Start with an Archangel

Chapter 164 Monica

After Da Liang's questioning, Monica no longer concealed why her relationship with Abigail had become so bad.

It all started with a quarrel over whether the tribe should attack Songjiang Castle at the beginning.

When Abigail decided to lead the tribe to attack Songjiang City, Monica was the one who firmly opposed this decision.

Because Monica believes that it is impossible to capture Songjiang City with the tribe's military strength. Neither Songjiang City nor the more powerful and terrifying Shangjiang City behind Songjiang can be resisted by the tribe. This war will only end with a disastrous defeat for the tribe.

The two had an ongoing quarrel about whether the tribe could capture Songjiang. Monica repeatedly opposed Abigail's decision in public, and even tried to persuade some shadow matriarchs to support her.

The competition for mistresses in the black elf tribe is extremely cruel. There are countless examples of mothers and daughters cannibalizing each other, and sisters cannibalizing each other. Blood ties are as weak as water in the face of power.

Monica's behavior of persuading the shadow matriarch touched Abigail's reverse scale. In her opinion, Monica had already made a move to rebel against herself.

On Abigail's orders, Monica was imprisoned.

"If the tribe really captured Songjiang City, Abigail's position would be unshakable, and my end should be to be humiliated and then exiled. But Abigail failed, and was defeated miserably. She couldn't even touch Songjiang's city wall. Without even seeing it, he fled back to the deep underground in embarrassment.

Facts have proved that I was right. If I were still alive, Abigail's position would be very dangerous, so when the tribe finished its rest and prepared to leave the temporary camp, it would be the time for my death. I will be executed secretly. After the tribe leaves, my body will appear in the corpse pile of the dead black elf and be forgotten.

But the news you brought brought changes to my ending. If Abigail really captured Songjiang City, she would be very happy to see my eyes looking up at her as she ascended the throne of the city lord. "

If this plot was adapted, it would definitely be a hit as a palace drama.

But after listening to Monica's words, Da Liang also knew that Abigail still had absolute dominance over the black elf tribe, so for the time being, there was no need to worry about the black elf troops getting into chaos before they started fighting.

As for Monica and Abigail's relationship?

Anyway, Monica is already her own, and after the capture of Songjiang, she probably won’t come to the dungeon very often. After all, no one with a little bit of vision would develop their power underground. Marine interests are the real core of players.

Daliang and Monica introduced the social relations on the surface, and also found that Monica's attitude towards him had changed slightly.

From the knowledge of Songjiang City and her own strength, Monica should be one of the few knowledgeable and discerning people in the black elf tribe. She knows that some of the black elf customs are not feasible on the surface. Since the world cannot be changed, the only way is to first change yourself.

Monica rode the silver pegasus and looked at Daliang running in front from behind. This human man showed her a side that she had never seen in the male elves in the tribe.

The life on the surface is really very exciting. I heard that there is a sun that lights up the world, and there is a sea with no edge at all.

The long passage finally came to the end, and Da Liang and Monica walked out of the cave.

It was quiet all around. Even on the top of the city, there were no shadows of underground city soldiers. The two battlefields inside and outside contained most of their troops. There was also an unknown species massacred in the city, so Songjiang City concentrated all its soldiers. stand up.

Anyway, Songjiang is located in an underground cave, and all the entrances to the cave are guarded by the army. Once foreign enemies arrive, they will know it immediately, and it will be too late to mobilize the army at that time. The most important thing now is to eliminate the remaining human troops here as soon as possible. This battle has taken too long.

The coalition of elves on the surface is about to complete the encirclement of Shangjiang City. Except for the eastern coast, which is still in the hands of the Pudong Fleet, the coalition forces in other directions can already see the projection of Yunzhong City at the top of Shangjiang City.

Steve, the Lord of Songjiang City, wants to end the war on his side as soon as possible, and then lead his army into the surface to kill Shangjiang City, and cut his own piece of cake in the future distribution of benefits.

The army in the underground city received orders to end the battle here today.

Viscount Jacent led his elite troops to support the precarious front. As the underground city stormed the human army outside the city, the griffins there were no longer able to airdrop supplies into the city. Now most of his soldiers have been killed, and there are only more than 1,200 soldiers guarding a small residential area.

The troops arriving in the underground city outside were still attacking like a wave. They continued to attack the defense line of the human army and robbed one house after another. Viscount Jason looked at his soldiers. Being besieged for a long time and with reduced supplies, their morale had become low. If this was not an army that had been following the Grand Duke for a long time, it would probably have collapsed.

Where are the reinforcements that Baron Flying Dust mentioned? Now Shangjiang City cannot protect itself, so how can they send reinforcements?

Viscount Jason smiled to himself.

"My lord, my lord," an attendant broke in and shouted loudly, "It's Baron Feichen. He's here. He said reinforcements have arrived."

Da Liang came out of the cave and asked Monica to take her dark cavalry team here to meet the large forces behind, while she circled and landed from the air in the area controlled by the remaining human soldiers in the city.

Viscount Jason ran out of the room wearing a suit of armor. When he saw Da Liang, he stepped forward excitedly and asked: "Reinforcements, where are the reinforcements and how many are there?"

Da Liang did not answer immediately, but took Viscount Jason to a secluded place and whispered: "Reinforcements are now gathering outside the left city wall. There is no underground city army monitoring there. There are 20,000 of them, and they can completely attack Songjiang City." Carrying out a surprise attack."

"20,000 reinforcements?" Jason looked at Daliang in surprise, are you kidding me? These are 20,000 soldiers. Even 20,000 flies cannot fly in silently from the passage guarded by the underground city army. "Your Excellency Baron, I am not in the mood to listen to your jokes at this time."

Daliang said: "I'm not kidding you. Do you still remember the black elf tribe you defeated? I found them and they were willing to support us. Now they have followed a set of secret passages and arrived under the wall of Songjiang City. They want the ownership of Songjiang City. Anyway, this city is no longer ours, so just give it to them."

The one coming to help is the black elf! Jason was once again surprised by the changes in this war. The original allies had now become enemies, and the original enemies were coming to rescue him.

But if the black elves really come, then this war may take a completely new turn.

Jason spread out the map, and then said to Daliang: "The characteristics of the Black Elf army are high movement speed, strong attack power, and weak defensive ability. It is suitable for surprise battles, and positional attack and defense are not what they are good at. If they want It is not easy to break through the defense of Songjiang City and enter the city, but if I can open the city gate for them from inside, they can directly attack Steve's city lord's palace as quickly as possible without giving him a chance to react.

As long as Steve can be killed, we and the black elves can quickly control Matsue City. Then the underground city army outside the city loses the supplies provided by the city and loses Steve's command. If they don't want to be wiped out by us, they have no choice but to surrender. "

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