Start with an Archangel

Chapter 168 Return to the Mysterious House

At this time, Shi Fei was commanding players in the Hong Kong area to assist Hong Kong City in resisting the attack of Hong Kong Island City. He relied on the prestige he had accumulated to gather 500,000 players in Hong Kong, and he helped Hong Kong become a heavy weight in this war.

The human army of Hong Kong Island City landed on the coast controlled by its ally Kowloon City. However, when the human coalition forces attacked Hong Kong City, they found that all the way forward was destroyed.

Relying on the memory of the offensive route of the human alliance in the previous life, under the command of Shi Fei, the players set up various obstacles in advance to block the human alliance from landing in Kowloon City. Various harassments and attacks continued, and the underground army of Hong Kong Island City was late. Unable to threaten Hong Kong City, the elves were able to devote most of their military power to the battle for Victoria Harbor.

The situation is gradually developing in Hong Kong's favor.

But the sudden changes in the war in Songjiang City shocked Shi Fei.

This was definitely not the direction of the war in his memory. The process before the explosion of the ceremony was very normal. Then the underground city army should have ended the war in Songjiang within two days. The seriously injured Archduke Howard was killed in the war. All the human troops in the Songjiang area were wiped out. The underground city army arrived. On the surface, the elven coalition invaded Shangjiang City three days later.

The entire royal family was killed, the Pudong fleet was destroyed, and Joshua occupied the entire territory of Shangjiang and proclaimed himself king.

In the end, Shangjiang City will be weakened to level ten, Marquis Wilson will become the city lord of Shangjiang City, and the center of power in the Shangjiang area will be moved to Chongming City.

This is the script that has already been written. What would happen if there were no black elves? Where did they come from? What's going on with the human army in the city? Weren't they wiped out on the first day of the rebellion?

Shi Fei, who has been commanding the battle in Hong Kong City, does not know the specific situation of Songjiang City, and the current battle prevents him from knowing more.

But based on this piece of news alone, he knew that Shangjiang City would be completely different from what he remembered from now on, and the future situation in the Shangjiang area and even the entire East China Sea would turn into a fog in front of his eyes because of this war.

There is also the war in Hong Kong City, which also changed the future because of his intervention.

Well... the black elves, the barbarians deep underground, cannot possibly integrate Songjiang City's army in a short period of time. Archduke Howard should be seriously injured now and will not be able to recover in a short time. Now the Elf Alliance still has a certain advantage. As long as Joshua is not a fool, he should know that now is the last chance to attack Shangjiang City.

As long as Shangjiang City can be captured before the underground city's army arrives, the elves will still win this war.

Right now, the most important thing to me is maintaining Hong Kong’s status as the main city.

Under the gate of Songjiang City.

Da Liang did not grab the tip of the whip that Monica threw at him, but got up from the ground by himself. He summoned the Silver Pegasus and rode up. As for the two magic mages... they were both dead.

If Shangjiang City loses this battle and no one reimburses the losses, it will really be a blood loss.

Monica took back her long whip and rolled it in her hand. She asked Da Liang: "Abigail is leading an army to attack Steve's castle. Do we want to go over and help?"

While searching for equipment on the ground, Da Liang said to Monica: "Leave the battle over there to Abigail. There must be many powerful heroes in the castle. Steve is also protected by two angels. We'd better It’s better not to get involved casually. You go to a place with me, and we have to find a way to heal Archduke Howard’s injury.”

Compared to Songjiang City, Archduke Howard was the most important part of this war.

Da Liang took off on the silver Pegasus, and Monica mustered up the courage to fly with her. Nervousness and excitement alternated in her heart, and then she saw the archangels and golden dragons in the sky.

The entry of the black elves into the city caused a fundamental change in the war in the dungeon. The archangels and golden dragons in the dungeon wanted to turn around and support the city lord's mansion, but the two human archangels in front of them didn't seem to want to let them go.

Bartlett said: "Archangel Leonard, you should have seen the current situation very clearly. The underground city you are loyal to is about to be destroyed. Do you plan to be buried with Steve, or do you want to become the guardian of the human race again?"

Archangel Leonard on the opposite side replied: "Are you asking me to betray Steve? Bartlett. As an archangel, you should know that the honor of angels is higher than our lives. I will fight for Steve until the end." In the end, it was like you were fighting to save Howard."

Bartlett saluted Leonard and said: "I apologize to you for my words. Since our victory must be decided, I suggest that we start now. If we kill you, the war can end faster. If you kill us, you still have time to get Steve out and escape."

"That's what we thought too."

The war between level 14 creatures broke out in the air again, and Da Liang flew past from a distance.

On the battlefield outside the city, the main army in the underground city was retreating. They wanted to return to Songjiang City to eliminate the black elves entering the city. But as soon as their attack weakened, the soldiers in the human camp immediately rushed out. They stuck tightly to the army in the underground city. If the underground city did not want to turn the retreat into a rout, they could only resist while retreating slowly. Returning to Songjiang City became far away.

Da Liang landed at the door of the mysterious house.

Everything in the dungeon in the past few days was within the prophet's calculations. He knew the location of the passage, knew that the defeated black elf tribe would stay there, and even the morale of the Tauren King was under his control.

He is an old bastard with a cheating device, intercepting game data and pretending to be a fool.

But this is how the game sets him up, he always knows a lot of very bluffing things. Now the priests in the human camp are helpless about Archduke Howard's injury. Maybe they can get some useful clues from the prophet Old Turtle.

"What is this place?"

Monica, who had fallen down with her, looked at the hut on the river beach. She was a little confused about why she came here because of such a fierce battlefield.

"It's a place that saved your life."

Da Liang put the reins of the Silver Pegasus into Monica's hands and walked into the hut.

The space inside the hut is not large, with a few simple tables and chairs. Although the lighting is not good, it is clear that the prophet does not live here.

Will the prophet leave this hut? Daliang recalled the mysterious house strategies recorded by players. Except for the fact that sometimes the door was locked and entry could not be entered, he would sit there whenever players came in.

Now that Da Liang has come in, there is no one in the hut, which is really abnormal.

Abnormality means triggering the plot. For other players, the Prophet is just an NPC that releases tasks. But now, after Daliang came in, the prophet was not here, which meant that a plot mission had quietly started in front of him.

Da Liang was not in a hurry to exit the hut, but slowly started looking for clues inside.

The master who specializes in collecting all kinds of cute goods has completed the update. In the future, he will add another chapter with ten thousand rewards. There will be a discounted price in the first month of release. You can join the group 241020886

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