Start with an Archangel

Chapter 162 Wedding

Daliang was rushed to his new house by the guards. The excitement outside had nothing to do with him. He was like an ancient bride waiting alone in there for the groom she had never met to suddenly burst in and knock her down.

Whip, oil lamp.

Perhaps there are too many of these two things in this black elf tribe, and they always appear in Da Liang's mind.

Abigail, who received the guidance of the Dark Dragon Horse LS, finally believed what Da Liang said. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was placed in front of her. An underground city was caught in a war. She must lead the army there as soon as possible to put this place to rest. A city is in the bag.

After the ceremony, Abigail began to gather all her remaining soldiers, and her daughter Monica was sent into Da Liang's new home.

The most important moment in his life was finally coming. Even though it was in a game... Da Liang was still full of excitement and longing to look carefully at the woman who was about to spend the night with him.

As the mistress's daughter, Monica inherited Abigail's beauty, lacking the mature charm, but more of the youthfulness of a girl. She wrapped herself around the fleece blanket that Abigail had put on her, and a pair of bright white and somewhat dazzling long legs were exposed.

Because she lived in a black elf tribe where women were respected, Monica looked at Da Liang with a look of arrogance and contempt.

"Are you my husband? A human? When I heard Abigail tell me the news, I thought she was... crazy because of her defeat. Now it seems that she was indeed favored by the Dragon of Darkness, LS. , actually created such a good opportunity for her. She should be grateful to you, and I should be grateful to you, otherwise I will be executed..."

Daliang, who watched the whole process, knew how to put this fleece blanket on Monica.

The beauty was brought in wrapped like this. This seems to be a treatment that only emperors had in ancient times!

And just when Daliang was about to favor this "beloved concubine" like an emperor, Monica's last words temporarily suppressed Daliang's rising lust.

"My fate is to be executed..." What does this mean?

You can eat the Spring Festival later, but you have to ask carefully about the fatal things. You are the daughter of a mistress and a princess of a tribe. Who is so bold as to execute you? If Abigail can't even protect her daughter, it means that her status in the tribe is already in jeopardy, and then something may go wrong in letting the black elves send troops to Songjiang City.

What if I wake up from the gentle land and your tribe changes mistress? Wouldn’t my sacrifice of Hue be in vain? Should I marry another mistress’ daughter...

"Princess Monica, as your...husband, I want to know more about you. After all, in our human society, men have the obligation to protect their women. I want to know why you said that you will be executed. Could it be that in this tribe, Mother Abigail can’t protect you?”

Monica held her head high and said proudly: "This is not something you can interfere with, humble male."

My husband is weak. It seems that I can’t deal with you now. From now on, the floor and washboard will belong to me.

"Monica, you know that I am a human, so don't treat me the way you black elves do. In the eyes of us humans, your attitude towards men is just like the orcs, who are uncivilized barbarians. Think about it. Most of the soldiers in the human army that were defeated and fled were what you would call humble men.

The societies of orcs, academics, swamps, hells, elves, and dungeons are all dominated by men. If you still use this backward habit to treat other races, you will still make it even if you are given a city. You are surrounded by enemies, and eventually you lose everything and end up wandering underground again.

Now I am your husband, a human noble, and it is my duty to protect you. Answer the question I just asked, who is threatening your life, so that Abigail cannot protect you. "

In Monica's life, no man had ever dared to speak to her like this, or even look directly at her like this. The idea that women are superior to men has been deeply rooted in the society of black elves. Monica knew that the race on the surface was not like this, but this was the first time she saw a man dare to treat her like this, and she was indescribably shocked.

Monica wanted to use a whip to let the other person know what it was like to be a man, but she found that she did not bring a whip. After all, she was sent in after the ceremony.

The two looked at each other face to face until a voice came from outside: "Lord Baron, the mistress has assembled the army, we are leaving now."

I cao, in your imagination, is my brother that fast?

Daliang walked out of the wedding tent with a dark face. A small group of dark cavalry was waiting outside, and several bloody girls walked in with clothes.

After Daliang rode on the Silver Pegasus, Monica had already dressed and walked out, holding a whip.

Da Liang casually clicked on Monica's attributes.


Level 11 Shadow Witch

Attack: 18

Defense: 18

Kills: 170-240

HP: 800

Characteristics of arms: Marksman, spell-casting creature (advanced delay method: reduce attack frequency by 35%; advanced armor-piercing weakening: reduce defense by 5 points; advanced legitimate power: increase attack by 9 points)

Hero Unit: Level 14

Attack: 25

Defense: 34

Intelligence: 30

Knowledge: 22

Hero specialty: Defense (the effectiveness of defense increases by 5% for each level)

Hero Special Skill: Intermediate Defense (Reduce Damage by 10%)

Elementary Wisdom

Elementary Archery

Oh! I picked up a random wife, and her attributes are amazing? Especially the hero's specialty defense skill plus the hero's special skill mid-level defense. No matter how you look at it, you think it is very awesome. As for why it is awesome, you can't tell yet.

Monica came out and rode on an underground lizard.

Daliang immediately despised him: "It's black and ugly, it still has two legs, and it doesn't even have wings to be ridden. Monica, I have nothing to give to your husband, so I'll give you a silver Pegasus first."

After that, Da Liang summoned a silver pegasus in front of Monica. It had white hair and silver armor, and its wings spread out to show its majesty. Compared with it, the underground lizard next to it really looked like a toad standing on two legs.

With the long whip in hand, Monica heard that Da Liang actually opened her mouth to spray her mount, and she wanted to whip it over. But after seeing the Silver Pegasus appearing, he didn't raise his hand. The Silver Pegasus is indeed beautiful, and its fur is as smooth as silk. Then when I look at my underground lizard, I feel the scales on it hurt my butt.

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