Start with an Archangel

Chapter 174 Fighting for favor?

Daliang, Monica, and Julian followed the team transporting the golden dragon's body. There was a war on the surface and there was chaos. A small transport team is not safe. Not to mention the bandits spawned by the system refresh, even a team of players dared to rob the road in the middle of the road.

An archangel, a shadow witch, and a small group of dark cavalry led by Monica are enough to deal with a small conflict.

Walking out of the gate of Songjiang City, Daliang said to Monica: "The ceremony for Abigail's promotion to Marquis has begun. As a legal noble, under the rule of the orderly human race, Abigail's identity as the mother of the Marquis has begun. She is protected, and the source of suspicion between you mother and daughter is gone. As her daughter, don’t you want to congratulate her?"

Monica did not look back: "No, the black elves will never give up the fight for the position of mistress just because of a title. This is our belief in the Dragon of Darkness and the foundation for the survival of the black elves. I don't want to see Abigail. You have a victorious face at this time. From the moment the Black Dragon breathed out its breath to me, I have nothing to do with her anymore. Now... I should adapt to life on the surface, starting with adapting to the fact that I have a human husband."

Daliang rubbed his nose in embarrassment. If he took advantage of his sexual desire to achieve good things after the wedding, he might be able to accept having an in-game wife. But feels weird. I don't want to think about it. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. After I get a property in Shangjiang City, I can buy a big bed...hahaha.

Outside Shangjiang City, Joshua, who learned that Songjiang City had been occupied by black elves, immediately ordered the coalition forces to launch a general attack on Shangjiang City.

The army in the underground city still needs to be integrated. The soldiers who have just participated in a big battle need to recuperate. It will take time to allocate materials and stabilize the aristocratic forces in Songjiang City.

As for Howard?

Joshua has lost contact with Matsue City and can only get information there through Wilson. Wilson said Archduke Howard was still in a coma and could die at any time.

"Then let him die quickly. We have lost Songjiang City, and we can't let Howard come back to life. Your interests and mine are the same. If I fail, neither the King of East China Sea nor Howard will let you go... "

"Of course I know about this. Just attack with confidence. As long as the elven coalition invades Shangjiang City, the outcome of the war cannot be changed."

A large number of golden dragons and green dragons appeared in the sky above Shangjiang City, and the archangels and angels attacked them. Ladders, arrow carts, catapults, artillery...all kinds of siege equipment approached the city wall under the protection of layers of heavy troops.

In the city wall area, when the long-range troops competed with each other, the air was already in chaos, and countless griffons built an air defense line for the city.

Rows of artillery began to roar, and heavy catapults threw boulders and fire oil cans against the city walls and inside the city.

Covered by magic, fire rain and ice flames devoured the soldiers on both sides, the earth shook, and cracks appeared in the solid and thick city walls.

The troops that entered the battlefield disappeared in an instant, and the war in the Shangjiang area was pushed to its peak.

Players who had determined their own camp also participated in this battle. They were smart and did not intervene in the central battlefield. Instead, they accepted side missions with generous rewards in their respective frontline military camps. If you are bolder and sneak into the main battlefield, as long as you are not killed indiscriminately by the armies of both sides, the harvest will be very rich.

As the official said, this is a feast for players. Whoever can gain more from this war will gain an advantage in future competitions.

On the one hand, Xu Man directed the members of the College Alliance to participate in the war and grab as many supplies as possible, including artillery, ballistae, military ranks, equipment, food, gold coins, everything they could get; on the other hand, she personally handled it Matters regarding alliance with Rampant Bull Head.

The big guilds in the game are indeed very powerful, but the strength of some regional guilds should not be underestimated. Groups organized by local disciples are often more united. In the past, the college alliance had several conflicts with the Rampage Niutou, but neither of them took advantage. .

The University Alliance has a large number of people and a large territory, so there are many things to do. It is impossible to waste a lot of energy and fight with the rampaging bull in Songjiang.

If we can reach cooperation with the Rampage Niutou this time, then the college alliance can smoothly extend its hand into Songjiang, and the combat effectiveness of the Rampage Bullhead is very good. If there is any dispute in the future, these Bullhead players will definitely be a good reinforcement.

The negotiations with Seventeen Nose Rings went very smoothly. Even though Rampage Niu Tou made many demands at the beginning, most of them were not firm, as if they were just trying to increase his own worth. Xu Man easily gained control of the entire cooperative alliance and signed a covenant in which the Rampage Niutou was not a vassal in name, but was actually a vassal.

Xu Man could feel the seventeen nose rings' admiration for Daliang, and maybe a little fear.

What did Daliang do in Songjiang City? He said he was trying his best to change the situation in Songjiang. Could it be that the sudden appearance of the black elf had something to do with him?

And now Daliang is having a headache because Juliet has come out.

"Lord, why does that black elf ride a silver pegasus and let me ride a horse?"

Before Daliang could speak, Monica woke up from Julian's change: "Who are you? Are you also a subordinate of Daliang? Call me Mistress."

My sister, Monica, are you crazy about wanting to be a mistress? Forget it if you put on airs in front of Julian, but if you mess with Juliet...

Daliang quickly wanted to step forward to stop Juliet from committing murder, but Juliet didn't even look like he was going to take action. When he saw Daliang approaching, he grabbed him, and then his lips were printed on Daliang's lips.

what happened! Brother's first kiss...

The teeth were pried open, and a slippery tongue stuck out. The difference in strength was too great, and there was no way to resist.

After being kissed for an unknown amount of time, Juliet let go of her lips, licked the corners of her mouth with her tongue, and looked at Monica as if to demonstrate.

What's the situation now?

Before Da Liang could react, a whip wrapped around him and pulled him to the other side, and his mouth was blocked again.

The fragrant tongue enters your mouth and your whole body feels numb. Is this magic? There's no way to resist.

When Monica let go of herself, Da Liang saw Juliet extending her claws again, with the whip still wrapped around her body.

"Stop, stop it." Daliang, who was afraid of being dismembered, quickly stopped, "What are you doing? Do you still take me as a lord seriously? Juliet, are you planning to be loyal to me?"

Juliet turned her face to the side: "No, you are so weak."

"So, don't tease me casually." Daliang turned to Monica and said: "There is no mistress here, only the lord, and everyone listens to me. Our wedding is originally a ceremony to invite the gods, Now that I have dissolved our marriage, if you can accept my rules here, you can sign an employment contract with me: if you can't accept it, you are free now."

The Shadow Witch's innate desire for power is an unstable factor for Daliang and his Black Fire Leader. His power is still very weak and cannot withstand this kind of unnecessary internal friction.

At this time, Monica really found that her marriage to Daliang was dissolved. Now she was a free opposition hero and could leave at any time.

How to choose?

At this time, Juliet said to Daliang: "You also terminate our contract and let me choose."

"In your dreams."

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