, gold coins and troops.

And of course there are hero abilities.

With the completion of this plane mission, the system generously upgraded all of Daliang's skills that had not yet reached master level to master level.


Name: Daliang (main hero status)

Main hero: human priest,

Level: Level 88

Attack; 254 (affects the attack power of the hero and the attached troops)

Defense: 253 (affects the defense of heroes and units)

Intelligence: 354 (affects magic attack power and effects)

Knowledge: 356 (affects mana)

HP: 14200

Morale: 1-2

Lucky: 2

Hero Specialty: Magic Mage

Hero Skills: Master Wisdom, Master Navigation, Master Fire Magic, Master Earth Magic, Master Intelligence, Master Sorcery, Master Air Magic, Master Dragon Magic

Skills: Madness, Meteor and Fire Rain, Laying Mines, Summoning Iron Fist, Landslide, Chain Lightning, Hot Spear...

Sub-body hero: Flame Commander (level 15 fire elemental body) Title: Destruction

Attack: 40

Defense: 50



Biological special skills: defense enhancement (damage reduced by 50%), flying, enemy morale -1, bursting flames

Hero Unit: Level 76

Attack 365

Defense 365

Intelligence 234

Knowledge 238

Hero Specialty: Fire Lord (fire magic increased by 25%, fire magic skill +1)

Hero Perks: Shared with Subject

Skill: Share with Subject

Equipment: shared with the subject

There is still no reward for law-level skills. The system would rather supplement all of Daliang's skills to master level rather than give him a law-level skill. It seems that before the divine plane is opened, players can't get the law skills even if they poke a hole in the sky.

The player's power level must always be one level lower than the system hero's to prevent the system hero from being unable to survive the pressure of the player.

At this point... plus the master-level spiritualism brought by the Immortal King, Daliang has nine master-level skills. Plus the Dark Blazing Sword and the fallen rune transformation, he can have one more master-level fallen energy.

With these skills and attributes, under the leadership of Lie Yan, regardless of skill and combat experience, Da Liang can beat all level 16 heroes.

These rewards made Daliang very satisfied, but the peace conference also awarded Daliang the title of "Order Enforcement Officer".

For people who don't know the truth, "Order Enforcement Officer" is just an honorary title. But for those who know the details of Daliang, as long as the world of order exists, the title of Daliang will have supreme authority.

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