Start with an Archangel

Chapter 219 After the War

Shu Xiao came over at some point with two bottles of beer in his hand and gave one to Daliang. Then he pulled up a recliner and sat down, with his long legs resting on the window sill and his ten toes stretching playfully.

Then he let out a long sigh: "I didn't expect that I actually killed Feishaozushi. Killing the world's number one lord and the number one player was something I never dared to think about before. Now I actually blocked him and his golden dragon from so many people." It's so satisfying to kill together. Although I didn't kill directly, it was an important assist. I guess my name must be behind your name in the headlines these days. I can be considered famous. Thank you, Master. I have a chance, cheers!”

Daliang clinked the bottles with Shu Xiao, took a big sip of beer, and then asked: "You are not defending the legion station in the game, how come you escaped."

Shu Xiao swallowed a sip of wine, licked the beer foam on the corner of his mouth and said: "Master, your archangel is floating in the sky outside the legion station. Which player who has eaten the Bear Heart Leopard dares to attack our legion station? Now Shi As soon as Fei dies, Master, you show off the 'Meteor of Fire' and the Archangel. The guild attacking the College Alliance immediately disperses. Now Xu Man has proposed in the alliance to elect an alliance consul to concentrate the power of the College Alliance. There should be no such thing this time No more obstruction.”

The original plan of Daliang and Xu Man was to attack Raging Flames when they established the legion, and then slowly promote the centralization of the college alliance.

Now that Shi Fei has suddenly launched an attack on the University Alliance, it has led to the Centralization of Power of the University Alliance even more quickly. It is a foregone conclusion that Lieyan Kuangteng will be kicked out of the alliance, which can be regarded as unintentional.

"Without the raging flames, we have kicked away a big rock. Xu Man's appointment as consul will only benefit and not harm the alliance. From now on, no one will hinder us in Shangjiang, so we can set our sights overseas..."

After experiencing a war, the situation in Shangjiang has temporarily stabilized, and the university alliance can suppress various dissatisfactions after centralizing power.

Internal stability can be like reaching out.

The geographical location of Shangjiang determines that the best development path for people here is to go overseas. For players, the sea is a barren map. As the number of ships in the hands of players increases, the snatching of maritime resources has become inevitable. Colleges and universities with no worries The alliance can focus more on ocean development.

The Blackfire Fleet, which is about to expand again in size, will be a giant that roams the seas.

I can finally let go and rob...

"Hey, hey, hey... Master, what are you thinking about? Did you hear what I said?" Shu Xiao waved his hand in front of Daliang's eyes, finally pulling Daliang out of his mind where he was commanding the fleet to chase the fat sheep on the sea.

"No, didn't you think about anything? What did you just say?"

"I asked you when did you get Angel Ji?"

Daliang asked in confusion: "Angel Ji?"

"The archangel who killed the flying sand and rocks with you is obviously the archangel who joined us last time to kill the arson players in the west of the gravel camp. Such a punctual archangel is very popular now. He is known as Angel Ji. How many applications can you apply for? Players who joined the High School Alliance followed Angel Ji after watching her video. But I didn’t expect that this popular lover would have been taken into your room by Master, saying... When did you take him in? Even me and you Even the apprentices in front of and behind the saddle don’t know.”

Your master and I had an archangel on our first day, but I would never tell anyone about it.

Daliang laughed and said: "In the past two days, your master and I have turned the tide in Songjiang and saved Shangjiang City from the fire and water. Isn't it right to reward me with an archangel? Even a small baron who flies sand and rocks has a golden dragon. Your master is so At the high end, the requirement for one archangel has been lowered, and two were originally awarded, but I saw that Shangjiang City suffered heavy losses in the war, and it would not be easy for them, so I reluctantly asked for one."

Shu Xiao shouted: "Master, you can give it to me if you don't want it..."

Da Liang suddenly thought that he, his apprentice, was never embarrassed when he asked for something, and this time he was bragging a bit too much.

Da Liang said with a straight face: "The Archangel is not here to give you orders and just listen to your orders. If you want a level 14 ultimate unit to obey, the player needs to have enough reputation and strength. Like Master, I will 'release the stars and fire rain' 'Just drink cold water and kill the golden dragon as a warm-up. Only then can the archangel be trained to be obedient. Now I give you an archangel, can you control it?"

Shu Xiao shook his head after learning from the pain: "No, the gap between you and me, Master, is really too big. But I am confident that I will be able to possess the strength of an archangel. Master will definitely get one for me when the time comes."

"Okay, young people should have this kind of courage to face difficulties. They are worthy of my good disciples." However, Daliang thought about how moved he was in Yunzhong City and felt that it would be difficult for him to recruit another archangel. , and said: "In fact, after playing with Feishaozoushi, I feel that in terms of coordination, dragons are more suitable for players than archangels. Dragons can be ridden, and players and dragons can complete offensive and defensive cooperation at one point, while players ride Silver Flying The horse cannot keep up with the speed of the archangel, and the diversity of tactics is limited, so the applicability of the dragon is better than that of the angel."

Shu Xiao thought back to the way he looked while riding a golden dragon. It was so handsome. He immediately forgot about the Archangel: "Dragon, I want a dragon. Master must get me a dragon."

"no problem!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Dragon, it doesn’t seem to be easy to get, right? Thinking about it, Daliang didn't know where to recruit dragons. Those players who had dragons would definitely not reveal such secrets. Even the "selfless" Shi Fei would not be able to release such a strategy.

But with a complete dragon corpse, Daliang can refine a bone dragon, and then try his luck to build a frost dragon.

Dragon corpse...

not good!

Shi Fei's golden dragon has been killed, and the body is still lying on the ground. Will it be picked up and dragged away after such a long time?

Da Liang drank the wine in one go, then got angry and put it down, not knowing what was going on. Shu Xiao ran back to his room.


Da Liang rushed out from the resurrection point, ignored the series of message prompts, quickly summoned the Silver Pegasus, mounted it, and flew south of Shangjiang City.

Julian did not receive any further instructions from Da Liang and was still floating in the air. Below he was already surrounded by players who came to watch Angel Ji. It must be said that Julian became very popular after showing off his appearance.

On the ground below Julian, there was a large piece of scorched earth burned by the fire. The body of a golden dragon lay there, covered with a layer of ashes.

A circle of bull-headed players stood around the golden dragon.

It's a rampaging bull head.

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