Start with an Archangel

Chapter 211 Counterattack

I invited you in to discuss things, why do you still want to occupy the place and not leave?

This mansion is used by me to promote girls, how could I rent it to you just like that?

I won’t rent it. I won’t rent my brother’s private place no matter how much money I pay.

Boss Jin said: "Brother Daliang is one of our own, and he has helped us so much. I think the rent is based on the standard of 100,000 gold per month. We will pay one month in advance. The big shopkeepers should have no objections, right?"

The four people nodded, indicating that they had no objection to the rent.

Boss Jin asked Daliang again: "Does brother Daliang have any problems?"

"no problem!"

Apart from gold coins, there was nothing else in Daliang's mind.

The National War Planning Group was secretly formed at No. 312 Angel Avenue, Shangjiang City. As the five bosses continued to issue orders, members of the five chambers of commerce planning groups continued to gather from all over the country to this unmarked mansion.

A headquarters influencing the China region was being formed and performing its functions at the same time. As the private airwaves are running wildly over the Chinese area of ​​the game, a conspiracy is unfolding rapidly.

The five bosses exchanged every important information with each other in this room named the study by Daliang, and then negotiated and assigned tasks and passed on instructions one after another.

The mind works in conjunction with the body.

The gold coin battle becomes more intense.

The desperate gold merchants began to draw bank funds into this war. With bank loans in place, gold merchants with sufficient cash began to fully recover the gold coins on the market.

The injection of bank capital allowed the price of gold, which had been driven down by the lords, to recover little by little.

Within three days, the price of gold rose back to 1:17.

The lords couldn't sit still.

"Boss Fei, what's going on? The gold merchants have become so aggressive. They were collecting gold little by little two days ago, but now they are collecting gold coins crazily on the market. The price of gold cannot be suppressed."

Shi Fei also noticed something strange in the price of gold.

It is obvious that the gold merchants have officially united and invested in this gold coin war with bank loans, and not just small loans.

Are they crazy?

Of course it's impossible. These people who can stand at the top of finance are all extremely smart. It's possible that one of them will be crazy, but they won't all be crazy.

They must know that without the support of purchasing power, the rising gold price is just a flash in the pan. The higher it rises, the worse it will fall.

These gold merchants must have thought of a way to increase their purchasing power if they dared to collect money so recklessly. Now that international gold coins are not open to circulation, they can only sell gold coins to players in China, and players in China are still relatively rich in gold coins, unless a large amount of gold coins are consumed in a short period of time...

How to consume the gold coins in the player's hand?

There is only war!

A war that involves most players across China.

not good!

Shi Fei's heart suddenly tightened and he said to the other lords: "You should stop pressing down on the gold price immediately and instead go all out to purchase."

"What's wrong? Boss Fei, what happened? If we charge according to the current gold price, we will not be able to recover the investment, but will lose a lot, at least 200 million per person."

Shi Fei replied: "I thought of a bad thing. If it happens, we won't have to pay 200 million yuan. It is very likely that all the investment will be compensated."

"No way, Boss Fei. Didn't you say that you don't have purchasing power? Even if the gold merchants collect the gold coins, they still keep them in their hands. Sooner or later, they will release them at a low price?"

"If purchasing power recovers, will supply exceed demand?"

"If the gold price goes up like crazy, we will be in trouble. But how can gold merchants restore their purchasing power?"

"War, the gold merchants are going to launch a war that will fully involve players from China, a war that will involve all players from the entire East Asian continent."

Shi Fei's guess shocked the lords: "Is this impossible? Is it okay for those gold merchants to join forces to control the market and let players from all over the country fight for them? They don't have the ability. Several of our lords will stand up and call for help. almost."

"Gold merchants will definitely not do it themselves, they will find agents. Now the Chinese people and the great powers are very emotional. As long as there is a trigger point, it can trigger an all-out war in China. The war will not end unless the players' financial resources are exhausted. , at that time the hungry gold coin market will explode, and gold merchants can come back to life."

Shi Fei's analysis shocked all the lords. If the gold price rebounded significantly or even went higher than before, then all their investment in lowering the gold price would be in vain.

"Boss Fei, what should we do?"

Shi Fei said: "We have made two preparations. Now we will stop lowering the price and fully collect the gold. If they successfully start a national war and make the gold price rise significantly, we will not lose everything. In addition, all our intelligence personnel Get started, keep an eye on the five major gold merchants, and figure out in which direction they are planning to launch a national war. They are not capable of starting a war on all fronts. As long as we figure out their direction of war, we can move our troops there and build momentum before they start. Before, attack them. As long as the national war cannot be fought, the increase in gold prices will be in vain, and they will soon dump gold coins to repay bank loans."

"Yes, Boss Fei, we will launch our intelligence network to find the direction of the gold merchant's national war."

"One more thing. When a gold merchant launches a national war, he will find an agent with a reputation who can encourage players to join the war and find him."

One of the lords said: "Don't look for it. There are now a large number of videos on the Internet of crazy navy leaders leading players to fight against the system's army. All major portals have also introduced this battle in large sections on their homepages, describing the battle. The meaning is overwhelming.”

The battle in Yunxiao Territory?

It turned out to be Da Liang!

Shi Fei checked the Internet, and sure enough, everything he saw was advocating for the Yunxiao Leader's battle.

The battle scenes are streamlined and made into highlights, and the special effects are rendered to make everyone who sees it excited.

The major media outlets did their best to publicize this battle.

"This is a milestone in the history of Chinese heroic world games. It represents the cry and unyieldingness of players, just like our modern history. Under oppression, we finally sounded the clarion call to fight back, letting us know that we have the power to resist and defeat everything. The strength of the enemy.

In this war, I seem to see the soul of our nation, our yearning for a prosperous and powerful country, and external pressure cannot stop our strength. No matter whether my opponents come from the east, north, west, or south, as long as we unite in Clenching our fists together, we can smash all enemies to pieces just like we did in the Cloud Territory. "

This exciting comment is mapped from inside the game to outside the game, and from outside the game to inside the game. The national sentiment of Chinese players was aroused, and players with deep pockets both inside and outside the game began to inflate themselves.

Shi Fei said.

"Attack the College Alliance! Attack the Yunxiao Leader! Attack the Judgment Legion! Attack Da Liang!"

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