Start with an Archangel

Chapter 202 Pearl Farmer

Da Liang came down and found that none of the players from the College League had any intention of taking action. They all stood aside and watched, while Xu Man stood in front and said something to the other group of people.

Are the two families competing for space?

This is all unowned land. Of course, whoever gets the legion's land acquisition order first will own it. The other group of people occupying this place is simply making trouble unreasonably. If there is anything to say, just drive them away.

Daliang put away the Silver Pegasus and stepped forward. As a well-known player in Shangjiang, many people immediately recognized him. Before Daliang was ready to bully others, the player who was having a heated argument with Xu Man came to Daliang: "Boss Daliang, tell us whether they are bullying others when they want to drive us out of here."

In this way, I feel really embarrassed to bully others.

"What's going on?" Daliang immediately asked with the air of a big shot.

The player said: "We are all from the same village. We heard that you can make money by playing life occupations in the hero world, so we joined together. Later we did a group task and learned the skills of raising pearls, which is not pork. Pigs are the beads of pearls. Then we followed the tips on pearl cultivation techniques to find this deep-water bay, and spent money to buy a small fishing boat. Now we have put the purchased mother oysters into the sea. Everyone We have invested more than 10,000 yuan, and these people who call themselves a college alliance are going to kick us out when they come. You say they are unreasonable."

Xu Man said: "Didn't I say that our alliance will compensate you for all your losses?"

The man said anxiously: "This bay is on the edge of the East China Sea fishing ground. Do you know what a fishing ground is? The growth rate of fishery organisms in the fishing ground is at least three times that of the ordinary sea, and can reach ten times in the center. In the game, a The one-year growth cycle of a mother oyster in the ordinary sea only takes four months in this bay. If you take over this bay, won't you cut off our financial path? Don't be arrogant. Boss Daliang is a celebrity, he must Justice will be served for us.”

Unexpectedly, there are players in the game who don’t know the relationship between Daliang and the Gaoxian Alliance, and Daliang’s name seems to be even more resounding. Xu Man smiled bitterly, and said to Daliang: “They ask you to uphold justice, so you do it. To be fair, this place is the best unowned bay along the Shangjiang River, and I plan to build all the shipyards of Yunxiao Ling in this place."

Da Liang also saw it. It is estimated that this group of people entered the game just to make money. They basically ignored the things in the game. At most, they only knew some hearsay, and at least they did not understand their relationship with the college alliance.

This bay is on the edge of the fishing ground and is not within the patrol range of the navy, which is a bonus for players. Daliang has a fishing ground of his own, which is much larger than this small bay. Of course, he also knows the benefits of the fishing ground. Not only does it grow faster, but the quality is also much better.

Xu Man did not use force against this group of life players but negotiated. It is estimated that in addition to maintaining the reputation of the alliance, he himself must have felt the difficulty of these players making a living in the game.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "First of all, this land is ownerless. Either you occupy it first or it is yours. Now that the University Alliance can legally own this land, according to the rules, you should let it go. The University Alliance is willing to compensate you. The loss is already very moral. If it were anyone else (like me), I would kill them directly. But you have indeed invested here, and since the college alliance is also willing to compensate you, so be it... You are in the Gulf The investment here plus the income from one harvest season, report the number, and I will discuss with Boss Lie Hongshang to compensate you."

Hearing what Daliang said, although these players were reluctant to leave this bay, they had no choice. As Daliang said, there is no law in the game. If the college alliance directly purges people, their investment will not be recouped for a penny.

A group of people gathered around and made a total calculation, and the leading player said to Daliang: "We listened to Daliang. We just calculated our investment and the pearl income for one season, and the minimum is 129,000 gold."

"What!" Daliang was startled by the amount reported by the other party: "I think you are all real people, so don't blackmail people casually."

The man said anxiously: "We are not blackmailing anyone. We can settle the matter with you, and you can also inquire about the price I mentioned. There is absolutely no lie."

"Okay, you count."

The man clapped his fingers and said: "Buying a skeleton soldier from a player costs 28 gold. We bought 300 of them, which is 8,400 gold. In addition, each mother-of-pearl costs one gold, and we bought 30,000 of them, a total of 30,000 gold. Rope net bag It cost about 600 gold or something. Our total investment was 39,000 gold."

"Wait, wait, wait." Daliang asked: "You raise pearls, why do you buy skeleton soldiers?"

The player glanced at Daliang with disdain: "Anti-theft! Tie the skeleton soldiers on a rope and put them into the sea together with the mother-of-pearls. Whoever steals the pearls will be the one who fishes them out first. No matter whether the skeleton soldiers kill the thief or are killed by Kill, we will find out soon. Boss, you also know that players in the game are restless, so investment in anti-theft is absolutely indispensable. Moreover, the skeleton soldiers do not eat or drink, and can also drive away those sea fish that eat oysters. Lobster and crab.”

I admire your idea very much. I wonder if the skeleton soldiers would give you a mmp if they could speak.

Daliang wiped the black sweat from his head and said: "It makes sense. The investment in skeleton soldiers is absolutely indispensable. Go on, this is only 39,000 gold, what are so many gold coins behind?"

The player continued to calculate with Daliang: "Each skeleton soldier can see 300 mother oysters. We have raised 30,000. This is a fishery. If the output is estimated to be low, each mother oyster can produce an average of 3 pearls in one planting season." We can harvest 90,000 pearls, and because this is a fishing ground, the quality of the pearls will be relatively high. A pearl can be sold to an alchemist for at least 50 silver, and high-grade pearls that can be used to make jewelry can be bought for up to 10 gold. , if you encounter top-quality pearls that can be used to make magic jewelry, the minimum price is 100 gold. We calculate one gold per pearl as the lowest estimate. We have not added the cost of feed to this money."


Da Liang is already swimming in the ocean of gold coins.

What does brother have? Brother has a fishing ground! The 1,000-square-kilometer fishing ground is at least 100 times the area of ​​this bay. The growth rate is 6 times that of ordinary seawater. Pearls can be harvested in two months.

When the time comes, I can buy whatever I want and build whatever I want. The Navy trains the cannonballs to be stuffed two at a time, and the griffons are fed eight meals a day. After the warship is built, they are smashed and played in the Pudong Military Port. After smashing it, repair it, and then smash it after repairing it. It makes you Joyce stingy, and I will humiliate you to death with gold coins.

We specialize in collecting all kinds of cute products, including Guiyan and Song Bingshu under the night sky, and rewards will be added. Thank you to all the book friends for their support.

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