Start with an Archangel

Chapter 159 Abigail

Under the cover of the Chongming fleet, Chongming City's troops landed on the river bank controlled by Baoshan City, and joined forces with Baoshan City's academic sect to launch an attack on Shangjiang City from the northwest.

Joshua did not use the green dragon and golden dragon at the beginning of the war, and Shangjiang City did not use its own angels and archangels. Both sides were using their basic troops to compete on the front line.

The fact that the ultimate unit did not participate in the war means that the war will not enter a decisive battle within a day or two.

The betrayal incident in Songjiang City was a heavy blow to Shangjiang's senior officials. Their strategy became to resist step by step, and then rely on Shangjiang City's city defense to defend and defend to the end.

Joshua was still mobilizing his troops to land. When his army came to the city, it would be the final moment of the decisive battle.

The urgency of time caused Daliang to gallop on horseback in the passage.

At this time, no information came from Xu Man, but Daliang knew what kind of pressure she was under. The war situation in Shangjiang City has been fully tilted towards Chongming City, as the flying sand and stones said, but she just changed the alliance's strategy of supporting Chongming City and pulled most of the members back to Shangjiang City.

Now Shangjiang City is about to face the siege of five cities, and defeat and fall are in sight.

Da Liang can imagine what those people in the alliance who are originally opposed to Xu Man will do, and what Lieyan Kuangteng will do.

But Xu Man didn't send any information.

Sigh... After all, he underestimated the rebirth's control over the overall game.

"I am trying my best to save the current situation. Even if Shangjiang City is really defeated, it doesn't matter. The College Alliance is still the College Alliance. I fully support you in suppressing all dissatisfaction."

"Well, leave this to me. I'm not that easy to knock down."

The two had a brief conversation, and Daliang continued to run wildly in the passage alone.

When the Silver Pegasus stopped, the end of the passage appeared in front of Daliang's eyes again.


An explosion broke through the stone wall blocking the road, and Da Liang rode the silver pegasus and walked out of the passage while stepping on the falling gravel.

The black elves' tribe was still here, and the explosion immediately alerted the black elves. After all, they had just been defeated, and they were always worried that human soldiers would appear nearby.

Daliang, who was slowly walking towards the tribal camp, was spotted by the black elves on the guard tower. A small group of dark cavalry ran out of the camp and surrounded Daliang in the center.

Dark Cavalry (level 7 black elf unit)

Attack: 9

Defense: 7

Kill: 70-120

HP: 400

Special skills of the unit: Sprint, every time the speed increases by 1 meter/second, the target's defense is ignored by 1%, up to 70%.

The riders of the Dark Cavalry are usually male black elves. They wear fine armor, their weapons are spears, and their mounts are underground lizards.

The underground lizard looks like an enlarged version of the velociraptor. After being tamed by the black elves, it became the main animal power and mount of the black elves. Some trained underground lizards will also cooperate with the cavalry's attacks and bite the opponent with their fangs.

This group of dark cavalry circled around the intruder, holding flat spears in their hands. They would immediately launch an attack as soon as they noticed any abnormal movement by the opponent.

After confirming that the other party was not in danger for the time being, the team leader of the Dark Cavalry said: "The Silver Pegasus is the mount of the elves, and the priest is a soldier of the human race. These two races are our enemies. Lift your hood, I want to see I will kill you with your face in your face, and then peel off your face and offer it to our mistress.”

Daliang opened his hood and showed his noble badge: "I am Baron Feichen from Shangjiang City. I have something important to see your mistress."

The nobles of Shangjiang City!

The dark cavalry immediately became nervous. They had just been defeated miserably by Shangjiang City's army. Now that a noble from Shangjiang City appears here, does it mean that the army that scares them has approached and surrounded this place?

The dark cavalry looked around in panic, but found no trace of human soldiers nearby. Then they saw the hole that was not there before, and the five dark cavalry slowly moved closer.

"You don't have to be nervous. I came here alone. If I have any ill intentions, I won't let you find out."

The dark cavalry who rushed over to investigate ran back. There was indeed no trace of human soldiers in the passage, but the human who called himself the Baron of Shangjiang City was no longer something they could handle.

"Come with us, maybe the mistress would be more willing to peel off your skin with her own hands."

Daliang chuckled: "The ignorant tribe..."

Daliang rode the Silver Pegasus and followed the Dark Cavalry into their camp. An expressionless white mask hung above the camp, showing the tribe's belief - the Faceless Man.

"We rule the shadows, and one day the shadows will rule all things."

This is the core philosophy of the Dark Elves who believe in the Faceless Men.

Another faction of black elves believes in snakes. They admire mystery and conspiracy, and are keen on betrayal. They believe that if black elves want to be strong, their hearts should be like snakes, cold and poisonous.

Compared to the black elves of the Snake sect who prefer chaos, the black elves of the Faceless sect prefer order. Although their society is also full of various conspiracies and assassinations, it is generally limited to the competition for the mistress of a tribe.

The Shadow Mistress is the owner of a black elf tribe. According to the division of arms, she is in the level 12+ category. There are several shadow matriarchs under the Shadow Mistress to assist the mistress in managing the entire tribe. When the shadow matriarch assists the mistress in managing the tribe, she will also find a way to kill her immediate boss and become the mistress herself.

Da Liang followed the dark cavalry into the camp of the black elf tribe. Everywhere he passed, he saw the tragic scene after the failure of the war.

A human priest riding a silver pegasus attracted the attention of the black elves. They looked at Daliang with hatred. If it weren't for this team of dark cavalry protecting Daliang in the middle, these black elves would have torn Daliang into pieces.

The dark cavalry led Da Liang through the camp, and then stopped outside a tall tent.

"Go in, the mistress is already waiting for you inside."

Da Liang jumped off the Silver Pegasus and walked into the tent amidst the hostility around him.

Beautiful and sexy.

All beautiful, all sexy.

There is a room full of black elves with different looks, which makes people dizzy and they don’t know which one to look at first. But first of all, we should praise the black elves' taste in clothes. They really know how to dress better than the elves. It probably has something to do with the lack of fabric in the ground. Save what you can.

Da Liang secretly speculated, and then took enough pictures of the beautiful black elves in this tent before looking around carefully.

The black elves are a matriarchal society, so there is not a single male black elf in this main tent.

Under the illumination of the oil lamp, you can see several shadow matriarchs standing on both sides. They hold rolled up whips and look at Da Liang proudly.

Who makes Daliang the only male in this tent? In the hierarchy of black elves, men really have no status. They are probably only one level higher than the underground lizard.

I saw whips and oil lamps...

Da Liang trembled in his heart, and then looked at the ruler of the black elf tribe, the Shadow Matron, who was sitting on the main seat.

The appearance of elves is always so eye-catching, even in this dim underground, their beauty cannot be weakened at all.

As a former enemy, Daliang knew that the mistress' name was Abigail. At this time, she was sitting on the chair directly in front of her, wearing a dark red leather coat, looking at the sudden visitor in front of her.

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