Start with an Archangel

Chapter 206 Artillery Business

Although in the battle in the Yunxiao Territory, Da Liang casually cheated many players, it was still very exciting in retrospect. Under his own command, seeing arrows and magic all over the sky, death formed a wall of light on the collision front. That feeling was definitely not something you could experience by fighting with your own army.

Because the feeling of using your own army is...

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Anyway, Daliang was very proud of Yunxiao's leadership. He couldn't help but feel a little carried away by Boss Jin's wonderful words. He didn't remember his purpose until the other party mentioned business.

"Boss Jin, you must have heard about the relationship between my younger brother and the Shangjiang Pudong Fleet. Now after the war, the strength of the Pudong Fleet has been greatly reduced. There are not so many warships, and some peripherals and weapons are no longer needed. My younger brother just drags on the relationship. I have intercepted some of these things, I wonder if Boss Jin is interested in collecting them?"

It is foreseeable that players will set foot in the ocean on a large scale. Even Boss Jin’s Jiuding Chamber of Commerce is collecting a large number of ships to build its own merchant fleet.

However, there is no ability to build ships in the player's territory, and it is really too expensive to build ships in the shipyards in the system cities.

Especially peripherals and armaments. If the artillery is fully equipped, the cost will be more expensive than a bare ship. What's even more troublesome is that these items are consumables and must be replaced if they are damaged. The ship cannot be driven without replacing it.

Now Da Liang can actually get these things from the Shangjiang Pudong Fleet. Even if he keeps them for his own use, he still needs to buy more.

"Take it, take it, take it. As long as it's something on the boat, I'll take whatever you have. Brother, give me a list. The price is definitely real."

Daliang copied the list given to him by the quartermaster, removed the words "minor damage" and gave it to Boss Jin to pass on.

Boss Jin exclaimed after receiving the list.

"I have so much! I have so much! We even have artillery, 1,000 pieces. Brother Daliang, did you rob the arsenal of the Pudong Fleet, 1,000 pieces! Did you write an extra '0', that is? 100 doors is a big deal.”

Daliang asked strangely: "Are artillery scarce? Can't every ship built be equipped with artillery?"

The list made Boss Jin's tone become excited: "Yes, each ship can be equipped with artillery from the system army as long as it spends money, but have you ever seen a large number of artillery in the hands of players besides ships?"

Daliang thought for a moment and realized that the players really didn't have many cannons in their hands. He asked, "What's going on?"

"Artillery is a necessity on sea ships, but system cities strictly restrict the flow of artillery to land, because artillery is a weapon for siege, and the system does not allow players to have too many artillery in their hands. They just secretly remove the artillery from sea ships and then go to the system It’s not possible to re-equip it at the shipyard. In short, there are very few artillery pieces in the hands of players now, but this weapon is really easy to use, and the private transaction volume of some exported artillery pieces has reached 900 gold.”

Da Liang looked back at the rows of artillery pieces in the warehouse and was shocked. They were boxes of gold coins: "Really or not, artillery pieces are really so valuable."

"It's absolutely worth it. And now that the legion system is online, ballistas and artillery are indispensable for legion station defense. The price of artillery will definitely increase in value. I initially estimated that the base price will be 1,000 gold, and the peak price can reach 1,100 gold. So Brother Da Liang, don't do it You are kidding me about the artillery. This is not a matter of money. Whoever owns this batch of artillery is the boss of the entire China region. All the guilds, lords, and legion commanders are coming to fawn over you. Please tell me the number of this batch of artillery. How much is it?"

"Brother Jin, wait a minute, I'll figure it out myself first."

Pausing the conversation with Boss Jin, Daliang turned to the quartermaster and asked: "Do we still have these lightly damaged artillery pieces in our fleet? How many are there?"

The quartermaster thought for a while and said: "Yes, there must be. The fleet has just experienced a war. After the overhaul, a batch of artillery and peripheral equipment must be eliminated. It is estimated that there are a thousand guns, right? In the future, the fleet will train, according to the usual practice, there will be about a hundred guns a week. Be eliminated."

Da Liang felt that his heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode.

He said to Boss Jin who was anxiously waiting for the news: "It has been verified that the 1,000 guns are absolutely genuine."

Boss Jin felt that his heart had exploded.

There is countless wealth in the heroic world, and there are countless merchants of all sizes. Jiuding Chamber of Commerce gained the opportunity by being one step ahead and investing massively. Not only did it acquire the sixth territory in China, it also became one of the five major chambers of commerce in China.

But the business world is ups and downs, especially in this game where the business opportunities are far from being fully developed, every business is walking on thin ice. The business wars that have occurred in recent days have put the Jiuding Merchant Alliance on the verge of life and death, and it could completely collapse if not careful.

But if he has these 1,000 artillery pieces to press the bottom, even if he loses this time, he can use these artillery pieces to build a good relationship with those lords and guild leaders and make a comeback. This is the benefit of monopoly business and the strength of monopoly arms business.

This batch of artillery is an immortal gold medal for Boss Jin.

"Brother Daliang, I will accept one cannon and one thousand gold."

Da Liang did not expect that Boss Jin would shout out such a high price, although he estimated that the price of artillery would rise in the future, reaching a peak of 1,100 gold. But that was the peak. If road transportation was excluded, or some shells were sent, he really couldn't make much money from one cannon.

Conscience makes Daliang very uneasy.

"Brother Jin, I can't let you make no money at all. The price is 900 gold per door. As generous as Brother Jin, I will still send artillery to you in the future."

Hearing that Daliang meant that he could still get artillery in the future, Boss Jin insisted: "1,000 gold apiece, that's it. These artillery are money-making things for brother Daliang, but they are life-saving things for me. I I advise you, brother, not to ask for gold coins, I will give you cash directly..."

1,000 gold each, 1,000 artillery pieces is 1 million gold. According to the current gold price... what is the current gold price? There are a lot of them anyway.

If you want cash, Daliang wants it too. But without gold coins, there is no way to buy the junk of the Pudong fleet, and he still has a lot of shipbuilding blueprints in his hand that need to be built, a lot of buildings in the territory that need to be built, and pearl cultivation in the fishery needs to be invested in advance.

There was also Sidney following behind, asking for money. When tens of thousands of gold coins were in his hands, it was like wasting money, and it was gone in a few jumps.

Anyway, gold coins are needed everywhere.

Daliang said: "Why do I need so much cash? It's better to put it in the bank and exchange it for gold coins and wait for the value to increase. As per the old rules, I still need gold coins. If I want to exchange cash, I can just go to Brother Jin to exchange gold coins."

Boss Jin was surprised: "No way? Brother Daliang doesn't know that the price of gold is plummeting?"

The price of gold has fallen! Da Liang really doesn’t know.

However, the game currency in the early stage of any game is very valuable. As the game becomes excessive, the game currency will gradually depreciate.

However, Hero World has done a very good job of balancing the game currency. The recruitment of troops, weekly salary of troops, consumption of soldiers' ordnance, consumption of soldiers' survival, consumption of teleportation arrays, various measures to recycle the distributed game currency, and territory construction are also very consumption. gold.

Moreover, the legion system has recently been launched, and building legions consumes a lot of game currency. Logically speaking, the price of gold should not fall sharply...

Regarding his own vital interests, Daliang quickly asked: "Brother Jin, what is the price of gold now?"

Boss Jin seemed to be scratching his head and said: "Alas... the exchange rate between gold coins and RMB was 1:14.1 just now. It is still falling now. I am afraid it will not stop before 1:10. To be honest, if it weren't for Brother Daliang, you Sell ​​me 1,000 artillery pieces and I'll probably go bankrupt."

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