Start with an Archangel

Chapter 193 Turning point

Facing the attack of the elves, the leaderless players finally found their backbone after Da Liang appeared.

At this moment, they forgot to think about why the elves were attacking them. Anyway, there was someone commanding them in this chaotic situation - so just listen?

The most important thing is that the person commanding them is Daliang, Shangjiang City's leading star player. Now... Da Liang is among us. He has a silver Pegasus. In this case, he can fly away, but he did not do so. Instead, he fought side by side with us and fought with us against the evil elves.

My heart... is warm.

Death...what does it mean?

Of course, there are many people who don't bother to listen to Daliang, or think more, but they can't stop the crowds of people rushing to their fighting positions.

At this moment, the players have forgotten to escape. Even those players who walked to the edge of the forest retreated when they saw the crowd rushing forward. It was rare to encounter a battle between so many players and NPCs, and a star player commanded it. , I would be really sorry for myself if I didn’t participate.

It's just a level drop, there's nothing to be afraid of.

The players who were attacked by the elves were united, and the combined forces of the human race and the undead that were advancing as a whole behind them also added to their confidence. Under the command of Da Liang, all attacks were directed to the north. The attack of the elven army was contained and finally stopped in the north of the outpost fortress.

The high-magic players began to show off their power. Unlike the players on the flat ground, their vision was limited and most of them were unable to participate in the attack. Standing at the highest point of the entire battlefield, condescending magic poured down on the elven army below like machine gun fire.

The elves felt the threat from the castle, and a group of Pegasus knights flew toward the players on the castle. Just when the rising Pegasus knights were about to dive and attack the mage players on the castle, a large group of griffins jumped out of the southern sky and fought with the elven Pegasus knights.

Da Liang's message appeared again on the regional channel: "Did you see that the human griffons are coming to support us? The high magicians on the top of the castle continue to fight down. The other mages and archers are trying to support the griffins as much as possible. We are like this Call for air support, we must not let them lose too much, definitely!”

After Daliang sent the message, he ordered the gryphon to lure the opponent to the air above the player as much as possible without fighting to the death.

Then he chatted privately with Shu Xiao: "Where are you?"

Shu Xiao led the ruling troops to fly over the forest. Various magics were flying in the sky in front of them: "We will arrive at the airdrop location soon."

"Concentrate on airdropping to their high-level units or high-level hero gathering points. After the airdrop is completed, start the air superiority battle. There are too many players here. I can't hand over all the flying units to you. 12 Silver Pegasus Knights have been assigned to you. His subordinates are approaching you in a roundabout way, so make good use of them."

"Okay Master," Shu Xiao ended the call with Daliang, and then ordered the adjudication force: "The first reconnaissance team moved forward to take low-altitude photography of the enemy, and the background immediately screened valuable targets. The air control force rushed forward, and the bombing force Be prepared to accept targets assigned by the background, and pay attention to the lead time when airdropping Plague Creepers. They have just graduated from college, so I don’t need to explain the lead time.”

"Yes! Instructor."

"Call sir."

"Yes, sir."

The Judgment troops formed into groups in the air, and a small group of Royal Griffin Knights quickly separated from the troops and flew forward.

Behind the elven army, the players gathered to counterattack, which gave Count Wilder a headache. According to past experience, these adventurers should be quickly killed and fled under the attack of their own army. By the way, they should take down the army of the Black Fire Lord on the opposite side. Scatter them to facilitate your own attack.

But this time, these weak adventurers relied on the outpost fortress to fight with their own army, and they actually fought in a decent manner, blocking the advance of their own troops.

"My Lord Earl," Freder's voice sounded: "The griffins of the Black Fire Territory are defending the castle of the Outpost Territory. Our Pegasus Knights are expected to suffer greater losses. Why not let our dragons step forward to support them."

"No," Earl Wilder rejected Fred's proposal: "The Black Fire Territory also has a level 15 Hell's Angel that has not been revealed. It is a powerful creature that can move in subspace. Our dragon should not be there. You are distracted in such a low-level battle, otherwise you may be attacked. These are just some low-level adventurers, let the druids prepare. I very much hope that you can let me enjoy a doomsday judgment."

Fred smiled and said: "Your Majesty the Earl is so funny. I don't have the ability to release the Doomsday Judgment yet, so I can only use the enhanced 'Meteor and Fire Rain'."

"Compared to the uncontrollable Doomsday Judgment, I think your improved enhanced 'Meteor and Fire Shower' is more practical."

In the compliment of Earl Wilder, a dozen elf druid heroes began to arrange the magic circle, and Fred used flying magic to fly down from the back of the golden dragon.

At this time, a group of Royal Griffin Knights flew forward from the sky behind them, and fell down one by one under the attack of various magic and arrows.

"Lord Earl, there are a large number of adventurers behind us approaching us on aerial mounts."

"Obit, take one of your squadrons of Pegasus knights to stop them."

"Yes, sir." A Silver Pegasus knight hero saluted Count Wilder, then took his Pegasus knight squadron into the air and rushed towards the adventurers attacking from behind.

Under the auspices of Fred, a magic circle was quickly formed in the hands of the Druid mages, and the players who did not know that they were about to be attacked by a super magic were having a great time fighting with the elves' army.

The players in front died, and the players behind immediately stepped forward to fill up the space. The arrows and magic flying all over the sky in one direction were truly spectacular.

Nearly 30,000 players and 100,000 troops are fighting tit-for-tat with the NPC army. Looking at the entire heroic world, there are several battles with so many players participating.

The battle for the outpost territory has attracted the attention of many parties. This sudden war between players and the NPC army has attracted the attention of almost all players in China.

Although the wars between cities around the world are more beautiful and spectacular than this one, players in those wars are just spectators. While watching a blockbuster, they complete some tasks and experience the joy of harvest.

And here, this is a war that players directly participate in, and it is the war closest to everyone. Countless live broadcasts of the battle in the Outpost Territory immediately flooded the entire Internet. The audience is staring at those shaking cameras, experiencing the fierce battlefield. Maybe the players in the shots are people you know, people around you, so that everyone who sees this war can't help but put themselves into it. For the ordinary players fighting inside, on that battlefield where magic is flying and arrows are everywhere, there is a passion that can never be experienced from several mission rewards.

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