Start with an Archangel

Chapter 181 Preparing to log in (please subscribe)

Daliang asked: "Where do you think we should land?"

Monica did not feel unfamiliar because she had just joined the Black Fire Territory. Instead, she showed the air of a female black elf and moved her finger on the map along the coastline to the northeast of Chongming Island: "We will land from this place. Then use the fastest speed to capture the outpost manor in the southwest."

In the early stage of landing, spending troops to attack the Elf stronghold was not the battle that Daliang imagined. However, he did not immediately reject Monica's proposal, but said: "I just said that in the early stage of this landing, try not to fight with the Elf army. Encounter. Your plan is to attack a manor guarded by elves. I'm afraid you don't know that manors on the surface usually have small fortresses. And from the landing site to the outpost manor, we have to pass through a forest. We may also be in the forest. Under attack.”

Monica explained: "Except for the Dongtan Wetland, the entire eastern part of Chongming Island is covered by forests. For the elves, the forest is a natural fortress. If we land on the beach to establish a camp, our artillery will not be able to deal with the enemies in the forest. , but the elves’ bows and arrows can attack us in the forest. At that time, besides fighting into the forest, we can only retreat to the ship.”

Fighting into the forest is definitely not possible, so retreating to the ship is no different from being trapped in the swamp just now? If your whereabouts are exposed, you will always be worried about being attacked by elves.

Daliang stared at the map and said, "Go on..."

With Daliang's approval, Monica became even more confident: "The Outpost Manor is the easternmost manor on Chongming Island. As long as we move quickly, we can capture it with the support of the elves. Sir... My Lord just said that there is a castle here." Fortress, we can completely rely on this fortress to resist the attack of elves. Please see, the roads in Chongming Island are very convenient, and its easternmost end is connected to Qianshao Manor. I got Qianshao Manor, once there is a major attack on the island If we change, we can send troops along the road to capture the places we want to capture.”

Monica is right. The wealthy elves have built the roads on Chongming Island very well. They facilitate the transportation of materials within the island and the mobilization of troops.

Daliang asked: "The convenient road also means that once there are signs of attack on the outpost manor, reinforcements from Chongming City will arrive very quickly. Their centaurs and elf archers can arrive at the outpost manor within five hours. Pegasus Knights and dragons are faster. How do we hide from the elves’ eyes and ears in the forest? How do we capture the outpost manor before the elves’ reinforcements arrive?”

Monica said confidently: "Night attack, no surface creature can see farther than us underground creatures at night. The forest area of ​​Chongming Island is so large, it is impossible for the elves to arrange the forest sentries very densely. As long as I and I If the Dark Riders find them first and kill them first, they can open a safe corridor in the forest. Attacking an unprepared camp is what we black elves are best at doing."

Da Liang couldn't help but be attracted by Monica's plan. It was indeed better to have a strong fortress than to build a tentative camp on the beach.

"However, if you capture the outpost manor, it will not be easy to withdraw."

Monica looked up at Daliang: "Who do you think will win on the battlefield in Shangjiang?"

Who will win the war in Shangjiang?

After the loss of Songjiang City, the Elf Alliance was greatly reduced. The current aggressive offensive against Shangjiang City is actually a last resort. The human army is known for its balance of offense and defense. As long as it can withstand the initial fierce attack of the elves, it can balance the battlefield through small counterattacks. At that time, as soon as the dungeon sends troops, the offensive and defensive positions will change.


In Songjiang City, Archduke Howard said the same to Wilson: "In other words, even without me in this battlefield, Your Majesty still has a great chance of winning. If I return to Shangjiang City now, I'm afraid I won't be able to take over the command of the Shangjiang army. After all, He is the commander-in-chief of the Shangjiang army now. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to give me the military power, who would dare to make this suggestion. Now I finally know why your Majesty sent me to quell the civil strife in Songjiang City. His original plan was to take the opportunity to take me away of military power.

If I go back to Shangjiang City now, I will definitely be idle, and Songjiang will also be idle.

After the victory of this battle, His Majesty can hold the Army in his hands. With the Army, William married Joyce again. For him, the internal and external dangers of Shangjiang City were eliminated in one fell swoop. "

Wilson, who had rebelled continuously, no longer had the burden of loyalty. He asked Duke Howard: "Since the Duke has seen through His Majesty's thoughts and is not moving in Songjiang, it seems that Your Majesty is going to put His Majesty's guess into action. What does Your Majesty plan to do now?" What to do? Are we just going to watch Joshua fight with His Majesty here, and then turn the tide at the last moment?"

Archduke Howard said: "I don't know what will happen in the future. I just don't want to die in confusion. The war in Shangjiang cannot last too long. After all, it is the city I have always protected. I don't want to wait for me to go back again." Sometimes, I don’t recognize it.”

"Sir, are you going to send troops?"

"send troops!"


"send troops!"

Deciding that Duke Howard could not sit back and watch Shangjiang City being attacked, Daliang was very confident that Shangjiang City would win this war.

Since Shangjiang City will definitely counterattack Chongming City, the Black Fire Leader's control of the outpost manor can send soldiers to every place on Chongming Island when Chongming City is besieged.

Wealth can be gained through risk, especially when you are very sure, there is no reason not to take a gamble.

So Daliang found a detailed map of the surrounding terrain of the Outpost Manor from the map drawn by the College Alliance, and worked with several of his heroes to formulate a detailed plan to attack the Outpost Manor.

A troopship carrying Terran soldiers and Dark Knights arrives.

Julian arrives escorting a three-masted merchant ship carrying plague crawlers and skeleton soldiers.

The frost dragon Astro flew from the Black Fire Territory.

All the troops of the Blackfire Territory are in place.

The Black Fire Fleet moves towards Chongming Island.

Darkness enveloped the entire Chongming Island. It seemed that the war that took place on the south coast had nothing to do with it. It was quiet and peaceful here. The waxing moon in the sky spreads soft light, and in the dim light you can see the rippling sea surface and the dark green forest next to it.

A fleet approached quietly on the distant sea. Instead of rushing to the shore, they lowered three small boats.

The small boat was filled with soldiers and hideous-looking underground lizards.

Daliang stayed with the magic mages. In this sneak attack, he used his strongest long-range troops and personally participated in the opening of safe passages.

Monica and her Dark Cavalry are in two other boats. They will be responsible for finding the Elf Sentinel hidden in the forest.

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