Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1554 Opening the Divine Plane

The Black Fire Leader concentrated its forces in response to the opening of the God Plane, and many heroes were busy mobilizing their troops.

Soon, only Da Liang and Ergus were left in the captain's room of the Black Pearl...looking at each other.

Daliang sighed with emotion: "Thank you for saving Joyce, and thank you for the wealth you left me.

Although this is our first formal meeting, I already have a very deep understanding of you. As a hell lord king, if you can be trusted by Angela, then I can also trust you.

I am the Lord of Hell now, but I don't know how to manage Hell... Demons are all unruly guys, and they will never obey my orders just because I hold the title of Ruler of Hell.

Hell is destined to rise again...if hell were managed by you, I think it would rise even faster. "

Ergus was still a little dazed by the opening of the divine plane, but he was shocked by Daliang again: "You want to hand over hell to me?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Why not leave it to you? I can even give you the title of Lord of Hell...but not now.

Go to hell... Gather Beria, Willard, and Angela on my behalf. I have given you a position in the Black Fire Territory, and the financial resources and manpower you can mobilize are enough for you to do many things.

I can also give you Beelzebub and Misuka in the seals if you need them.

But if we are going to fight the God War, we have to make sure that Hell is in our hands. "

Ergus could not refuse this order at all. He saluted Daliang and said: "Yes, Your Highness... I promise, hell is your hell."

Da Liang sat alone in the captain's cabin, watching the Blackfire Fleet returning through the portal through the window, thinking about everything he had experienced in this game... holding power, turning the world upside down, and being unparalleled in power, but it was all fleeting.

He is not only afraid that the opening of the God Plane will have an impact on his territory, but he is also looking forward to a more colorful and exciting unknown world.

Let the storm be more violent!

In the following time, Daliang focused all his energy on experiments to open the divine plane. To prepare for the worst to happen, he filled the Great Tomb's treasury with gold coins, and other supplies were also in excess of his share of reserves. The five embedded cities, with approximately 500,000 residents, are self-sufficient in daily necessities and maintain the operation of the entire tomb.

The elite troops of the entire Blackfire Territory military system are also concentrating on the Great Tomb from various stations. Humans, drow, elves, underground races, hell races, orcs... a total of 100,000 troops were stationed. Only the undead tribe...cannot be counted. Anyway, Da Liang stuffed all these undead soldiers who did not need to eat into the undead city. There were frost dragons in the frost city watching.

The mission given by Daliang to the Big Tomb is... At the most difficult time of the war, the Black Fire Territory fully retreated to the Bone Burial Ground. The defensive power of the Big Tomb can protect the people who should be protected until the end of the war.

After nearly a month of preparation, after all the troops and supplies in the Great Tomb were in place, Nicole told Daliang that her team had completed all the preparations for opening the divine plane.

Please ask Your Highness the Prince to preside over the opening of the divine plane.

It’s finally coming…

In order to prevent the crystal wall of the god plane from opening, god-level creatures emerged directly from inside the tomb. The alchemists have all withdrawn from the crystal wall space and closed the crystal wall channel.

Nicole's laboratory is completely physically isolated from the crystal wall channel of the God Plane, and is only connected through the obelisk tower and the built divine power release equipment.

Da Liang only cared about destroying the door... As for where God would come out, it was none of his business. He never thought about welcoming God.

At this time, a three-dimensional magic array has been built around the obelisk tower. Liquid magic energy flows in the magic circuit built with magic crystals. The runes flicker, the lights are moving, and it is beautiful.

A black energy pipe extends from the base of the obelisk tower. It is buried under the rock formation and runs all the way to the Dragon's Origin Nest.

Sure enough, everything is ready.

Daliang walked to Nicole. She and her team of alchemists all stood under the obelisk tower, looking at their works feverishly. Their efforts were finally rewarded, and a new advanced dimension would pass through their The hand appears before the world.

When she saw Daliang arriving, Nicole couldn't wait to say: "You came too slowly... Did you see the energy control towers on both sides? Let Julian enter the one on the left, Juliet enter the one on the right, and then we will go to the God Plane Open."

Daliang looked at Nicole and smiled: "If it weren't for the need of Julian and Juliet, I'm afraid you would have opened the divine plane by yourself before I came."

Nicole knew that Daliang was laughing at her for trying to form the Angel Alliance first. If Black Pearl hadn't been holding her leg tightly, she would have succeeded. And this time... no matter how anxious she was, she had to wait until Daliang allowed Julian and Juliet to enter the energy control tower.

Nicole urged Daliang: "You know I'm anxious, so don't waste time and start quickly."

However, Da Liang did not order Julian and Juliet to follow him. Instead, he asked Princess Ziling and Minia: "Is this experiment dangerous? I ask you to give me the most accurate risk assessment."

Zilong Alchemist is the main force in the research on the Great Tomb God Plane. Zi Ling presided over the construction of most of the required alchemy equipment. She said: "I have inspected the energy control tower made by Master Nicole, and I have to admit that this alchemy equipment is Energy control is truly error-free.

Julian and Juliet will not be in any danger. "

After getting Princess Ziling's reply, Daliang looked at Miniya again.

Minia replied: "Your Highness...I guarantee that Julian and Juliet will not be in any danger."

With the promise of Princess Ziling and Minia, Daliang nodded and let Julian and Juliet enter the energy control tower. Then the two energy control towers are like two antennas, generating energy feedback to the obelisk tower, and the two energy flows connect them from the top.

The magic array lit up layer by layer, and the divine power was drawn from the crystal wall of the divine plane into the magic array by the obelisk tower.

Seeing the emergence of divine power, all the alchemists immediately rushed to their respective positions. They had to ensure that the magic circle continued to operate during the extraction of divine power, and that there could not be any obstruction during the opening of the entire divine plane.

Nicole also entered working mode, issuing various orders based on the changes in the magical power of the magic circle.

"The diversion process of divine power went smoothly. Now let's test the directional reverse flow control of divine power...Julian, Juliet, feel the divine power and try to control their flow direction. This is not yet a surge of divine power, but a small prelude for you to adapt."

"The divine power transmission tube is ready for docking...the energy control tower guides the divine power to the transmission tube."

"The transmission of divine power is going smoothly, and Dragon Origin Nest has begun to receive divine power. All departments are operating normally, and the transmission of divine power will be maintained for ten minutes... Zi Ling will check our equipment again.

Ten minutes later, the surge of divine power began! "

"The surge of divine power is activated and reaches its peak within ten seconds. Whether the divine plane can be opened depends on these ten seconds!"

A bright white light instantly filled the entire space, and then a blast sounded in every corner of the world, and then everyone heard the sound of a door opening.

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