Start with an Archangel

Chapter 235 Crash

After receiving Da Liang's order, Shu Xiao, who had been impatient for the battle for a long time, had already dived down from high altitude.

The thunderbird's attack triggered thunder, and a thunderbolt struck from Shu Xiao's side. A bull-headed king was electrocuted and fell to the ground.

Dodging the short spears fired by the ballista, Shu Xiao rode the silver Pegasus and flew close to the side of the "Dark River". Fighting was taking place in all the open spaces, and the melee forced Evil Eye and Queen Medusa to participate in hand-to-hand combat.

Both of these dungeon troops are excellent in both long-range and melee combat. There is no melee penalty, and they are capable of both line resistance and long-range support.

Among them, Queen Medusa has a chance to trigger petrification magic during melee combat. Her attributes are more focused on melee combat, making her a very difficult character.

Just as Shu Xiao was observing the entire battlefield and asking Orbit to move closer to him and gather some griffins to find a breakthrough, a tauren hero riding a manticore rushed out from the bridge of the "Dark River".

He is Viscount Bob, the captain of the "Dark River".

The two heroes riding the Silver Pegasus are obviously the commanders of this flying force. As long as they are killed, the griffins and dragonflies who have lost their command will become confused and then be eliminated.

Manticore (level 12 dungeon)

Attack: 16

Defense: 14

Kill: 140-200

HP: 800

Characteristics of the unit: Poison Tail (20% chance of causing paralysis when attacking the target)

Manticores have the body of a lion and a pair of fleshy wings. Their tails have barbs like the scorpion tails. The scorpion tails of poisonous manticores contain toxins. Attacks by the scorpion tails have a chance of causing paralysis. They cannot be dispelled by magic and are attacked. Or after thirty minutes, the paralysis effect will be lifted.

The Manticore's offense and defense are very mediocre among arms at the same level, and their arm characteristics are one of their highlights, especially in the air. Being paralyzed and falling down is not much different from being killed.

In addition, the speed of the Manticore is similar to that of the Silver Pegasus.

Shu Xiao took Orbit to fight Viscount Bob in the air, and the short spears shot from the ship constantly threatened the lives of the two people.

The battle on the deck was still fierce, and more dungeon soldiers rushed out of the cabin.

No, if you keep fighting like this, you will die sooner or later.

"Dragon flies attack the forecastle and stern of the ship, and the griffins destroy the sails at the speed of the ship. Master, it seems that we people can't capture the "Dark River" and prepare for the "Meteor and Fire Shower" bombing."

Daliang, who flew over with Astro, glanced at the battle on the "Dark River".

Shu Xiao and Obit were being attacked by Viscount Bob. They were in danger of being hanged and hacked to death at any time.

If the Frost Dragon is allowed to support him, his huge body will be the best target for the ballista on the battleship. If Viscount Bob cannot be killed quickly, Astor's life will be in danger.

If you dodge the crossbows from above and attack the deck... the soldiers on both sides are anxious, and with a breath of dragon's breath, they will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. Who will occupy the enemy ship after killing all their own soldiers?

But using "Meteor and Fire Shower" against the "Dark River", wouldn't it mean to sink this aerial battleship?

The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and there is no room for worry about gains and losses. If you want to win, you have to go all out. Since you can't come up with a better way, just do what Shu Xiao said.

Order Astro to climb and fly towards the sky above the "Dark River".

Dragonflies pin down the long-range units on the "Dark River".

The griffon destroyed the sail, its claws and eagle's beak tore big gaps in the canvas, and the "Dark River", which lost power, slowed down.

A red cloud appeared two hundred meters above the "Dark River".

"Shu Xiao, retreat, retreat! Retreat quickly!"

The "Meteor Shower" began to gather energy, and the battleship was reflected in red. All air units of the Blackfire Fleet quickly fled the "Dark River" after receiving the evacuation order.

The fighting on the deck stopped in just a few seconds, and all the sailors looked up at the red clouds that were gathering and expanding above them.

There is an undead dragon hovering higher in the sky. The hero on the back of the undead dragon is holding a magic scroll and constantly replenishing magic energy into the fire cloud.

All the ballistas on the upper deck of the "Dark River" have been destroyed, and the long-range attacks of Poisonous Eye and Queen Medusa failed to hit the mages on the edge of the range.

"Fly up and kill him."

Viscount Bob shouted and drove the manticore to rush towards the undead dragon, and the remaining harpies rushed upward together.

However, a large group of undead ghosts suddenly appeared around the undead dragon, and they wailed and rushed downwards.

Haunted spirits blocked the Harpy's path, and fire rained down and meteorites fell.

it's over.

Viscount Bob stopped in the air and looked down at the entire battlefield. On one side of him was a shower of meteors and fire, on the other side was the body of the harpy falling, and the black linen clothes fluttering in the wind.

The roar of cannons never stopped for a moment.

Their own fleet was huddled in a bay. Opposite them, multiple artillery pieces poured out cannonballs. The cannonballs boiled the small bay, and the agitated water column could almost submerge the fleet.

The black and red dragons were trapped by a level 15 creature that suddenly appeared. She killed Master Ackerman, and now the dragons are about to be poisoned by her.

Another red dragon was killed, and the remaining dragons were also scarred.

And where is my "Underwater Number"?

Rain of fire and meteorites have enveloped it.


It was originally thought that the three parties in Shangjiang City were constraining each other, and their fleets were suspicious of each other and did not dare to act rashly. What was the result?

Humans, orcs, swamps, elves, undead, and hell, they should be enemies, but they are united.

"Viscount Bob, surrender. You can get the treatment that a nobleman deserves. You will be in the cell I prepared for you, waiting for your family to get the ransom to rescue you."

Viscount Bob turned around and saw an undead dragon parked next to him, with a hero sitting on his back. He should be the supreme commander of this fleet.

Viscount Bob asked: "Can I know your name?"

Daliang smiled and said: "No, I am a pirate now. Before you can still have contact with Jeju City, I was a pirate. If you agree to surrender, your contact with Jeju City will be severed. At that time, I can tell Your name and mine. How about it? End the rest of this meaningless battle, and your dragons and your soldiers will survive."

At this time, the energy of the "Dark River" was destroyed, its hull tilted, and it slowly fell toward the sea below.

Viscount Bob thought for a moment and said, "I'm really sorry. The war between Jeju City and Shangjiang City in the East China Sea has just begun. I don't want to be the first fleet commander and nobleman to surrender."

"That means...there's nothing to talk about?"

Viscount Bob drove the Manticore to rush towards Da Liang, with a battle ax raised high, the ax blade shining, and a skill ready to be used.

At the same time, contact the stationed magician and prepare to detonate the core of the "Dark River".

At this time, a magic spell was thrown out by Daliang first.


The frantic Viscount Bob struck the manticore on the neck with an axe, and the lion's head was cut off. Viscount Bob, who was swinging the ax crazily in the air, fell down together with the manticore.

At the same time, the "Dark River" also fell into the sea, and its hull was shattered.

There are some things today, two updates.

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