Start with an Archangel

Chapter 199 Peace Talks

After all, Daliang explained the matter between Songjiang City and Monica to Gu Tao and Shu Xiao.

"Monica and I's wedding was just a plot to please the gods. Abigail didn't even give me a chance to have a wedding, and directly led the black elves to kill Songjiang City. Of course, even if there is a chance, I will stick to my principles. You all know what happened next, but Monica also broke completely with Abigail and stayed with me."

The story made both Gu Tao and Shu Xiao widen their eyes, and Daliang was a little embarrassed. He said, "You don't believe me? Am I such a casual person in your eyes?"

"Wow..." Shu Xiao exclaimed again: "Master, it was you who turned the tide of the war in Songjiang City, and it was you who brought the black elves into the city. My admiration for you has risen to the Milky Way, and it is endless... "

Gu Tao was also shocked by Daliang's legendary experience. She said, "What happened in Songjiang City? Tell us quickly..."

"I'll tell you when I get the chance. I'm going to meet the people from Chongming City first. The two cities are at war. What's Joshua doing to see me?"

Shu Xiao hurriedly said: "Master, do you need me to come with you to escort you?"

Gu Tao also patted her chest and said, "I'll go with you too."

"Forget it, it's not like you need to bring a female companion to a cocktail party. If this is the Hongmen Banquet, a hundred of you tied together can't protect me. You must manage the people who rule well, and be careful of the elf army's sneak attack. I will go to Chongming alone. The city will probably die once."

Following Monica down the wall, Daliang saw people sent by Chongming City, a small team of Silver Pegasus knights with quite high standards.

"Why did the Marquis meet me?"

The elf messenger respectfully saluted Daliang and replied: "Dear Baron, this kind of important matter is not something we can know. We just know that my lord wants to restart the transaction with you."

trade? Isn’t the deal between brother and Joshua about crystal? Now that he has surrounded Shangjiang City, all the mineral points outside Shangjiang should be in his hands, right? The harvested crystals should be able to maintain his dragon army. Why are you thinking of exchanging crystals from me? My Black Fire Leader just fought a battle with his army during the day and killed a group of senior mages and a green man. dragon.

But...since Joshua was going to meet, Daliang tried his best to drop down a level to meet him and see what he wanted to do.

Daliang rode the Silver Pegasus alone and flew towards Chongming City under the escort of the Elf Silver Pegasus team.

The sound of artillery on the southern sea had stopped. In the black night, it was impossible to see what was happening on the sea. However, Da Liang saw two air and space battleships much smaller than the "Oath" slowly approaching Chongming City.

Why did these two air and space warships return home when they were not fighting against the "Oath" at sea?

More questions arose in Da Liang's mind.

With Joshua's orders, Da Liang traveled unimpeded in the hostile city, and then saw Joshua again in the room where he last saw him.

"Baron Feichen, you let me get to know you well this time," after seeing Daliang, Marquis Joshua actually gave him a hug first. This should be a grand welcome gift. Then Joshua invited the confused Daliang to sit down, and there was no sign of any hostility between the two. "This war made everyone know you. It can be said that you single-handedly caused my strategic failure. Although you disintegrated my plans for several years in Songjiang, I have to admit that what you did in Songjiang was indeed beautiful. You are a Respectable opponent, the battle during the day also proved that my mistake all along was that I did not make up my mind to destroy your army with all my strength before the war started."

Daliang was very confused by Joshua. He said: "Since my army and I have caused so much trouble to you, sir, why do you still invite me here? Do you want to raid Yunxiao Territory while I am away? I think You should be more worried about Duke Howard than my small army trapped in the Yunxiao Ling fortress, unable to move. What you need to do most now is to withdraw the army from Shangjiang City and defend Chongming City."

Joshua smiled and said: "No, no, no, I am not the one who needs to worry about Howard now. I have reached peace talks with His Majesty the King of the East China Sea. Our war is over, and you and I are no longer enemies."

Joshua reached peace talks with the King of East China Sea? Are you kidding me? You launched a rebellion to bring down the King of East China Sea. When the elves have the upper hand, maybe the humans can talk to you. Now that the human race is dominant and can counterattack at a glance, how stupid is the King of East China Sea to agree to peace talks?

"Lord Marquis, just tell me what's going on. Don't lie to me like this."

Joshua smiled and said: "I didn't lie to you. What do you think of Archduke Howard's attack on the orcs' Fengxian City?"

"It's very beautiful. It attacks your weakest point and makes your alliance collapse instantly."

Joshua nodded: "You are right, but have you ever thought about why Howard didn't go back to Shangjiang City to command the frontal battle with me, but instead raided Fengxian City? You must know that Fengxian City is very empty. He only needs Arranging a capable general can accomplish what he is doing now. And if Howard is in Shangjiang City, when my coalition forces collapse, he can lead the human army to counterattack me and wipe out my army south of the Yangtze River. , so they don’t need to cross the river to attack the fortified Chongming City.”

In fact, what Joshua said was exactly what Joyce wondered after learning that Archduke Howard had recovered.

As a commander-in-chief, Archduke Howard's real position is to command the entire army in Shangjiang City, not to launch any surprise attacks.

Daliang asked: "Could it be that Duke Howard's attack on Fengxian City has something to do with King Donghai agreeing to negotiate peace with you."

Joshua smiled and said: "Howard has been fighting all his life. He knows where he should be in a war. He did not return to Shangjiang City because he knew that even if he returned to Shangjiang City, he would not only be unable to command his army, but would also have his life. danger."

"What the Marquis means is that someone wants to kill Duke Howard? But who dares to kill him, and who can kill him. Could it be..." Da Liang seemed to have some realization.

He It was too powerful, and its prestige in the army was very high. In order to restrain Howard, His Majesty the King of East China Sea promoted Joyce, who was very loyal to the whole family, to serve as the admiral of the navy, and through marriage, he took Joyce and the navy into his hands. He I also have to endure my relationship with Wilson and let Wilson tie Howard up financially.

However, this still does not reassure King Donghai. Howard's serious injury in Songjiang gave him a chance, a chance to eradicate this problem forever. As long as he kills Howard, defeats me, and eliminates all internal and external troubles, he can safely give the throne to William.

Now that the King of East China Sea has agreed to negotiate peace with me, it proves all my guesses. "

Da Liang also understood that Wilson's appearance in Songjiang was under the order of King Donghai. No wonder he saved Howard, and he didn't mention the reward at all. I am a direct vassal of the King of East China Sea and the right-hand man of the future Queen Joyce. If you give me a reward, doesn't it mean you are endorsing your enemy?

Moreover, the form of Shangjiang area is more complicated.

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